Xin Fang'er slapped the door of his head sharply and said with a smile:

"Don't blame it, my lord, it's the first time I've seen a high-ranking official like you, and my thoughts are confused all of a sudden."

"I have long heard that Lord Dabu is handsome and courageous, and today I lost my mind when I saw it..."

This series of rainbow, Dabu laughed.

Xin Fang'er pointed to the black powder and flintlock gun on the ground, and continued:

"Lord Hui, these weapons are not cheap, I don't know how much adults want?"

"The price is negotiable, I will buy it at a high price."

Dabu winked at the guard, who immediately brought a box of gold from the vault at the back of the temple.

When the "bang" and the gold is placed on the ground.

The faces of Xin Fang'er and the others were full of greed, and

saliva was about to flow down:

"This... This... I haven't seen so much gold yet.

"This... A lot of money, get rich, get rich!" The

disgusting greed on Xin Fang'er's face made Dabu and everyone feel much more at ease.

In this way, this person is indeed a businessman.

Invincible, all eyes are money.

If a person loves money and loves money, then it will be easy to do!

"Little brother, is this gold enough?" Xin

Fang'er nodded desperately:

"Lord Qiyu, it's not a secret, I have more than a hundred boxes of black powder!"

One hundred boxes, what is this concept

? Each box is nearly 100 catties, and 100 boxes is 10,000 catties of black powder!

If nothing else, it should be enough to blow up half of the soldiers of those four lords?

"As for this flintlock gun, it is a rare thing, and there are only a few things below... Two thousand

!" "Fifty thousand bullets!" Boom

! One

after another blissful lightning slashed at everyone, and they were all intoxicated with the infinite fantasy of victory.

Dabu pondered in his heart.

Two thousand guns, fifty thousand rounds of ammunition, an average of twenty-five guns each.

Combined with the use of black powder, it was almost enough to defeat the four lords.

Seeing that Dabu did not speak, Xin Fang'er thought that he was not satisfied with the number of bullets, and immediately added:

"Adults don't have to worry about these bullets, you can also ask those merchants in the Jieyi Empire to sell some more!"

It is not good for them to take out too much, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the Ring King, it may be necessary ... Dabu


, "Little brother, do you need more gold?"

"Whatever can be solved with gold, everything is not a problem!" Dabu

cheerfully asked him to carry two boxes of gold to Xin Fang'er, telling him to buy some more bullets back.

Xin Fang'er looked at the three large boxes of gold, and promised one hundred boxes of black powder and flintlock guns, which would be delivered tomorrow morning.

Dabu was still not at ease:

"Well, I believe your little brother, it's better for us to pay with one hand and deliver with the other hand tomorrow morning!" Xin

Fang'er walked out of Dabu's mansion with his men, and only after turning around this city for two hours and throwing off all tracking eyeliner did he return to the dilapidated small temple.

At the same time, the eyeliner of Lin Zanggu, who was lurking here, also went back to life.

After hearing that the old nobles had purchased a large amount of black powder and mysterious weapons, Lin Zanggu became nervous.

It seems that this old nobleman is determined to do something.


also want to buy black powder, but where to buy it

? What should be done now

? Whether to fight or not?

Whoever starts first will lose money in civil wars.

If you take the lead in starting a civil war, you will inevitably fall under the handle.

In the event that the Zangyang came back from the front, they would definitely be questioned!

In the face of the current situation, the four great lords were in a dilemma.

And at this moment, I only heard the loud noise outside, the sound of horses' hooves gradually rising, and it seemed that someone had invaded.

Everyone immediately rushed out, only to see dozens of horses rampaging.

The man on the horse held two mysterious weapons in his hands, shooting "bang bang".

The guards, who had no time to resist, were killed and injured all at once, and

then, these people disappeared into the night with lightning speed.

Lin Zanggu carefully examined the dozens of corpses lying on the ground.

Everyone appeared to have been uninjured by a large blunt object, but blood flowed to the ground.

"Look, adults, this is the bullet of a flintlock gun, the little one saw it with his own eyes in Dabu's house, there is absolutely nothing wrong!"

said an eyeliner with conviction.

Lin Zang Gu picked up an empty bullet casing on the ground, held it tightly in his hand, and couldn't wait to crush it

: "Guys, the old nobles have already started first, what are we waiting for?"

"Waiting for death?!" Lin

Zang Gu's eyes burst into bloodthirsty eyes:

"I don't believe that our people who have been fighting on the battlefield for many years can't beat these official masters?"

The bullets will run out sooner or later!" The

other three lords, as if they had made up their minds, said solemnly:

"Commander Lin Zanggu is right, first attack is strong

, then the next will suffer!" "If we continue to fight back at this time, then our fiefdom will become the pocket of the old nobles."

The four lords immediately gathered all their soldiers and horses and gathered in front of Lin Zanggu's flat-roofed house.

Ma Zhou, who was hiding in the shadows, smiled heartily.

The fun begins.

Let's look at the old nobles and the four lords fighting.

Sure enough

, after a day of preparation, the four lords commanded 60,000 troops, mostly brave and good cavalry, and marched towards the old nest of the old nobles, the camp in the west of the city.

All the arrangements of the four lords were also passed on to the old nobleman's Dabu through scouts.

Dabu immediately organized a combat force of 20,000 men and prepared to meet the enemy.

Although there were only 20,000 people, under the promise of heavy rewards, the combat power of these 20,000 people was far stronger than that of ordinary soldiers

! In addition, they had black powder and flintlock guns in their hands, and although the number was very different from that of the four lords, their strength was equal!

The battle was extremely fierce, the arrows and machetes slashed at each other!

Black powder was constantly detonated, and flintlock guns were fired at everyone.

The old aristocracy once had the upper hand in the firefight.

There were many innocent people who were accidentally injured and shot

! In Pibang City, the people's hearts were in chaos, and the people were scattered!

They frantically hoarded grain, and an uncontrollable situation of smashing and looting appeared.

The whole city fell into extreme panic.

Liu Min and Changsun Wuji were not idle.

The two arrived at a remote Han tribe northwest of Piban.


Unknowingly, this book is almost 700,000 words, thank you for your support and encouragement along the way~

I hope that everyone will continue to support me.

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~ There are still [Power with love] and [gifts] in your hands, smash them over~

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