Liu Min and Changsun Wuji could feel that communication was much simpler here in the Han tribe.

They don't need to show any paperwork at all, just talking to them in fluent Chinese can open the floodgates of their feelings and make them very excited.

Wang Yi, the leader of the Han tribe, warmly welcomed Liu Min and Changsun Wuji.

Changsun Wuji looked at it and felt a lot in his heart.

It is basically desert, there is very little dead grass to see, and all kinds of resources are extremely scarce.

The flat-roofed houses were already dilapidated.

It can't cover the rain, but it can breathe the wind.

Although you can see a starry sky in the sky, you can't see hopeful stars in this starry sky.

The Han people in the northwest region have long been oppressed and enslaved by the Tubo ruling class.

But even so, in their hearts, the yearning for their homeland and the affirmation of Han consciousness will never be extinguished.


They are very resistant to a series of pro-Tubo cultural policies.


have also submitted countless petitions to the Sui Dynasty's envoys, asking the Sui Emperor to recover the northwest region and let them go home

! But the Sui Emperor, who has been in turmoil for a long time, has already been in a state of anxiety, and even has a hard time defending against the Tubo attack, and until the death of the Sui Emperor, he has no ability to fight back!

I wanted to unplug it, but no one helped.

Seeing Liu Min, Changsun Wuji and others dressed in Han costumes, countless trapped people surrounded them, and wept

in the passage: "Does Emperor Sui still want to trap the creatures?"

When Liu Min heard the three words "Sui Emperor", he felt sad.

Tubo implemented a strict surveillance policy here, and constantly arranged a large number of cavalry patrols in the border areas.

They want to escape back to the land of China, want to understand the outside world, and it is extremely difficult.

Therefore, to this day, they still think that the land of China is still under the rule of the Sui Emperor of the Sui Dynasty.

Liu Min said the latest situation in China from beginning to end.

The more people listened, the more excited they became.

"Lord Liu, did His Royal Highness really break a city by himself, and kill the dog thief Liang Shidu with less victory

?" "Lord Liu, did His Royal Highness the Emperor summon up to capture Western Qin, defeat Da Liang, take Dou Jiande, influence Wang Shichong, and kill Liu Heiman and Luo Yi?"

In the face of everyone's questions, Liu Min kept nodding.


is the life they want!

But after a short period of longing, it is accompanied by deep loss and helplessness.

They have long had the intention of resisting the tyranny of Tubo, but there has been no progress for hundreds of years.

Not because they don't dare.

They've tried it too.


present, the Han tribes have difficulty in food and clothing, and they have no decent weapons and equipment.

In the face of the 300,000-strong army of Zanzan, there is no heart.

Liu Min flicked his beard, took Wang Chui's hand, and said solemnly:

"Brother, this time I pulled ten carriages, all of which are grain!"

"In addition, there are three large boxes of gold placed in a temple in the suburbs, you can send someone to secretly fetch them."

Wang Chong excitedly held Liu Min's hand, grateful to him.

At the same time, Wang Chong kept looking elsewhere unsteadily, constantly watching.

"Don't be afraid, brother, the Tubo scouts in this vicinity have long been wiped by us!" Wang

Chui's tense expression finally relaxed

: "Master Liu, do you have any plans for coming this time?"

"As long as we can help, we will do our best!" Liu

Min looked at Wang Chong firmly and patted his chest:

"The day when you go home is not far away!" "


everyone gathered around, their eyes filled with endless expectation.

"Yes, the 300,000-strong army of Zanlongbao will surely be defeated by His Royal Highness the Emperor

!" "My soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire will definitely set foot on this land and rescue you from

fire and water!" "Do you want to fight together for freedom and for a better life?!"

Everyone immediately raised their hands in excitement and shouted:

"Yes, we are willing!"

Kill the Tubo dog and restore your free body!" Changsun

Wuji came to everyone:

"Everyone, in the next time, my eldest grandson Wuji will fight side by side with you!" "

I will help everyone train hard, teach you to use advanced weapons, and you grow high-yield crops."

After Changsun Wuji finished speaking, he brought in hundreds of boxes of black powder, thousands of flintlock guns, and countless bullets.

The expectation in everyone's eyes turned to gold.

"Brother, I want to ask, how many Han tribes like us are there?"

Wang turned to the bed, and mysteriously pulled out a worn-out cloth from the bottom stone gap.

After opening layer after layer, a simple version of the hand-drawn drawing is presented in front of everyone.

"Lord Liu, Lord Changsun, Tubo has a total of more than six million residents, of which Han people account for about 500,000.

"In Tubo, the four great lords and the two forces of the old nobility represent the ruling class of Tubo.

"There are many, many tribes like mine, but Tubo drove us to different places in order to control the development of our Han people.

Liu Min nodded and said happily

: "Brother, let me tell you the good news, the four great lords and the old nobles are about to be finished!" Everyone

immediately looked bright

: "Really, could it be that Lord Liu brought the soldiers?"

Liu Min shook his head:

"It was their two factions of dog and dog that fought each other, and now it is estimated that they have already exchanged fires!"

This is probably Lord Liu's strategy, I am really talented in Huaxia

!" Liu Min's expression became serious, and he said solemnly

: "Brother, you must not miss the opportunity to come again, your priority now is to unite more Han tribes, join this melee, and turn Tubo upside down!"

Wang Yi also solemnly handed over his hand:

"Lord Liu, please rest assured, we will seize this opportunity!"

Everyone also looked firmly, and the waist seemed to stand straight all of a sudden:

"Please rest assured, Lord Liu

!" "Even for our own sake, we will do our best!" Changsun

Wuji stayed behind and instructed everyone to use flintlock guns and the method of lining up troops.

Liu Min quickly mounted the Peerless Iron Horse and rushed towards the other Han tribes on the diagram.

In a short period of time, he will strive to persuade a few more Han tribes to light a fire for this battle!

Although the situation is complicated, it will become clearer and clearer!

Liu Min's mind turned rapidly, analyzing the situation in Tubo, Tuyuhun, and Daliang.


It is believed that after the three-way melee, there will be great chaos in Tubo!

The Han people have the opportunity to grasp the situation and gain the right to rule.

If the Tubo regime collapses, Na Zanlangbao will also lose the motivation to fight in Chang'an.

Imagine if the heads of the four great lords and the old nobles were given to the praise bag far away in Chang'an.

Will he be like an arrow in his

heart? Will he be like a dead heart?

Liu Min did not plan to go in person.

You only need to tell the top warlord Tianzhu King in Tuyuhun about the current situation in Chang'an through eyeliner.

Presumably, the Tianzhu King will definitely seize the opportunity and set off a big storm of usurping power and seeking the country.

Big cool.

The navy of the King of the Ring Sun should have detoured through the Himalayas, set foot on the territory of Daliang in a roundabout way, and began a frenzied massacre!

The Three Kingdoms were in chaos, and the million-strong coalition army entrenched in front of Chang'an City completely lost its large base and supplies in the rear.

A knowing smile appeared on Liu Min's face, and his thoughts had already drifted to the sky of Chang'an City:

"Emperor, is the battle in Chang'an going well?"

Li Zhiyun was patrolling the city wall with all the soldiers.

It's been half a month, why hasn't Li Rail's coalition moved for a long time?

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