Just when Li Shimin was lost in thought.

The sky above the western, eastern, and southern gates of Chang'an City was already filled with thick black smoke! The

sound of artillery fire became more and more dense, and the sound was getting closer and closer!

The artillery of the coalition forces and the artillery of Zong Luoji, Li Jing, and Du Fuwei came and went, shooting at each other.

This coalition force pushed forward as if it were desperate, reaching the first line of defense of the three gates.

Especially in Ximen, the coalition forces have more troops than other places.

Zong Luoji, who was in charge of guarding the west gate, looked at the advancing artillery and the surging army, and his face was covered with beads of sweat.

The opponent's firepower was extremely ferocious.

Although he had the blessing of the Wolong Fort, he did not take much advantage of the other party.

In particular, he discovered a strange phenomenon;

the armor worn by each soldier on the other side was a bit special.

The main color of this armor is red, which is embellished with many whites.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like ordinary armor.

The defense is simply against the sky.

Unless the shell hits them, they will be killed.

And the aftermath of the artillery fire, the flying sand and stones set off by the artillery fire, was directly blocked by the shield, and they could not hurt them in the slightest.

The same goes for Wolong Fort.

Zong Luo clearly saw that the black and thick spear hit the chest of the opposing soldier.

But he only pushed the soldiers back four or five meters, but did not break through the armor on their bodies!

Seeing that

the black-pressed artillery and the allied forces were about to fully approach the West Gate trench, Li Shimin, who was stationed at the North Gate, was anxious.

After a brief analysis with Li Xuanba, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, and others, Li Shimin could basically conclude that the enemy's attack this time focused on the other three gates!

not the main gate!

Although the main gate has always been the main battlefield of Chang'an City, it is not the only passage.

Opening the other three gates, Chang'an City also means falling.


weighing the pros and cons, Li Shimin immediately made a decision and led half of the troops stationed at the main gate to march towards the west gate through the connected trenches.

They are going to support Soro.

A large number of soldiers immediately followed Li Shimin to Ximen and joined Zong Luoji's defensive army.

"King Tang, you are so daring, why did you leave without permission?!" Although

Zong Luoji knew that Ximen's situation was critical, he understood a truth.



and the others said eagerly while helping to fill the bomb

: "If you lose here, will the main gate still have defensive value?"

What Li Shimin said was indeed right,

just when Li Shimin was concentrating on assisting Zong Luoji in the battle.

The herald soldier rushed to Li Shimin, his face was full of urgency and horror, so that his tongue began to knot when he spoke:

"Qiyu... King of the Great Tang, North Gate... "

What's wrong with the North Gate?!" Li

Shimin suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart, anxiously grabbed the herald's collar and lifted it directly from the ground.

"A large number of allied troops have appeared at the north gate, coming towards us

!" "Our brothers in the trenches have been completely exposed to each other's firepower!" Li

Shimin was shocked:

"What!?" Why

didn't the north gate hear any sound?

At some point, a large number of allied troops pushed artillery and rushed towards the north gate.

At this moment, Li Shimin finally saw through Li Rail's scheme.

On the surface, he was attacking the western, southern, and eastern gates of Chang'an City, but in fact he hid his troops under trenches.

When approaching the main gate, he took advantage of his underestimation of the enemy to go to support

Zong Luoji, and suddenly killed! "Li Shimin, you quickly go to the north gate, here is handed over to me Zong Luoji, I can withstand it!" Zong Luoxi pushed Li Shimin

away at once.


Shimin, who was

commanding the battle at the north gate, shouted loudly at

Li Shimin: "Haha, Li Shimin, why are you back again?"

Hundreds of artillery pieces were full of fire and blasted towards Li Shimin, who was rushing to the main gate.

Li Shimin was shocked.

"Hurry up!" "

Lie down! Enter the bomb shelter!" Li

Shimin commanded anxiously, his face full of panic.

I asked myself, I have been fighting on the battlefield for more than 10 years, why have I ever been so flustered and embarrassed like today?

The blame is that I am too light on the enemy! The blame is

that I did not stick to my inner judgment and left without permission to help other city gates.

If Li Zhiyun asks about the crime, he will definitely be severely punished!

Dense artillery fire and black smoke covered the sky above the main entrance.

Li Zhiyun, who was directing armored combat vehicles in the city, had a bad premonition and immediately boarded the head of the city at the main gate.

In front of the main entrance, Li Rail's coalition forces were full of them!

They were divided into two columns.

After more than two hundred guns of the first column fired shells, while advancing forward, the second column opened fire at the same time.

Li Shimin's trenches were completely exposed to the enemy's fire range.

Yellow sand flew and artillery fire roared.

Countless soldiers in the trenches have been blown up, mutilated, and killed!

Two artillery columns of the coalition forces, crossing to cover the advance of the infantry regiment.

Li Shimin was horrified! The

infantry of the other side was probably about to rush up!

"Everyone resist me!" "Give me

all the shells

!" "Wolong Fort, fire

at full capacity!" "Swear to coexist and die with Chang'an City!" Li

Shimin looked at the more than 2,000 soldiers killed on the ground, full of grief and indignation!

Li Shimin came to the front, personally loading and firing artillery regardless of his life!

But a moment later, Li Shimin discovered the same problem as Zong Luoji found.

That's these coalition forces, it's hard to be killed

, only if the shell hits them just right, can they be killed.

Otherwise, the fragments of the shell will at most overturn them and will not cause substantial damage!

The originally black, thick, and powerful spears could not penetrate the armor on their bodies when they shot at the coalition forces, and could only shake them to the ground.

Only when a very small number of spears hit the opponent's head can they kill them

! These allied troops who were knocked down by the spears got up and patted the dust on their bodies and continued to move forward

! Li Shimin also finally understood that it was not that these people were not afraid of death

, but that they had the protection of this armor and it was very difficult to die!

The situation was very critical, and Li Zhiyun, who was standing in the city, inadvertently clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of worry.

This damn Li

Shimin! Wise for a lifetime confused

! Why did he make such a big mistake?

He dared to leave his post without permission

! Let that Li Rail's army have an opportunity! Li

Shimin had a hunch that the situation was not good, and that the first line of defense at the main gate might soon be lost.

And the soldiers of the other three gates have also been entangled by the coalition forces and cannot come to support

!" "Everyone, after the shells are gone, prepare for close combat!" Li

Shimin pulled out the horizontal knife at his waist and roared.

At this moment.

Deep in the dense forest on both wings of Chang'an City, countless cavalry suddenly surged out, rushing towards Li Rail's artillery.

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