"Emperor, emperor!"

"Emperor, emperor!" The

soldiers immediately stopped their advance and dismounted one after another, constantly shouting Li Zhiyun's name.

Tang King Li Shimin blurted out directly in a hurry:

"Fifth brother, fifth brother, don't scare the second brother!" Li

Zhiyun's breath was weak and his eyes were confused.

The whole body seemed to be a machine that fell apart, and suddenly lost power.

But even so, Li Zhiyun still said weakly:

"Everyone leave me alone, the priority now is to protect the people of Chang'an City!"

Li Shimin held Li Zhiyun's head on his shoulder to keep him awake.

And when Li Shimin held Li Zhiyun's hand tightly, he found something strange.

The center of the left elbow was tightly wrapped by Li Zhiyun with his sleeve.

But the blood had completely soaked the sleeves.

Li Shimin carefully ripped open his sleeves.

In an instant, everyone was shocked and tear-wet

! Their hearts seemed to be stabbed into a pair of scissors, and they were in great pain!

Right at Li Zhiyun's elbow, a shell fragment was inserted into it.

Here, there are the human arteries.

Li Zhiyun did not pull out the fragments to prevent blood from spurting out.

But as Li Zhiyun continued to fight on the battlefield, the fragments began to move slowly.

It's like a water pipe filled with water, cut by a sharp blade, the blade is not pumped out, and the water does not flow out quickly.

Once the blade is moved, the water in the pipe quickly runs dry.

Li Zhiyun's blood continued to flow outward, making him extremely predicamentous.

At this moment, all the soldiers were once again moved by Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun, the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, did not heed his personal safety and put his life at risk when facing the invasion of China by the great powers

! Even if he died, he must protect the people of Chang'an! Protect

the dignity of Huaxia! Although

Li Zhiyun's army stopped, the opposing coalition army ran faster!

The 500,000 coalition troops, as if beaten with chicken blood, rushed towards Chang'an City, and the black pressure was pressing.

Just now, Zanlangbao and Murong Fuyun, who had been discussing how to escape, never mentioned the word "escape" again at this moment.


Rail, who had always been afraid of death, no longer hid in the iron pot formation, but drew his horizontal knife, stepped on his war horse, and rushed forward excitedly!

"Soldiers, then Li

Zhiyun is going to die soon!" "Kill, kill, kill!"

Li Zhiyun tried to struggle to stand up, but felt a fainting.

"Soldiers, quickly retreat

!" "Quickly withdraw to Chang'an City!" Li

Zhiyun ordered everyone with a faint breath.

Li Shimin looked up at the coalition forces that were about to rush up, and his face was full of grimness and indignation.

In the eyes of all the soldiers, the flames of death burst out.

For the first time, they planned to disobey Li Zhiyun's order!

Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba smashed the Wolong Fort that was scattered on the side, pulled out the baffle on the back, and converted it into a simple stretcher.

Li Shimin put Li Zhiyun on a stretcher and said to Li Cunxiao

and Li Xuanba: "The two generals quickly escorted

the emperor to the Yellow River!" Li Shimin turned to Fang Xuanling, Du Ruxian

and the others and said, "You immediately transfer all the people of Chang'an City to the banks of the Yellow River, and let Zheng Wenxiu bring the emperor and the people back to Luoyang City!"

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruxian and the others nodded solemnly and immediately took action.

Li Shimin drew his horizontal knife and pointed angrily ahead:

"Soldiers, it is impossible to defend the

city!" "The distance between us and the enemy is too close to completely retreat into Chang'an City, but it will lead the coalition army into the city to slaughter the people!"

None retreated, none were timid.

On the face of every soldier, it is a determination to see death as if it were home.

"Soldiers, kill me!"

Li Shimin gave an order, and all the soldiers shouted in unison:

"Emperor, please take care, we... See you in the next life!" In

an instant,

all the soldiers suddenly mounted their horses and fought bravely towards the black-pressed coalition army.

"Second brother, second brother..." Li

Zhiyun desperately wanted to stand up, but he felt that all black in front of him.

Li Shimin on the war horse, suddenly the corners of his mouth rose, a smile appeared on his face, and under his eyes were tears that broke the embankment.

Li Shimin looked back at Li Zhiyun and shouted loudly:

"Fifth brother take care, second brother, I will take the first step!"

In everyone's eyes, a crystal tear slipped down.

They clutched their weapons tightly and collided with Li Rail's coalition forces.

Without Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao, and Li Xuanba, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers weakened rapidly.

But the courage of each of them burst into the cauldron and the whole army's combat strength increased at full speed.

Li Rail didn't want to fight, and his target was only Li Zhiyun behind him.

So Li Rail kept spurring all the coalition forces forward.

"Li Zhiyun, you can't run

!" "Today is your time to die!"

Li Rail personally led a heavy armored cavalry, trying to break through the obstacle, straight into Li Zhiyun.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and the wind surged up

! "Who dares to move my brother Yun, take his life!" A

voice sounded

! In an instant, war drums were beating, and banners were hunting

! In the northeast of Chang'an City, a large army suddenly appeared, rushing towards Chang'an City

! At the

front of the army was a girl wearing a fiery red robe!

Behind her, she was followed by countless women's armies and soldiers.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Wu Shu?"

turned out to be the empress of the Shenzhou Empire - Wu Shu !!

"Slaughter the alien dogs and guard Chang'an City

!" "Soldiers, kill me!" A

weak body, wearing a red robe of hope, riding a peerless iron horse, galloped between heaven and earth.

In Li Zhiyun's eyes, it constitutes a moving picture.

Of course, red flowers with green leaves

, who will accompany

the vague in this life, back and


"Brother Yun, the concubine is here, everything will be fine!" Wu

Shu rushed to Li Zhiyun's side, looking at Li Zhiyun, who was covered in blood, and tears fell like rain.

Li Zhiyun used all his strength to gently wipe away tears for her

: "Shu'er, don't cry, or I will

beat you up..." "Cut~

" Wu Shu turned his head to hide his face and wept:

"When are you still joking, but the concubine is waiting for you to beat me up!" "

You girl, you are still pregnant, don't you want the child?"

If the child is born without a father, it is better not to count.

"In addition, I am not so weak, if he does not want to come to this world, I may drink saliva and he will fall, if he wants to come to the world, the rolling pin can not be suppressed, believe it?"

Li Zhiyun was suddenly stunned.

Isn't this a classic line in the later "Qiu Ju Fights the Lawsuit"

? How did Wu Shu know?

The 50,000 defenders of Luoyang City brought by Wu Shu joined the fierce battle.

All the soldiers looked excited, full of admiration for Wu Shu.

This is the Empress

of the Shenzhou Empire! This is the woman of the Shenzhou Empire

! Who says that women are inferior to men?

And look at the battlefield women's army!

Li Zhuo looked at the 50,000 horses who had just joined the battle and smiled disdainfully.

With your little strength, you also want to stop my Li Rail's advance?"

"Kill me!"

Li Rail brandished his horizontal knife and charged forward, constantly approaching Li Zhiyun.

And at this time.

A familiar figure came from the northwest of Chang'an City!

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