Li Rail, who commanded the operation in the rear of the coalition army, suddenly looked stunned.

How did Li Zhiyun know that these shields were made of wood?

The oil on the gun body had an inertial effect because it was suddenly obstructed, and it was instantly splashed on the bodies of the coalition soldiers, and a raging flame suddenly ignited!

Tens of thousands of coalition soldiers in front were all caught in flames.

They rolled desperately on the ground, trying to extinguish the fire.

Li Zhiyun gave an order again.

Countless artillery shells burst out fiercely and smashed fiercely into the front

! Many soldiers who had just been extinguished the fire once again burned because the shells ignited oil! The

wails, screams, and cries of pain resounded throughout the earth!

Some people were burned to their skin.

Some people were burned blind

, and some people had their hair, eyebrows, and egg hair burned off!

Li Rail's army was in a mess, like rats crossing the street, rushing to the ground and fleeing around.

Even, they hit artillery, knocked down firemen, kicked down shell magazines.

Li Jing, Zong Luoji, Du Fuwei, and other commanders who guarded the other three gates did the same!

The effect of the fire attack was obvious, and the time of the incense was effective in stopping the enemy's advance.

"Open the city gates!" a

roar resounded in the sky.

The gates of Chang'an City were wide open!

Li Zhiyun led 50 heavily armed chariots and frantically rushed towards Li Rail's army.

"All guns are fired!" The

eight guns equipped on the armored fighting vehicle, with endless resentment, frantically fired at the coalition forces.


bang - bang bang -


Stunned, two paths were blasted among the many coalition forces.

"The flintlock ports are all open, and three shots are fired in a row!" Li

Zhiyun gave the order one after another.

The hundreds of soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire in the armored combat vehicle immediately held flintlock guns and shot fiercely

at the coalition armored fighting vehicles on the rampage, which greatly hit the enemy's arrogance and chaotic formation of the Li Rail coalition army.

Li Rail gritted his teeth and stared at these giants.

Li Zhuo felt a burst of chagrin in his heart, and he couldn't wait to hammer himself to death.

Why didn't you take fire prevention measures when designing the shield

? Why?


! The

most basic common sense, I actually ignored

it! Instead, it became Li Zhiyun's breakthrough! Damn

! Damn it! Damn

it! "

Hurry up! Form a defensive formation!"

Block Li Zhiyun's chariot!"

Li Rail gave instructions to the generals Liang Shuo and Li Mao.

The two repeated their old tricks and organized countless "inverted iron pot" formations to block Li Zhiyun's convoy.

"Everyone hold me up

!" "If you hold on, there is still a chance to survive, and if you can't hold it, there is only one way to die!" All

the soldiers of the coalition army gritted their teeth and gritted their strength, holding their shields with both hands, and moved quickly towards Li Zhiyun's chariot.


bang bang -

the front wheel of the chariot made of steel was crushed towards the iron pot formation.

The coalition soldiers burst into the air, constantly adjusting the angle of the shield in their hands, and the "pot edge" was inserted into the ground, and the center of the pot was raised high.

More and more people joined the "iron pot" formation, which even prevented Li Zhiyun's chariot from advancing by half a point

! The flintlock guns were fired at the shield, which was useless! and

the artillery continued to bombard the iron pot formation.

But under the threat of Liang Shuo and Li Mao with horizontal knives, everyone did not dare to retreat, and could only fight to the death.

Both sides erupted with amazing perseverance and might.

Li Zhiyun's armored combat team fell into the iron pot formation and struggled.

"It works, I'm really a fucking talent

!" Li Zhuo shouted loudly while giving orders with his flag

: "Everyone overturned the chariot and killed Li Zhiyun!" Li

Zhiyun suddenly frowned, jumped up from the chariot, and burst out:

"Wuchi War Horse!"

Through the artillery fire, through the crowd, desperately came to Li Zhiyun's side.

Li Zhiyun leaped up:

"Golden soft hog armor!

In an instant, the invulnerable battle armor was close to Li Zhiyun's chest, and the dazzling golden yellow stung Li Rail's eyes.

Li Zhiyun held the Red Flame Halberd in his hand, a pair of scarlet eyes shot towards everyone, and quickly communicated with the system in his heart:

"Is the system there?"

"Please check the combat power value of Lü Bu

Xiangyu!" Before Li Zhiyun, he had already given the combat power value of Lü Bu Xiangyu in his whole body to the generals of the army.

The system seems to perceive the host's current situation, and reacts extremely quickly

: [Ding! The system prompts that the host's current Lü Bu Xiangyu double combat power value is: 300 points

!] [The calculation formula is: the corresponding coefficient is 0.005 * the number of enemies killed 60000!]

Li Zhiyun knows that this "correspondence coefficient" was 0.0035 before.

This time it changed to 0.005 because of the result of the last unified distribution.

300 combat power points is small, but it is enough.

Li Zhiyun held the Red Flame Halberd in his hand, like a gust of wind, rushing towards the black-pressed coalition army!

"Soldiers, rush me!"

Li Shimin, Li Xuanba, Li Cunxiao, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin and others bravely killed and followed closely behind Li Zhiyun.

"Everyone turns around and concentrates on killing

Li Zhiyun!" "Whoever kills Li Zhiyun will be rewarded with 10,000 taels of gold and sealed as a marquis of ten thousand households!"

As soon as Li Zhuo gave an order, all the troops attacking Chang'an City immediately turned around and rushed towards Li Zhiyun like crazy.

Nongzangbao and Fuyun quickly dispatched scouts to completely withdraw the troops of the western, eastern, and southern gates, and returned to the battlefield of the main gate together.

In an instant, nearly 800,000 allied troops surrounded the 60,000 large legions led by Li Zhiyun, including the defenders of the city and the tiger and iron horses!

Li Jing, Zong Luoji, Du Fuwei and others led the guards of the three city gates and quickly gathered towards the main gate.

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