Li Shimin fixed his gaze.

It was the tiger iron horse led by

Li Cunxiao! "Target, the opponent's artillery array, kill me!" Li

Cunxiao brandished the eight-hundred-pound Yuwang Hammer and fought forward to kill.

The deputy leader of the Tiger Iron Horse who was dormant on the other side and Demon God and Hua Yan suddenly shocked.

According to the original plan, it should be after Li Zhiyun's armored fighting vehicle rushed out of the city gate, and the tiger iron horse could be killed to cooperate with Li Zhiyun's motorized troops.

And now it is clear that under the critical situation, Li Cunxiao took the lead in trying to defuse the crisis at the North Gate

! "Soldiers, kill me!" The

Demon God and Hua Yan gave an order!

The tiger iron horse of more than 9,000 people immediately grasped the Mo knife in one hand and the grenade in the other, and rushed towards Li Rail's army.

Li Rail, who was in the rear to direct the operation, also saw the cavalry rushing on the left and right wings.

Li Li smiled heartily, the cavalry that suddenly appeared on these two wings, he had already prepared.

Chang'an City has flat terrain, and the dense forests on both wings can hide soldiers.

Through several confrontations with Li Zhiyun, Li Rail also has a certain understanding of Li Zhiyun.

He didn't believe that Li Zhiyun couldn't see through all this.

He did not believe that Li Zhiyun would not hide troops in the dense forest

! Now it seems that he guessed correctly!

Li Rail immediately used the banner to direct the coalition forces to fight against the cavalry.

The generals Liang Shuo and Li Mao, who were defending on both sides of the artillery, immediately mobilized the army according to Li Rail's instructions.


Lancemen and grenade soldiers get ready!" Liang

Shuo and Li Mao gave an order, and countless soldiers immediately raised the shields in their hands above their heads to form a defensive formation of "inverted iron pots".

This array, viewed from a distance, is like an iron pot buckled to the ground.

Li Cunxiao's tiger iron horse, as long as he threw a grenade, the "iron pot" immediately buckled tightly to the ground.

During the short gap when Li Cunxiao's Tiger Iron Horse was preparing for the next round of grenades, the "iron pot" immediately opened and threw spears and grenades at the Tiger Iron Horse!

Li Zhiyun, who was standing in the city, looked at the tiger and iron horse that was constantly sprinting in the crowd, and a hanging heart raised his throat.

He saw that there were already countless tigers and iron horses, stabbed down their war horses, pierced in their chests, and blown off their limbs by grenades

! The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce

! Li Shimin looked at the tragic picture in front of him, and he constantly blamed himself!

All this was caused by his own desertion.

But Cheng Yanjin shook his head and did not agree with Li Shimin's statement.

"King of the Great Tang, even if we don't leave without permission, it will be difficult to conquer the coalition army

!" "Their artillery and grenades are on par with us, but they have shields that are harder than steel!"

Li Xuanba on the side, looking at Li Cunxiao who was constantly fighting in the crowd, his eyes were full of scarlet bloodthirst.


Xuanba suddenly jumped up, holding the twin hammers, stepped on the war horse, and rushed forward desperately!

Li Zhiyun in the city shouted loudly to the front:

"Third brother, don't be reckless, don't be impulsive, keep the formation!" Because the

distance was too far, Li Xuanba did not hear Li Zhiyun's order.

But he heard Li Shimin's "third brother".

Li Xuanba suddenly swung his tail, turned his head to look at Li Shimin, and said loudly:

"My second brother will not have children's love, he will only fight with all his strength!"

After speaking, Li Xuanba rushed forward like a gust of wind.

"Second brother"?

Li Shimin's heart suddenly rose with a burst of warmth, and a pair of scarlet eyes gave birth to a little warmth.

"Everyone, give me the death to defend Chang'an City!" Li

Xuanba's words further inspired Li Shimin's determination to defend Chang'an City.

Li Cunxiao in the crowd, holding an eight-hundred-pound Yu Wang Hammer in his hand, smashed towards the defensive formation!

In an instant, the powerful force shattered the bones of the soldiers under the shield

! The defensive formation of the coalition army immediately collapsed! Li

Cunxiao and the tiger iron horse rushed into the formation, frantically harvesting people's heads.

Just when everyone was very excited, thinking that they had conquered the enemy's formation.

Great General Liang Shuo smiled strangely and waved his big hand! In

an instant, countless allied forces immediately formed a defensive formation of "inverted iron pot" again.

More than ten of them were formed at once

! The "iron pot" moved quickly and threw countless grenades at

Li Cunxiao! "General Li be careful!" Li

Xuanba shouted loudly, suddenly pushed Li Cunxiao away, immediately dodged the enemy's grenade from the side, and rushed towards the formation

! Two golden hammers weighing 800 pounds of drums and urns suddenly smashed on the shield!

Li Cunxiao also seized the opportunity and rushed forward.

The two first-class fierce generals, because of Li Zhiyun's system, achieved a time-and-space battle side by side.

The two deputy generals of Demon God and Hua Yan also fought to the death.

The dozens of "iron pot" formations of the coalition army were all crushed!

But they also suffered heavy losses, and countless tigers and iron horses left this world forever.

Liang Shuo, who was under the protection of heavy soldiers, smiled strangely again.

Liang Shuo waved his hand again, and countless allied forces once again formed countless "iron pot"

formations! A steady stream of formations desperately dragged Li Cunxiao's tiger and iron cavalry and Li Xuanba's path forward, making it difficult for them to attack the artillery regiment and infantry regiment in front.

The artillery and infantry regiments were still advancing rapidly towards the main gate.

Chen Bing's Zheng Wenxiu naval corps above the Yellow River also received a report from the front.

The hearts of Zheng Wenxiu, Wei Chi Jingde, Qin Qiong, and Zhang Guangan suddenly became nervous! Could

it be that Chang'an City is going to be conquered?"

asked Shenwu General Qin Qiong.

"Chang'an City is already very dangerous, and the pair of steel whips of Lao Hei have long been hungry and thirsty!" Wei

Chi Jingde suddenly raised his double whips and looked in the direction of Chang'an.

Chang'an City was under heavy artillery fire, and the entire sky was full of smoke, and the situation was very critical.

"Lord Zheng, if you don't support it, it's too late!"

Zhang Guangan also looked at Zheng Wenxiu anxiously.

Zheng Wenxiu didn't want to go to support, but he was weighing.

He has not yet received an order from His Royal Highness.

If the naval corps rushes out, will it disrupt the emperor's plan to annihilate the enemy?

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