Liu Min had already studied the new forces "four lords" and the old aristocracy "six ministers of father and king" and "three ministers of mother and queen" in Ma Zhou's mouth.

These four lords are - Niang Zanggu, Ba Yuzebu, Nong Zhongbo, and Drepung Nasheng.

The four of them helped Ronzan Nongbao defeat Subi, and they were meritorious to Tubo, and all became important ministers of Nonzanang.

Each person receives a large fief, similar to the clan king on the land of China.

And it is precisely because of this division of seals that military power has been divided and financial power has been stripped

away! This has completely angered the old aristocracy!

Tubo's old aristocratic system is relatively special, divided into "six ministers of the father and king" and "three ministers of the mother and queen."

Father Wang Liuchen refers to the six powerful tribes in the history of Tubo.

The three queens of the mother refer to three tribes that marry.

They are all primitive forces that have stood on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the founding of the Tubo Dynasty, which is equivalent to the "five surnames and seven families" of the clans on the land of China!

Liu Min was actually thinking about how to disrupt the domestic situation in Tubo on the way here.

By now there is a relatively mature idea.

Liu Min stroked his beard, drank a cup of tea, and began his strategic layout.

The first step was to hire a large number of locals to walk around the various downtown areas to spread rumors.

Let's just say that it is unfavorable for Zan Nongbao to send troops on the Chang'an front.

The 300,000-strong army seemed to be in danger of being replaced by Li Rail,

in order to give the old nobles some illusions that they could launch a new Zampu to inherit the throne.

The new Zampu is Songtsen Gampo, but he is only two years old and is not afraid.

At present, what Liu Min does not know is that Niang Zang Gu followed the Ronzan Langbao to attack Chang'an City, and was already killed by Li Cunxiao!

That's right, the same name and surname!

They belong to a family that has the same name for each generation.

In the second step, after giving hope to the old nobles, they are bound to move.

However, the old aristocracy only controlled part of Tubo's financial power and a small number of troops, and lacked all kinds of weapons.

From this, his own batch of flintlock guns and black powder can be sold to them.

In the third step, their own people pretend to be people of the old nobles, go to the territory of the four lords to do things, and kill people when they see them!

in order to create contradictions, ignite the fuse between the two sides, and let the two sides start large-scale infighting.

The fourth and most crucial step is to fully mobilize the Han people in the Tubo tribes!

They have long been oppressed by various forces in Tubo and have long been determined to overthrow tyranny.

Because there is no hope for many years, I can only hide this idea in my heart.

After listening to Liu Min's strategic layout, Changsun Wuji and Ma Zhou thought deeply, and their admiration for Liu Min deepened.

They had long heard that Liu Min was just a young general under Liang Shidu.

Emperor Li Zhiyun saw the pearl and cultivated it into a humerus beam.

After the three agreed, they immediately split up.


Sure enough,

after two days of hype, the four lords and the old nobles finally took action.

Inside an extravagant flat-roofed house.

The four lords were all present to discuss the current situation.

"What do you think of the Zampu thing that has gone viral these days?"

"This must have been deliberately done by someone to spread some rumors to confuse the public

!" "Yes, what a great person our Zampu is, leading us to conquer Subi in one fell swoop and establish unearthly merits!" "

Yes, everyone must have confidence in our Zampu!"

, He is as eternally brilliant as the sun and as heroic as the mountain

!" "How can our Zampu be subject to Li Rail!" Lin

Zanggu, the leader of the four lords, waved his hand:

"Having said that, you must not guard against it!" The

other three nodded in tacit agreement, they knew who Lin Zanggu meant by "defense"!

In the past two days, according to eyeliner, the wine bags of the six ministers of the father and the mother and the three ministers have long been ready to move.

They wanted to elect Songtsen Gampo (who was only two years old (to write a familiar name directly for easy identification) to the throne, so that they could control it.

If the old aristocracy really staged a coup d'état, the power in Tubo would return to the old aristocracy again.


the end, the four great lords agreed unanimously that they must fight hard and wait for the battle in the coming days.

If the old nobles are in trouble, immediately destroy all these old nobles in the name of protecting the royal power.

While the four lords were discussing important matters, the old nobles of the six ministers of the father and the three ministers of the mother and queen were not idle.

They gathered in the palace of the great nobleman Dabu.

Study and judge the current situation.

The conclusion of the study and judgment is similar to that of the four great lords.

That is, we must pay special attention to the dynamics of the four lords in the past few days, and be ready to confront at any time.

But they were also in a state of sorrow.

Policies are easy to formulate, but difficult to implement.

Just because they only hold a small amount of military power and weapons in their hands.

If the four lords attack it, let alone support the new Zampu to succeed to the throne, even self-preservation will become a problem.

And right now.

There was a noise outside the door, and a group of guards escorted dozens of people in.

"Lord Kai Yu Dabu, these people are sneaking around the night market, and after our initial interrogation, they suspect that they are reselling weapons. "


everyone listened, and the expression on their faces was quite complicated.

Anger and a hint of anticipation.

The anger is because they lack the weapons of the old nobility, but there are still people selling weapons!

Just as I wanted to sleep, someone brought pillows.

As soon as the lack of weapons was talked about, someone brought weapons to the door.

Everyone looked at the dozens of people kneeling on the ground, and their hearts were full of doubts.

From the perspective of appearance alone, these people do not look like the original Tubo people, and should belong to the third and fourth generations of the Tubo Han people.

"Raise your head and say where are you from?" Xin

Fang'er, dressed as a Tubo man, slowly raised his head and said in a broken Tubo script:

"Lords of Qiyu, we are from the northwest border and came to this horse just to do some small business.

"Please let us go

!" the guard on the side pointed at Xin Fang'er with an angry face:

"You even said that you are doing a small business, bring me all in!" The

guard carried two boxes of heavy things into the house.

Dabu and the others looked around the box:

"This is...?"

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