"Who dares to move my son-in-law?"

"Looking for death!" Zong

Luo's face suddenly rejoiced!

The Turkic defender Yao Dayong?



countless Turkic cavalry appeared behind Yao Dayong.

Armed with sharp machetes and swords, and large bows on their backs, they rushed towards Li Rail's army.

Li Zhuo's expression suddenly stopped, and his heart beat faster

! Visually, there were 200,000 Turkic cavalry!

"Who dares to move our emperor?"

Another voice sounded.

The samurai and Xiao Yaoxiao rushed out of Chang'an City, and behind them were the people of Chang'an City who could not see the edge!

Each of them was armed with hoes, sickles, axes, and clubs, and their faces were full of fortitude.

"And us!" The

naval corps led by Zheng Wenxiu set foot on the banks of the Yellow River and killed Li Rail's army from the flank!

These forces that suddenly rushed out were no less than

500,000 people! Together with the more than 100,000 soldiers led by Li Shimin, the number suddenly exceeded the number of the coalition forces by 100,000!

How else to fight this battle

! 500,000 against 600,000?

There was no chance of victory!

But neither Zanlangbao nor Murong Fuyun spoke, and they were all waiting for the other party to first propose the word "retreat."

"Zamp, Zamp, it's not good!" At

this moment, dozens of scouts who had been in disgrace all the way finally found the pouch of Zanpa in the army.

The scout knelt

down on his knees:

"The four great lords and the old nobles are fighting

!" "What?!"

Withdraw, retreat quickly!" Ronzan

did not consult with Murong Fuyun and Li Zhuo at all, directly turned the horse's head, and fled madly towards the rear.

This sudden change made Murong Fuyun's face shocked.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Murong

Fuyun also immediately gave the order to retreat.

This fucking praise is running away, and it's a fart!

Tubo and Tuyuhun's 300,000-strong army quickly withdrew from the coalition army and fled with the two.

"Shameless, shameless!" Li

Zhuo looked at the fleeing Yanzan Langbao and Murong Fuyun, and his face roared viciously.

"It's useless for you to go back with praise, the Ring Day Empire has already smashed your Tubo!"

cursed Li Zhuo madly.

What he didn't know was that the Jieyi Empire had not attacked Tubo at all! Instead, he

accepted Liu Min's suggestion and was attacking his Da Liang!

Must retreat!

Closely follow the ranks of Ronzan Nongbao and Murong Fuyun.

If you fall behind, you will definitely be killed by each of them!

"Withdraw, retreat!" Li

Rail immediately led 200,000 Liang soldiers and quickly withdrew.

Yao Dayong came to Li Zhiyun and Li Shimin and held Li Zhiyun's hand tightly:

"Gongzi, you can heal your wounds with peace of mind, and these defeated soldiers will be handed over to your subordinates

!" "King Tang, you should also take the soldiers and people into the city to rest!"

Li Shimin nodded solemnly.

This big battle was fought from the wee hours of the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon.

Fifteen hours, the bodies of all the soldiers had already been emptied.

If they hadn't hung in one breath, they wouldn't have survived until now.

But every tired soldier still did not relax.

His Royal Highness's life is at stake and in danger, which touches their hearts.

Seeing the Turkic army frantically chasing towards the coalition army, Li Zhiyun under Chang'an City ordered the flag soldiers to give orders with a faint breath

: "Poor Kou Mo chase

!" "All go back to the city!" Li

Cunxiao asked puzzled:

"Emperor, now is the moment to chase after the victory, why don't we seize the opportunity to make a big splash?"

"In addition, Yao Dayong's 200,000 Turkic army, if he goes deep alone, he will inevitably be resisted by

Li Rail again!" Li Zhiyun looked in the direction of Li Rail's escape in the distance, and muttered,

"Let Li Rail go back

!" "We have to leave some opponents for that Jieyi Empire!"

Hearing this, the eyes of all the soldiers lit up.

Yao Dayong saw the banner order and led 200,000 Turkic cavalry towards Chang'an City.

"Brother Yun, don't talk first, maintain your physical strength!" Wu

Shu clasped Li Zhiyun with both hands, tears pouring down.

She had never felt the parting of life and death so strongly.

Li Zhiyun squeezed out a smile

: "Shu'er doesn't have to worry about me, I didn't..."


, Li Zhiyun's arms drooped and fainted

! Wu Shu was shocked:

"Quick, quickly enter the city!" "

Li Shimin, call all your best imperial doctors in the Great Tang!" "Li


Wu Shu shouted in tears

: "Brother Yun, Brother Yun, wake up quickly!"

"You can't pass out

!" "Brother Yun, wake up

quickly!" "Li Zhiyun, you give the old lady to wake up quickly!" All

the soldiers also shouted in grief:

"Emperor, emperor!

They know that in the case of extensive bleeding, it is difficult to wake up once they fall asleep!

This fear, even in the face of a million-strong coalition, has never appeared.

They are not willing to lose

Li Zhiyun! Li Zhiyun is a piece of heaven above his head and a piece of land under his feet

! Only with him can he lead the Shenzhou Empire and the people of China to the era of peace and prosperity!

Li Shimin immediately summoned all the imperial doctors of the Great Tang Dynasty to consult immediately to discuss treatment methods.

All the other soldiers left without leaving, all of them were anxiously waiting in the square in front of the Ganlu Hall of Chang'an City.

In their hands were high-calorie foods such as meat pies, chicken legs, and milk sent by the people.

Since the beginning of the day, they have not eaten a bite or drank a glass of water.

When they were on the battlefield, they thought how nice it would be to have a bread to eat, but

now they suddenly feel that the bread is not fragrant!

- special thanks -

A fan of the Royal Warriors, Mobi, Yanji, who loves to eat wildfire rice, the Fried Heavenly Gang, and the sect master of the Sword Sect. Super like super like Di Youyou, you and I are both Cao thieves, Fried Heavenly Gang [Love Saint Laozu], the sun and the stars, the stars are like a dream, obscure, true love fans, don't ask, ask is the God of War, Jiujiu's Xiaojiu, Du Shiyi with clear eyebrows. Lonely] Chaos, confused, Fried Heavenly Gang - Jade Face Xiaolangjun, Fried Heavenly Gang - Rough Elder, Ziyuan and Yan Xin, phone calls, two-dimensional spit master, love to eat Salle egg cake Gao fierce. Wang Ruizhi, Ye Chenyi of Yadi Ancient City, Chinese New Year's Eve Night, Xiaocao, Demon Shihuang, Qianqiu Love Orange Orange, Qiuqiu Qiu, Cao Cao, Fried Heavenly Gang - Immortal Emperor, Fried Heavenly Gang... Ye Liangchen, I love my little brat, Tang Yifenglin, Ziyuan and Yanxin, Nangong~.

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