100,000 naval officers and men suddenly all knelt on the deck, stretching for thousands of meters

: "General, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using troops for a while, now Chang'an City is in danger like a pebble

!" "If we don't step up support, I'm afraid this Chang'an City will fall

!" "General, I am willing to bear the great crime of desertion, and please send the army!" Zheng

Wenxiu looked at everyone's resolute gaze and waved his hand:

"You can't afford this crime of desertion!" Zheng

Wenxiu pulled out the horizontal knife at his waist: "I, Zheng Wenxiu

, bear it alone!" "

All the officers and men obeyed the order, the battleship immediately started, the target, Chang'an City, quickly advanced!" All

the naval officers immediately took their places, suddenly started the battleship, and approached the shore with a mighty approach.

The rivers along the river were frozen and warships could not approach.

"Soldiers, jump!" Zheng

Wenxiu was the first to jump into the icy river.

In an instant, the river flooded to the neck and frantically poured into the chest.

Zheng Wenxiu suddenly became excited, tightly grasped the spear in his hand and pierced into the bottom of the river, and moved forward with difficulty.


soldiers fell, and some soldiers stepped on the upside-down arrow at the bottom of the river, and their feet were pierced!

But they endured everything and struggled to advance toward the banks of the Yellow River!


emperor cannot make any mistakes

!" "The king of Tang quickly looks, there is movement along the Yellow River!" "

Zheng Wenxiu?" Li Shimin, Cheng Yanjin, and the others recognized Zheng Wenxiu


"Naval Legion!" "It's the Naval Legion of My Shenzhou Empire coming

!" Li Shimin suddenly felt a burst of excitement:

"Soldiers, our reinforcements have arrived, give me a hard cannon, bombard his mother!" Li

Zhiyun, who stood on the city wall, frowned.


Zhiyun was deeply touched in his heart while complaining that these soldiers did not obey orders.

This is the soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire!

This is the soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire

! At such a time of crisis, he still stood up and

stood up! But Li Zhiyun felt that his whole body suddenly trembled at this moment

! He suddenly felt, as if not far away, a pair of disdainful eyes were staring at him!

Li Rail, who was in the rear of the coalition army, turned up at the corners of his mouth, and gave a little thumbs up to Li Zhiyun with disdain:



of you

can stop the advance of my artillery regiment and infantry regiment

! I will definitely smash Chang'an City to pieces!

I will definitely make you Li Zhiyun kneel at my feet and bow down

! No, it is to crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces!

The reason why Li Rail is so confident is because he has already made arrangements for Zheng Wenxiu's naval corps.

Through the incident of those 500 women of the Yin Kingdom, Li Zhuo keenly saw that these were all Li Zhiyun's schemes

! Above the Yellow River, Li Zhiyun's naval unit must be hidden!

Sure enough, Zheng Wenxiu's appearance today confirmed his thoughts.

Behind Li Rail, Zanlang and Fu Yun looked at Li Rail with admiration

: "Brother Li, you really should be a genius

!" "It is so correct that we entrusted the army to you to command!"

Li Rail smiled proudly:

"Two of you, this is where to go, the good show has just begun!" Li

Rail suddenly waved his flag towards the bank of the Yellow River, and the trumpet sounded the trumpet.

In an instant

, above the banks of the Yellow River, black pressure suddenly came out of the ground to suppress a group of people

! They clenched their horizontal knives, arrows, grenades, and other weapons and killed Zheng Wenxiu's army!

It turned out that Li Rail's secret soldiers had long been ambushed here, each wearing a dark yellow gown, blending with the color of the river beach.

Zheng Wenxiu was shocked, and he saw that there were 50,000 thieves in

the army! The point is that they came prepared!

"Soldiers, kill me!"


Wenxiu, Wei Chi Jingde, Qin Qiong, and Zhang Guangan took the lead in rushing towards the enemy army, desperately waving the weapons in their hands.

Everyone followed behind them, ignoring the weight of their wet clothes

, and took a step forward! At this time, it was close to five o'clock in the morning, and the battle had been going on for five hours continuously.

Tonight's moon is particularly bright, and with the blessing of artillery fire, the night is like day.

Li Zhiyun looked at the soldiers running under artillery fire, and his eyes were crystal clear.

Li Zhuo laughed disdainfully

, "Who else?" "

What other means, just give it to King Ben!"

The sound along the Yellow River surprised everyone.

"King Tang, look quickly, General Zheng's army has been blocked by the coalition forces!" Li

Shimin looked towards the coast, and the excitement he had just had turned into worry now.

How did he know that there was a naval corps above the Yellow River?

Li Shimin had to admit that in this battle, Li Rail was much better than himself in terms of strategic layout.

"Emperor, look quickly, General Zheng was also ambushed by Li Rail

!" "Emperor, open the city to meet the enemy

!" "Although we are ordinary people, but we have hoes and shovels in our hands, we can also take the life of the dog of the coalition army!"

Wei Zheng even led more than 2,000 people from all over the house, each with all kinds of tools in his hands, if not for Li Zhiyun to stop them, they would have killed them long ago.

Li Zhiyun waved his hand to all the people:

"Everyone must not be impulsive, the enemy's artillery fire is extremely fierce, the enemy's armor is extremely hard, you go out to die!" At

this moment, Li Zhiyun felt unprecedented pressure, his mind was spinning rapidly, forcing himself to calm down

! Calm down

! Must be calm

! Where is the breakthrough point

?! Where is the opponent's weakness?!

What exactly is this shield made of

, and why does it look fluttering but extremely strong?

Li Zhiyun was suddenly stunned, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could this shield be made of wood?

According to his memories in his previous life, he knew that there was a tree that was three times harder than steel

! "Iron birch tree?"

"Is it an iron birch tree!" The

gloom in Li Zhiyun's eyes turned into endless excitement!

Just bet that Li Rail didn't have time to make a fireproof surface for these shields!" Li

Zhiyun shouted, and several strong young men raised their drumsticks vigorously and smashed the momentum fiercely.

Li Zhiyun walked up to the flag soldier tower, took the flag in the flag soldier's hand, and began to transmit signals to the four gates.

"General Zong, look quickly, the emperor's new order

!" "General Li look quickly, the emperor has new instructions

!" "General Du quickly look at the Ling Banner

!" "The Great Tang King quickly looks, the emperor is personally waving the flag!" Everyone

looked towards the city, and Li Shimin immediately blurted out:

"Fire attack?!" Did

Li Zhiyun mean to attack the other party with fire?

This shield was actually made of wood?

It was incredible!

Zong Luoxi, Li Jing, Du Fuwei, and others were shocked.

How can this shield, which is as hard as

steel, be made of wood? Is there any wood in the world that is harder than steel?

But Li Zhiyun's flag order is already very obvious, that is, it is to tell everyone that these shields are wood

! They must be attacked by fire!

Everyone immediately smeared the front end of the spear with black oil, and painted the body of the spear with oil, and put it into the ejection port of the Wolong Fort.

Li Shimin stared ahead and gave an order

! Hundreds of Wolong batteries fired volleys

! Tens of thousands of spears, with whistling sounds and blinding flames, stabbed fiercely towards the enemy troops!

Everyone opened their eyes wide to see if this fire attack worked.

Li Zhiyun in the city also looked at everything in front of him intently.

I hope that I have not made a mistake in judgment, and I hope that

this fire attack can save Chang'an City from danger!

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