[Ding! This system is only responsible for distributing rewards to the host, and will not save people

!] [This system is nothing, not a person!]

Li Zhiyun secretly said.


are certainly not a human being!

How can a person see death and not save it.

[Ding! host, are you cursing this system?]

[Please stop your complaints! You are the king of a country, it is right to kill the enemy bravely, but it is inappropriate to charge ahead in spite of everything, please take care of yourself.

Li Zhiyun nodded.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with what the system says about this.

I really have something wrong, and I put 100% of my energy on the charge, and I ignore the overall situation.

But under the critical situation, he originally planned to burn the jade and stone, so he never thought of stealing his life.

Thinking of this, Li Zhiyun was relieved.

Whether it is death or life, you can only resign yourself to fate!

Maybe after death, maybe he will return to the real world?

"System, can I ask you a few questions before I die?" Seeing

the empty back, without any expression, and remaining silent, Li Zhiyun should have acquiesced, and immediately asked the long-hidden doubts in his heart:

"Please ask the system, every time I capture a country or defeat a force, I will get a blue light reward to replace the red light position."

In the screen of the system reward, there is a road with no end in sight.

The roads are full of red lights.

I want to ask, if all these red lights disappear and turn into green lights, where will this road lead?

A palace ???

Li Zhiyun was a little disappointed.

He also thought that the end of this road was the road to another world.

And its end is only

a palace, what is in the palace, the back of nothingness

, turned around again to turn his back to his hand, and a deep voice sounded

: "As for what is in the palace, when you extinguish all the red lights, will you know when you go to the palace to see it yourself?]


??? go to see it yourself???

Li Zhiyun suddenly asked with a smile:

" So, the system will save me?"


"Don't go, make it clear..." Li

Zhiyun struggled in his dream, but the empty back immediately disappeared.

"Look, did the emperor's hand move?"

said Li Shimin immediately excitedly pointing to Li Zhiyun's little finger.

Wu Shu, who was sad, suddenly sobered up and stared at Li Zhiyun's small hand.

But the little finger is motionless.

Li Shimin was a little puzzled, he obviously moved just now!

"Brother Yun, Brother Yun, wake up quickly!" Li

Zhiyun, who was in a coma, still did not come out of the dream.

In his dreams, he seemed to hear someone calling him, and the voice was very familiar.


Zhiyun searched and searched in his dreams, but never found Qi'er.

There was not much time left for himself, and he wanted to say goodbye to Xiao'er at the last moment of his life.

Thank you to her for being in this world and accompanying him through six years.

But the world in this dream is boundless, and no matter how he runs, he can't find Xiao'er.

However, Xiao'er's voice seemed to be close at hand!

Li Zhiyun fell into a blur of consciousness.

The condition worsened.

"Come, come!"

Li Shimin shouted, and several imperial doctors, as well as Li Jing, Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, Cheng Yanjin, Su Dingfang and others ran in.

"Come and see the situation of the emperor, just now the little finger seems to have moved!" The

oldest imperial doctor led by Li Zhiyun immediately took Li Zhiyun's pulse and opened Li Zhiyun's eyes to look at the pupils.

The pupils have slowly dilated, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker.

The imperial doctors looked at each other, and huge beads of sweat hung all over their foreheads.

Then, they seemed to have made up their minds and suddenly "plopped" on their knees: "

Empress Qiyu, King of the Great Tang, please forgive Wei Chen's incompetence!"


"What are you talking about!" "What

final farewell?" Li

Shimin didn't want to believe their words, and Wu Shu burst into tears.

All the ministers of civilization and military affairs secretly wiped their tears.

The imperial doctor's face was all painful.

They hate!

hate themselves for being incompetent

, they can't even save the people they respect and love the most, what

qualifications do they have to be imperial doctors? What qualifications do they have to live in this world?"

Qiyu Great Tang King, I am willing to be buried with the emperor, and I ask you to complete it!" Li

Shimin and Wu Shu were suddenly stunned, and then they were in endless despair.

Wu Shu's

hoarse voice sounded:

"The funeral can't be your turn, so let me go!" At

this moment,

a Taoist priest who was a fairy wind Daoist bone and a servant of wind and dust suddenly ran in.

Sun DaoChang

, Wu Shu, Li Shimin, and others were suddenly overjoyed

! Sun Simiao had finally arrived! The emperor had hope!

but all kinds of sorrow appeared on Sun Simiao's


According to the information obtained in the letter, he was analyzing Li Zhiyun's condition all the way.

Li Zhiyun's injury this time was very serious, and in his impression, there was no way to treat excessive blood loss.

Sun Simiao immediately took Li Zhiyun's pulse and carefully inspected the wound.

The wound has been bandaged by the imperial doctor.

But what's the use?

Like a leaky water pipe.

Even if the gap is mended, there is no water in the water pipe!

Sun Simiao's forehead was beads of sweat oozing down, his eyes were full of tears, and he bowed guiltily to everyone:

"The emperor has lost too much blood, I am afraid that time is running out..." Wu

Shu and Li Shimin closed their eyes, not wanting to accept this cruel reality.

Looking at the whole world, even Sun Simiao is helpless, I am afraid that no matter who it is, he will not be able to return to the sky.

Sun Simiao's words seemed to bring an end to Li Zhiyun's fate.

Just when everyone was immersed in great sadness.

Wu Shu suddenly turned to Sun Simiao and asked

, "Chief Sun Dao, I heard Brother Yun say before that he once discussed

the "Thousand Gold Essentials" with you!" "Then is there a record of how to transfuse blood in the "Thousand Gold Essentials"


Did the emperor ever talk to himself about the issue of "blood transfusion"?

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