Li Zhiyun didn't even bend his waist, and suddenly lifted up vigorously.

Several weapons were immediately bounced off by irresistible forces

! Everyone was shocked

! This Li Zhiyun really took it! When

facing so many generals attacking together, he still showed equal strength.

And the next moment, they realized that they had misunderstood the idiom

"equal to each other"! This is "equal to each other", this is "judgment like cloud mud"

! Li Zhiyun's expression tightened, and the flame of death burst out from his eyes! Li Zhiyun

suddenly jumped up from the Wuchi war horse.

The Red Flame Halberd swayed with Li Zhiyun, cutting through the void and drawing a circle!

Li Zhiyun withdrew the Red Flame Halberd and jumped back onto his horse.


Murong Shuncang, a general under Fuyun, smiled disdainfully:

"What happened just now?" "

Is there

not even blood on these ten generals?

A horrible and shocking scene was staged

! I saw Ba Buli, Dome Hafnium, Da Pop Bird and others fall to the ground in response

! Everyone's body, starting from one shoulder as the starting point and ending at the butt corresponding to the lower span, is divided into two

! Quiet

! The most afraid of the sudden silence of the air

! The exposed incision is unusually flat!

Whether it is meat or bones, intestines, heart, The liver and lungs were all cut flatly

! "Gag-" "Gag-" "Gag-"

Everyone vomited on the spot!

Only felt a burst of dizziness in their heads, as if they couldn't stand steadily.

Everyone looked at Li Zhiyun with great horror in their eyes.


there is a demon in the world, Li Zhiyun is the biggest devil!

Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba also looked at Li Zhiyun in shock.

Just such a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, usually mingling with the soldiers.

He is filial to his mother in every way and considerate to his wife every day.

People who see the common people in their eyes.

But such a brutal terrifying force erupted! But

, they like it

! In this chaotic world, the enemy should be treated with brutality!

"Emperor is mighty!" "

Emperor is mighty

!" "Emperor Yum!" Countless

soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire were ignited by Li Zhiyun, and their morale soared!

Li Zhiyun has already told them with his actions that they do not have to be soft on the enemy, otherwise they will die themselves.

Fu Yun's general Murong Shuncang and the others no longer dared to step forward.

They immediately formed a defensive formation and ordered more than a thousand archers to shoot at Li Zhiyun and the others in unison.

"Hurry up

, shoot me, shoot them!" "If you don't want to end up like them, shoot Li Zhiyun to death!"

The archers of thousands of people, their whole bodies trembled violently, and even the bow and arrow could not be held, and fell to the ground.

The faces of Li Rail, Zanlang and Fu Yun behind him were also terrified!

They had long heard that this Li Zhiyun was bloodthirsty.

But they have never seen it.

When I saw them today, I broke their guts!

"All archers, go to help!"

Thousands of arrows shot fiercely at Li Zhiyun and the others.

"Quickly pick up the shield on the ground!"

Li Zhiyun immediately shouted to the soldiers behind him.

Ask yourself, with the protective body of the golden soft hog armor, these arrows do not pose any threat to themselves.

Li Shimin, Li Jing, Zong Luoji, Cheng Yijin, Luo Shixin, and others immediately picked up the shields left by the coalition forces on the ground and blocked the shooting of arrows.

At this moment, Li Rail quickly mobilized the artillery regiment of tens of thousands of people in the rear behind him.


Grenade! Grenade! Throw me all!" Li

Rail roared madly, his scarlet eyes bloodshot.

He suddenly pushed away from the crowd, rushed to the artillery regiment in the rear, picked up

the shells himself, loaded them, and fired them! He must blast Li Zhiyun, the devil, to death! He already felt a powerful threat of death! With a

loud bang, the shells carried the sound of breaking wind towards Li Zhiyun


"Brother Li, Brother Li, are you crazy!?" "

There are still our army officers and soldiers ahead!"

Zanlangbao and Fu Yun looked at Li Rail like crazy people.

Li Zhuo looked hideous and gritted his teeth

: "All fucking shut up

!" "If you don't want to die, do as I say!"

Although I don't want to admit it, as far as the current situation of the war is concerned, the enemy has turned the tide of the war and gained the upper hand.

It is very likely that defeat will turn into victory!!

"Everyone disperse!" "

Give me a cannon, open a cannon, open a cannon!"

But when it really came to this critical moment, I found that I was even more fucking crazy than that Li Rail!

The artillery regiment was even crazier than them

! Everyone quickly reloaded, and thousands of artillery pieces gathered together and shot fiercely at

Li Zhiyun! They didn't care whether Li Zhiyun had friendly troops around him, nor did they care about the sorrow in the eyes of the soldiers in front! They

just tightened the fire bolt and fired directly without hesitation

! Because they were also afraid of death, they also wanted to save their lives and go back safely!

As for whether the others are dead or alive, even the king does not care, they are in charge of a fart!

Thousands of cannonballs, with the sound of breaking wind, whistled towards Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, Li Shimin and others.

In an instant,



!" "My leg!" Li

Zhiyun suddenly heard a scream next to him, this voice was very familiar!


saw that Luo Shixin's war horse was blasted off the front half of his body, and the fragments of the shell were inserted into Luo Shixin's thigh

! At this moment, a large number of fragments of the shell roared towards Luo Shixin again! Luo Shixin

quickly glanced at Li Zhiyun, his eyes full of gratitude and reluctance.

Closed his eyes in pain....

Li Zhiyun was suddenly shocked

! Could it be that God is robbing him?

Luo Shixin in history was originally killed by Liu Heiman at the age

of 22! But now, Luo Shixin is exactly 22 years old

! No, coming to this world is itself changing

his life against the sky! Now, he will also continue to change his life against the sky and change the lives of others!

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