The battlefield of the entire main gate of Chang'an City evolved into a strange image.

From a distance, it looks like a disc divided into three hues.

In the center of the disc is the 60,000 soldiers led by Li Zhiyun.

In the middle of the disc is Li Rail's 800,000 coalition army.

At the outermost periphery of the disc were 120,000 soldiers led by Li Jing, Zong Luoji, Du Fuwei and others.

On the front right side of the disc is the 100,000 naval corps led by Zheng Wenxiu, against the 50,000 coalition army.

Li Rail, Nongsan Langbao, Fu Yun, and others were in the center of the 800,000-strong coalition army.

The surrounding area was formed by 20,000 Dun Jia troops in a huge "iron pot" formation, and the regiments protected them.

"All the soldiers kill me

!" "Kill all the Great Liang soldiers, slaughter the Tubo dogs, and flatten the Tuyuhun!" Li

Zhiyun roared continuously in the crowd, inspiring the fighting morale of the soldiers.

Bloodthirsty flames burst out of each soldier's eyes.

Equipment aside, the Lü Bu Xiangyu double combat power value of each soldier has reached an average of about 15 points! (The combat power value of ordinary soldiers is 10 points, the initial value of Lü Bu Xiangyu's double combat power is 90 points, and the corresponding coefficient of soldiers is 0.005, so each person gets an additional combat power value of 4.5 points, and the comprehensive combat power reaches about 15 points) Therefore, the combat

power of ordinary soldiers under Li Zhiyun is equivalent to one and a half times the combat power of the opposing soldiers

! !

These 180,000 troops are equivalent to the combat power value of 300,000 troops!

Because of the explosive combat power of each soldier and the determination to defend their homeland, the cells and every muscle of their whole body are mobilized.

The actual combat power value is much higher than 15 points.

But in the face of the fierce Li Zhiyun army, Li Rail was not timid.

180,000 against

800,000 people, unless it is a fool to be defeated! But he is exactly a wizard

! The soldiers of the coalition army also think that they have won!

"Soldiers, we have an army of 800,000, why are we afraid of Li Zhiyun's 100,000 people?" "

Today, if you don't kill Li Zhiyun, you will only have one result, that is, death!"

"Everyone should know that hundreds of thousands of prisoners were slaughtered by

Li Zhiyun!" "Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje, and the kingdom of Yin were brutally destroyed

!" "No one survived

!" "In the face of such tyrants, we must fight back and kill them in one fell swoop!"

Li Rail, standing on the height of morality, scolded Li Zhiyun bitterly.

War mobilization still played a very huge role.

Especially when all the soldiers heard that "surrender will still be killed", they resolutely strengthened their belief in fighting.

Li Zhiyun, Li Xuanba, and Li Cunxiao took the lead, quickly harvesting heads in the crowd.

Li Zhiyun's combat power value is also constantly rising, and his physical strength is rushing and unparalleled rushing is uninterrupted and his firepower is fully opened

! Such a crazy Li Zhiyun is like a killing god who descends from the sky

! Buddha blocks and kills Buddha! Devil blocks and kills demon! This

is the

first time Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba have seen Li Zhiyun's combat power.

The faces

of the two were full of shock! They originally thought that the emperor was just an ordinary person, who would have thought that the emperor's combat power was far above themselves!

Although they were all the bravest generals of this era, they felt the gap in front of Li Zhiyun.

"Li Xuanba, we are going to be on par with the emperor

!" Li Cunxiao brandished the Yuwang hammer and shouted, overturning and smashing countless shield armor soldiers

! Li Xuanba brandished an eight-hundred-pound drum urn golden

hammer, one hammer at a time, one hammer at a string! The two frantically unfolded the killing mode!

"Capture the thief first, kill Li Rail for me!"

Li Zhiyun shouted loudly, and immediately organized Li Shimin, Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, Demon God, Hua Yan, Generals such as Zong Luojiu, Cheng Yanjin, and Luo Shixin formed the fiercest army regiment and killed Li Rail, who was defended by 20,000 shield soldiers!

Seeing that Li Zhiyun and the others were getting closer and closer to him, Li Rail shouted in panic:

"Hurry up to King Ben to

stop them, stop them!" "Whoever kills any great general, reward 10,000 taels of gold, seal 10,000 marquis!" "Whoever kills Li Zhiyun will be rewarded with 100,000 taels of gold, and be sealed as a marquis of the country!"

Countless black-pressed coalition forces immediately turned their spearheads, withdrew from the current confrontation, and besieged towards Li Zhiyun.

Piles of corpses, paving the way forward.

Blood stained the earth red, reflecting the fiery red morning sun in the sky.

The sun is about to rise.

Li Rail immediately sent generals Liang Shuo, Wang Mao, Sun Fan, Zhang Meng, and other generals to kill Li Zhiyun.

At the same time, Li Zhuo threw a dissatisfied look at Zanlangbao and Fu Yun.

On the understanding of the heart, he immediately sent nearly ten generals under his command, including Ba Buli, Qiong Tuhafnium, and Da Popbird, to join the ranks of killing Li Zhiyun.

Fu Yun did not wait for Li Zhuo to speak, and immediately sent Murong Shuncang, Murong Shunqi, Murong Fenlin, and others, the top generals in the country.

Because, he is also afraid of death, and he can't wait to kill Li Zhiyun as soon as possible.

Fu Yun had long heard that Li Zhiyun's combat power was extraordinary, and now he was shocked to see it.

According to this momentum, even if someone told him that Li Zhiyun alone could kill 100,000 people, he still believed it.

But Fu Yun didn't believe a little.

In the

end, will

Li Zhiyun die of exhaustion? More than 20 fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms Alliance Army fiercely walked towards Li Zhiyun.

In the eyes of each of them, it was not so much Li Zhiyun as the temptation of the 100,000 taels of gold and the marquis.



and Li Mao, who rushed to the front, brandished the silver spears in their hands and smashed them towards Li

Zhiyun! Li Zhiyun didn't even look at them, and suddenly the dragon swung its tail!


hooves of the black red war horse were raised, and they kicked the two to the ground.

Li Zhiyun said darkly.


Cunxiao swung the eight-hundred-jin Yu Wang Hammer and swept towards Liang Shuo and Li Mao, who were stumbling on the ground.

The two suffered a huge attack, and only after being ejected tens of meters and tripping over countless coalition soldiers did they stop

! The bones of the two people were all shattered, spitting out blood, and died on the spot

! At the chest, a big hole suddenly appeared!

"What a useless thing

!" "Look at the bravery of my plateau warriors!"

Nearly 10 generals such as Da Pop Bird smashed the weapons in their hands at Li Zhiyun at the same time!

Li Zhiyun raised his Red Flame Halberd and held several weapons.

The eyes of Ba Bulli and others flashed with disdain.

How about it

? Our combined strength is enough to smash an elephant to death!

Can you Li Zhiyun be more powerful than an elephant?

Who knows, the next moment.

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