Li Zhuo had said it all, and Zanlangbao and Fu Yun could only nod.

Think about it too.

When they handed over the army to Li Rail and commanded it alone, they could still count the cities and achieve good results.

Today, the appearance of three people in power in the coalition army is not good.

This also led to chaos within the coalition.

They also clearly knew that it had been more than two months since the siege of Chang'an City, and now was a critical period.

If nothing else.

Soon, a

great war between you and me will break out

! Therefore, unity at the moment is the most important!

Seeing that the two agreed with their opinions, Li Zhuo was no longer polite and immediately ordered:

"The whole army will rest in place for ten days from now on!"

During these ten days, every meal was arranged for the soldiers, so that everyone could eat and drink enough to nourish their spirits

!" "At the same time, carefully check all the artillery!" Just

today, Li Zhuo found that many of these artillery pieces actually had cracks!


!" Fu Yun's expression was a little solemn, and he said worriedly:

"Brother Li, I heard that on the battlefield today, a new weapon has emerged from the enemy

!" "The range of this weapon is longer than that of an arrow, and its lethality is greater, and it can be fired three times!"

For this question raised by Fu Yun, Li Li also kept thinking about it on the way back.

Although he had never seen the "mysterious weapon" in An Xiuren's mouth, what was shot into the soldier's thigh, he made people take it out and study it.

The soldiers heard the other man say two things:

"Flintlock ready

!" and "Bullet loaded!"


weapon is called a "flintlock gun", and the bullet that penetrates the soldier's thigh is called a "bullet

"? "Brother

Li?" Li Rail, who was in a trance, returned to his senses

: "What's wrong?" Fu

Yun looked confused

: "What are you thinking, I was asking you about that mysterious weapon?!" Li

Rail's eyes suddenly lit up:

The opponent's weapon is called a flintlock gun, and the bullet that is fired into the soldier's body is called a bullet.

Li Rail suddenly approached the sand table and pointed to the northern vein of the Qinling Mountains, located fifty miles south of Chang'an City:

"If I'm not mistaken, this is Cuihua Mountain!" Everyone

looked towards the sand table, not understanding what Li Rail meant, could it be that they wanted to climb the mountain for training?"


Everyone: Are ???


? Are we discussing combat strategies?

Who knows, Li Rail's next words are stunning!

"Do you know that there is a tree that is harder than a steel plate?"

Ronzan Langbao and Fu Yun and the others were interested, and asked one after another

: "Brother Li, what kind

of tree is it?" "At the moment, we lack steel plates, and even that shield is not a standard one

!" "If this tree is made into a shield and protective armor, then the power of the flintlock gun will be greatly reduced!"

Li Rail stared at Cuihuashan with a pair of eyes:

"Where is Li Mao?" A

man with a tiger back, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a rather open-looking appearance walked out.


Order you to lead 50,000 troops, and immediately go to Cuihua Mountain, fifty miles away, to cut down the iron birch tree

!" Li Rail immediately took out a piece of paper and wrote and drew on it:

"This tree is about 20 meters high and about one meter thick, the bark is dark red and densely covered with white spots, and the leaves are like this!"

Li Rail drew an oval-shaped leaf on the paper and handed the paper to Li Mao.

Li Mao immediately organized the men and horses to rush towards Cuihua Mountain.

Hearing this, everyone's confidence increased.

If these armors are created in time, then the power of this Li Zhiyun's flintlock gun will be greatly reduced!

But Li Zhuo still frowned, and his eyes flashed with cruelty:

"Sweep up the nearby villages and towns and borrow some grain from the common people

!" "Anyone who does not borrow grain, capture them all for me and let them block the front of our army's artillery!"

The fierceness in Li Rail's eyes made everyone feel a burst of fear, and even the air was a little cold.

At this moment, the great general Liang Shuo had already walked in with a bloody knife.

Li Shuo asked

, "Can all the five hundred women of the Yin Kingdom be killed?" Liang

Shuo hesitated for a moment:

"King Qiyu, the last general only killed four hundred, and the other hundred..."

Li Zhuo's sharp eyes glanced at the Yanzan Langbao and Fu Yun on the side.

The faces of Zanlang and Fu Yun sank, and they waved their hands:

"That's it, let's kill those women in King Ben's tent as well, anyway, King Ben is tired of playing

!" "It's the same in my account, in addition, the ladies who brought me from Tuyuhun are also done together!" Li

Zhuo nodded with satisfaction with the performance of the two.

I believe that after today's defeat, the two also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although he lost today, Li Li is still full of incomparable confidence in this war.

Not to mention that his black powder, artillery, grenades, and other weapons and ammunition are comparable to Li Zhiyun's, even if Li Zhiyun has an artifact flintlock gun?

It is four times the size of Li Zhiyun's army

! According to the data of the previous siege and defense of the city, as long as it is twice the strength of the troops defending the city, there is hope of breaking the city

! Moreover, he is four times as large!

Everyone immediately performed their own duties according to Li Rail's arrangement.

Li Rail pushed open the tent door, looked up into the distance, and the corners of his mouth rose:

"My great cool is about to rise!" just

when Li Rail shouted his long-cherished wish.

Liu Min, the prime minister of the Huaxia Empire, quickly rode from the Jieyi Empire all the way to the south-west starry night.

Three days later, Liu Min and the others finally arrived at Pibancheng, the capital of Tubo.

Inside a dilapidated temple on the outskirts of Piban.

After tossing and turning many times, Liu Min finally found the convoy of Changsun Wuji, Ma Zhou, and Xin Fang'er who settled here.

"Lord Liu, you are finally here, everything is okay in the

Jieyi Empire?" Liu Min was very happy to find his people in a foreign country

: "Fortunately, the King of the Jieyi has agreed to send troops, and I believe that he will reach the territory of Daliang in a few days!" Ma

Zhou shook his fists excitedly:

"Good, Lord Liu is indeed resourceful, strategic, and

admired!" After Ma Zhou finished speaking, the brilliance on his face quickly dimmed down, turning to a melancholy color.

They set out from Luoyang at the same time as Liu Min, one team went to the Jieyi Empire, and the other team came to Tubo.

According to the emperor's orders, he and Changsun Wuji's task was to stir up the turmoil of the Tubo tribes.

But the current situation is not very ideal, and they still have not found any means to work.

Liu Min saw that under the corner of the dilapidated temple, boxes of flintlock guns, black powder and other weapons did not even open the lid, apparently not given.

Before Liu Min could speak, Ma Zhou took the lead and asked

, "Lord Liu, we have been here for a few days, and we don't know where to start!"

"The four lords of the new forces in Tubo and the old nobles of the six ministers of the father and the mother and the three ministers ignored our visit


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