Li Shimin's blood and Li Zhiyun's serum are not compatible!

Everyone: ???

"This... What's going on here?"

Could it be..." Li

Shimin's face darkened

: "Shut up for me, the fifth brother must be my Li bloodline!" Everyone looked at Li Shimin awkwardly

: "We don't doubt this, His Royal Highness the Emperor is brave and resolute, and cares for the people, it must be the Li bloodline!" Li


??? lying groove!


many meanings is this?

Li Shimin's face turned red, there is no insult more shocking than this!

This great Tang dynasty

...?This hard-won everything

...?Also, what should Changsun Wuxian and Li Chenggan do...?Li

Shimin was frantically making up his brain, his face getting redder and redder, and his head getting lower and lower.

Since ancient times, bloodline is a big thing!

Sun Simiao was also puzzled, and immediately took out the "Thousand Gold Essentials" again and read it.

A moment later.

"Don't talk about it, the poor way can be figured

out!" "Don't confuse blood recognition with this blood type!" Everyone

: Is ???

the basic understanding handed down from successive dynasties wrong?

Sun Simiao nodded solemnly, and immediately brought a duck from the kitchen.


, in the stunned eyes of everyone, put the duck blood and Li Shimin's blood into a glass bottle.

Li Shimin said secretly in his heart.


put my blood with the blood of a duck?

If they could get along, I peed upside down!


the next moment, Li Shimin knew how sinister this world was!

his own blood and the blood of ducks... In


Shimin's heart, 10,000 grass and mud horses rushed past.

Everyone gasped, and a pair of terrified eyes were full of shock!

Li Shimin suddenly wanted to cry.

Could it be that you are...

This handstand peeing, I don't know what skills are needed?

It is estimated that only the almighty tomato reader has experience!

(Don't beat me~)

Sun Simiao interrupted everyone's discussion, cut his finger with a knife, and dripped a few drops of blood into the glass bottle.

After a while, Sun Simiao's blood actually fused with Li Shimin's blood!

The result in front of me has disturbed everyone's consistent cognition!

"Guys, in fact, no matter whose blood is packed in the same glass bottle, it will fuse together for a long time

!" "Even if you experiment with chicken blood and dog blood with drops of living people's blood, they will be integrated!" Sun

Simiao said excitedly:

"Could it be that chickens, ducks, and dogs are also related to this person?"

As soon as Sun Simiao's words came out, everyone's hearts were injected with a shot of strength.


are facts, and they have already been presented in front of everyone

! There is no way to accept it!

"Well, everyone doesn't have to worry about this matter anymore, hurry up and test the blood type

!" Li Xuanba, Li Daozong, Li Daoxing, Li Shentong, Li Shenfu and other ministers of the sect immediately stood up:

"Pump mine, pump mine!"

Li Shimin gently put Li Shentong, Li Shenfu pulled back:

"Two cousins, you are both in your forties, forget it



Sun Simiao's disciples were divided into four groups, and all of them were tested in a short time.

But Li Zhiyun's serum was still proudly alone, and he couldn't look at these blood at all!"

"Sun DaoChang, what's wrong?"

asked Wu Shu anxiously.

Sun Simiao shook his head lonely:

"It's really strange, so many people, none of them have the same blood type as the emperor!"

According to Sun Simiao, blood types are roughly divided into type A blood, type B blood, type AB blood, and type O blood.


Shu, who was meditating, suddenly clapped his small hand, as if remembering something, and said excitedly:

"I know

!" "Brother Li Zhiyun once told me that his blood is a particularly rare kind!"


blood!"Panda blood???

that is, dog bear blood?

No wonder His Royal Highness the Emperor is so brave

! Suppression from the innate bloodline!

Sun Simiao was extremely surprised, and immediately opened the "Thousand Gold Essentials" again to take a closer look.

But on the newly added papers, the meaning of the words "panda blood" did not appear.

"After Emperor Qiyu, did the emperor tell you what panda blood is?" Wu

Shu muttered while thinking about it carefully:

"This kind of blood is very precious, only one or two people out of a thousand people have this blood type!"

Cheng Yanjin and the others, before the horse came

to the palace, said to all the people: "Everyone be quiet!" "We have found a way to save His Royal Highness the Emperor!" Everyone

was suddenly stunned, and then there was an earth-shaking cheer!

But Li Shimin's sad face was not half happy, and he signaled everyone to be quiet:

"The emperor has lost too much blood and urgently needs blood transfusion!"

Now, I need all of you young people to come to the Ganlu Hall to test your blood type immediately!" "


! Blood transfusion

? to His Royal Highness?

But he is just an ordinary person

! Since ancient times, the blood of the royal family cannot be defiled!

Everyone wanted to stand up, but they didn't move at once.

It's not that they don't want to

help Li Zhiyun, but they feel that they don't deserve it!


be stunned, His Royal Highness the Emperor doesn't dislike you, why do you still dislike yourself?" Li

Shimin saw through everyone's worries and continued:

"Do you want to save the emperor?!"


Emperor, we are coming

!" "Emperor, you are waiting for us!" Thousands

of young people used all their strength and ran towards the Manna Hall!


Manna Temple.

Everyone divided into four groups and rolled up their sleeves:

"Draw my blood, draw my blood!" "Drain my blood, drain

!" "Hurry up, try mine!"


Simiao's disciples quickly collected, and when Sun Simiao looked behind the crowd.

Tear-wet clothes.

In front of the Ganlu Hall, people kept running in, and there was no end in sight to the black pressure! This

is the power of the people! This is the faith of the Ming Jun! With

the passage of time, nearly a thousand people have completed the test, but none of them are Panda Blood!!

Sun Simiao, Wu Shu, Li Shimin and others, gritting their teeth and tensing the nerves of their whole bodies, and their foreheads are covered with huge beads of sweat.

Wu Shu fell into deep self-blame.


time passed, Li Zhiyun's face turned pale and precarious!

At this moment, a voice from the crowd came out:

"Try my blood!"

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