After thinking for a moment, Sun Simiao shook his head helplessly.

The emperor did not discuss the word "blood transfusion" with him, but Sun Simiao still took out the "Thousand Gold Essentials" he carried with him and carefully flipped it up:

"Empress, Tang King, if the poor road is not mistaken, the emperor did not say the blood transfusion technique to the poor road..."


Sun Simiao stopped, and a pair of eyes stared at the last few pages of the "Thousand Gold Essentials".

The whole person suddenly shouted like a ghost:

"Ah!? There is actually a way to transfuse blood?!" What?

Happiness came too suddenly, and Wu Shu, Li Shimin and others all surrounded them.

"Chief Sun, are you sure this is a blood transfusion method?" Sun

Simiao ignored everyone, but watched intently, and quickly dipped his index finger in saliva and turned the page.

The handwriting on these pieces of paper is very strange.

Almost the same as the printed body.

Moreover, there are many words that are simplified.

Sun Simiao's eyes continued to light up.

These pieces of paper are clearly written.

How to separate blood cells and serum from blood.

How to test blood type in the simplest way.

How to use a feather tube to inject blood, medicine into a vein, how to

replace the patient's lost body fluids with boiled saline!

... The more Sun Simiao looked at it, the more excited he became, and his hands were shaking with excitement.

If this is true, it will surely be an important invention that will benefit the whole world

! It will save countless people and cure all kinds of results! It

will be recorded in the annals of history!

But he had a question in his heart.

He clearly knew that the "Thousand Gold Essentials" was written word by word by himself.

What is in it, he has long memorized the melon,

and this "Thousand Gold Essentials" he has always carried with him.

And who

added these pages

? The point is, it seems that this handwriting was not written by a person at all!

What is going on?

To make sure that the content on these pieces of paper is not written blindly, so as not to be self-defeating.

Sun Simiao turned his head to look at the disciples, who also shook their heads in confusion.

They had never touched Sun Simiao's book of "Thousand Gold Essentials"! "Sun

DaoChang, could this have been written by the emperor himself?"

Li Shimin and the others also asked suspiciously.

Wu Shu waved his little hand anxiously

: "Don't hesitate anymore, we must be bold

!" Sun Simiao nodded, judging from the current situation, only this method can make sense! Sun Simiao

immediately assigned the task:

"King Tang, you quickly go and find some feathers of birds and birds, preferably thin, long and hard!"

Cheng Yanjin, you immediately ordered the craftsmen to build a particularly thin openwork steel pipe and a glass tube

!" "Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian, you two immediately organized young and strong young men to come to this manna hall to wait, ready to draw blood at any time!" Sun

Simiao came to Li Zhiyun's bed, and carefully collected the oozing blood or coagulated blood in the bottle from Li Zhiyun's battle clothes and wounds.

Then, someone took a few pieces of glass and dripped blood on the glass.

After about a quarter of an hour or so, the naturally placed blood began to stratify.

The upper layer is transparent and the lower layer is blood red.

Sun Simiao nodded, the layer above this is the so-called "serum"

! The next step is to find out the same person as Li Zhiyun's blood type! This step

is very critical.

According to the records on the paper, if the blood type is wrong, not only will it not save people, but it will also kill people

! Blood is also divided into "enemies" and "friendly troops"!

At this time, Li Shimin ran back sweating.

Brought the feathers of several birds and birds.

Sun Simiao selected a thin, long and hard one from them, and removed the feathers, leaving only the feather tube.

Then, soak the feathers in salt water to disinfect, cut out the sharp slope with a knife, and set aside.

Li Jing and Cheng Yanjin also returned: "Sun DaoChang, do you think this will work?" Li

Jing and Cheng Yanjin

handed the steel and glass pipes in their hands to Sun Simiao.

Sun Simiao was a little surprised, these two steel pipes and glass tubes were even better than he expected

! It can be seen that the people of the whole city are waiting in strict formation, doing their best! The

next step is to draw blood to test the blood type.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian had long been waiting anxiously in the side hall with hundreds of strong guys.

The ministers of the Tang Dynasty, such as Li Daozong, Li Daoxing, Li Shentong, and Li Shenfu, were prominently listed.

They also happened to rush to Chang'an, intending to lead troops to relieve Chang'an's danger.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian believed that the sect belonged to relatives, and maybe the blood type was the same.

This is also the reason why it has long been influenced by the traditional and ignorant idea of "spilling blood to recognize relatives".

What they don't know is that blood transfusions between relatives, especially direct relatives, have many hidden dangers

! In our ordinary thinking, most people think that blood transfusions between relatives are better than others

! Aren't you all acting like this in TV dramas?

But this is the wrong bridge

! Blood transfusions by relatives can easily cause "plant anti-host diseases"!

The case fatality rate is as high as 90%!


at this time, it was the Tang Dynasty, not to mention these medical knowledge, even the word "blood transfusion" made them feel extremely surprised!

As soon as he heard that blood was going to be drawn, Li Shimin was the first to step forward and stretched out his sleeve:

"I'll come first, I'm his second brother, the blood type should be the same!" Everyone

also nodded, they were all born of a father, can the blood type be different?

If it were different, it is estimated that Li Yuan could be angry to death!

Sun Simiao did not hesitate and quickly assembled the blood drawing device.

Feather tube - steel tube - glass tube.

There is a pressure valve made of wood in the glass tube, and the blood can be drawn out by pulling the pressure valve.

Sun Simiao inserted a sharp feather tube into Li Shimin's blood vessel.

Everyone was watching nervously, because they had only seen "bloodletting" and where had they seen "blood drawing"!

Sun Simiao dripped Li Shimin's blood on Li Zhiyun's serum prepared in advance.

According to the book, observe whether the blood and serum have agglutination reactions.

If agglutination occurs, the bleeding pattern can be judged to be consistent.

For example, it is also said on these papers that people are roughly divided into type A blood, type B blood, type AB blood, and type O blood.

If a person's blood reacts with the serum of type A blood, it means that this is type A blood!

All eyes were on the blood and serum on the glass sheet.

If nothing else, it should be compatible.


Next act.

Shocked everyone!

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