Li Shimin dragged all the imperial doctors who could be called over.

Even the people who called the people "divine doctors" were all called over.

After more than a dozen doctors checked Li Zhiyun's injuries, their expressions were complicated.

They discussed countermeasures together in a room, but they all shook their heads at each other.

Wu Shu stayed by Li Zhiyun's bed and tried to feed the porridge to Li Zhiyun with a small spoon.

Li Zhiyun's fainting at this moment is nothing more than two reasons.

First, the body is extremely weak and does not eat for a long time;

second, excessive blood loss.

But the spoon was never able to make Li Zhiyun, who was in a coma, swallow the porridge, and Wu Shu asked everyone to go out temporarily.

Then, the porridge is held in his mouth and fed to Li Zhiyun mouth-to-mouth.

And also fed two amoxicillin tablets.

"Brother Yun, don't you like to joke?" "Zhao'er told you that this is an 'imported medicine'!" Wu

Shu stroked Li Zhiyun's face:

"Brother Yun, isn't what Xiao'er said just now funny?"

but Li Zhiyun didn't

have any reaction.

Wu Shu was stunned to feed it for an hour, and then he was deeply annoyed.

A long time ago, Li Zhiyun had told her.

He dreamed of immortals and told him a cure for excessive blood loss.

But at that time, he was not interested in these at all, and kept asking Li Zhiyun to tell stories, not these boring medical content.

How nice it would have been if I had listened more!

"How about it, how should the emperor be treated, have you thought of a way?"

asked Li Shimin anxiously.

All the imperial doctors did not dare to look up at Li Shimin's scarlet eyes, and they all shook their heads helplessly.

"Speak, speak quickly!" Li

Shimin suddenly became very irritable.


- plop -

plop -

everyone fell to their knees.

Bury your head deep in the ground.

"King Tang, we also want to save His Royal Highness

the Emperor!" "The Shenzhou Empire can't do without His Royal Highness the Emperor!"


- Li Shimin suddenly flicked his sleeves and smashed the vase on the case table

to the ground: "You are this vase, a pile of waste that is not useful!" All

the imperial doctors knelt on the ground trembling, although Li Shimin was not an emperor, the power of the Great Tang King was second only to Long Yan's fury.

"If you can't save my fifth brother, just wait for death!"


not that they don't want to save, but the blood in Li Zhiyun's body is almost dry, how to save it?

To be sure, he thought about it.

And this thought is only fleeting.

This Great Tang was originally his Great Tang, and Li Zhiyun had canonized him as the King of the Great Tang.

All systems within the Great Tang are according to the level of the vassal state.

He is still the master of the Great Tang.

In other words, Li Zhiyun never took any power of his own.

And how can we talk about regaining power?

Besides, he knows a little bit.

Li Zhiyun is the backbone of this Shenzhou Empire, the people of the world

! If this bone is pulled out, all the Chinese people will not agree!


fighting together, Li Shimin already regarded these five emperors as wise kings in his heart.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin quickly came to the Ganlu Hall.

Li Zhiyun is still fainting, and the blood on his body has been cleaned up.

But his haggard face and white lips all showed that his life was rapidly fading.

Li Shimin could feel Wu Shu's mood.

In this way, I watched the people I loved and respected the most lose my breath in front of me bit by bit.

This pain is indescribable.

Outside the Imperial City, more and more people gathered, and the entire Chang'an City was empty.

None of them were willing to leave, and they were all waiting for Li Zhiyun.

The hatred for Li Rail in his heart was even stronger.


the spot, tens of thousands of young people from the Tang Kingdom signed up to join the army.

They are determined to avenge Chang'an City and Li Zhiyun.

In the crowd, a mother-in-law with pale hair had a wrinkled face, tears slowly flowing down her folds.

"Old lady, I have lived until now, and I can finally meet a good person who keeps us fed, clothed and warm, God, you can't do this!"

"Yes, my old man Peng has lived most of his life, and I have never seen such a young man! My house has been leaking rain for many years, after the emperor came, he helped me build a house, gave me food and clothing, and let me live happily in this world like a lonely old man" The old

man looked sad and indignant, and his words changed:

"But if the emperors are dead, what is the point of me living in this world?" "

You shut up for me, you old immortal! You dare to curse

the emperor!" Another uncle in the crowd stood up:

"The emperor will definitely live a hundred years!" Old

man Peng hated others to scold him the most, and whenever others scolded him, he would always argue with others, and even fight

! ! But just now he was scolded by others, but he didn't say a word, but his face was full of joy.

"Yes, yes, what do I say to me with this broken mouth?

!" "The emperor will definitely live a hundred years!" Everyone

talked about it, no matter how the soldiers drove them away, they just wouldn't go!

They all wanted Li Zhiyun to stand up and say to them:

"Big guy, go back quickly!" If

so, how good it would be!

The entire Chang'an City was shrouded in an extremely depressed mood.

Li Zhiyun, who was in a coma, seemed to see a figure of nothingness in a hazy dream.

This figure is its own system.

"System, am I really going to die this time?"

the back of the void turned his hands backwards, unable to see the face on his face.

It doesn't matter if you die or not, but you can't drag me down, and if you die, I'll die.]

Li Zhiyun: ???

Isn't this nonsense?

That still has to do with it!

Since the system says this, why don't you come to the rescue?"

"System, I've only been in this world for a year, but I don't want to hang up so quickly..." The

back of nothingness suddenly turned around.

Li Zhiyun looked over nervously, but found that this was a faceless person.

This system has long told you about the brutality of this battle. [

When you repeatedly distribute Lü Bu Xiangyu's double combat power to everyone, you should have thought of this ending.] [

Also, the host has already made a mistake once last time.]

Li Zhiyun suddenly felt that this system broke his heart for him, and his heart was sad.

But he doesn't regret it.

If there is a next time, he will do it.

It's like in a previous life, the teacher told you every day that when you grow up, you should contribute to society and be a useful person to society.

You think that the teacher will stand and talk without back pain

, but when you grow up, you will find that this sentence has a full meaning.

To live again is to contribute to this society, that is, to leave your own footprints here for eternity.

Only in this way will this life not be in vain.

"System, I think I can still salvage it..."

said Li Zhiyun pitifully.

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