Everyone was suddenly stunned

! This voice is so familiar

! Li Shimin "clicked" in his heart!


The brothers looked at each other.

This is the first time Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng have met after many days.

Unexpectedly, Xiang was in his hometown of Chang'an!

Scenes of the past instantly flooded into Li Shimin's mind.

The many intrigues and tricks, the bloodless ruthlessness of killing, and the desperate ambush that clasped one link after another!

All came from this person in front of him, the former prince of the Great Tang!

Li Jiancheng ignored Li Shimin's clenched fists and ignored the strange eyes of everyone in the entire hall.

He limped forward, rolled up his sleeves: "

Chief Sun Dao, try pumping me!" Even

though Li Jiancheng was like this, Li Shimin was still highly vigilant.

He didn't believe in the crocodile's tears!

Li Jiancheng was followed by Li Yuanji.

He was not as free as Li Jiancheng, buried his head in his sleeve, and tightly grasped Li Jiancheng's back.

As if afraid of being seen by others.

In fact, as early as when large-scale blood tests were just started.

In order to increase the success of the blood test, Sun Simiao ordered Li Cunxiao, Demon God, and Hua Yan to immediately rush to Luoyang and bring them over.

Sun Simiao pushed away the tense Li Shimin and came to Li Jiancheng.

The moment he raised his head, Sun Simiao thought that he had seen it wrong!

Is this still those cruel and indifferent

eyes? Is this still the prince who tried to kill his brother

? Why does his eyes look so clear that it is equivalent to reinventing the furnace

? Others are also talking about it:

"Why are they here?

Sun Simiao stared at everyone and waved:

"Keep quiet, forbid noise!" In

the eyes of everyone, Sun Simiao dripped Li Jiancheng's blood on the serum paper with nervousness.

But unfortunately, Li Jiancheng's blood type does not match.

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and their hanging hearts were put down.

Who knows, when Li Jiancheng looked back at Li Yuanji, everyone saw Li Jiancheng's eyes.


Their feelings at the moment are the same as Sun Simiao.

Li Jiancheng... Changed?

How is this possible.

"Fourth brother, you can also try it!" said

Li Jiancheng to Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanji stretched out his arm, still with his head down.

Beads of sweat oozed from Sun Simiao's forehead again.


to Wu Shu's description, panda blood is likely to be inherited among relatives or from generation to generation.

Therefore, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji have great hope.

But miracles don't happen every time.

The results of Li Yuanji's blood test were equally disappointing.

Sun Simiao's eyes darkened.

"Everyone hurry up and call more people, Poor Dao will not believe that there is no panda blood in my Chang'an City!"

roared Sun Simiao in rare hysteria.

He was really in a hurry.

Emperor Li Zhiyun is already in danger, and if he is not treated, he will not be able to return to heaven.

"Then try mine!" just

then, another loud voice came.

An old man with burning eyes and a rosy face in the crowd walked over with solid steps.

Li Shimin was shocked, and Wu Shu was stunned.

The expressions of all the people of Chang'an City and the Minister of Culture and Military Affairs were stagnant.

Li Yuan???

Emperor of the Great Tang...

At this time, Li Yuan, in the eyes of everyone, was in an excellent mental state, and did not seem to be affected by the Chang'an turmoil at all.

Many people and ministers have always had a good impression of Li Yuan.

Since Li Yuan entered Chang'an, the people's lives have been relatively peaceful and smooth.

Li Shimin subconsciously knelt down and said, "

The child has seen... Father!" Li

Shimin suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he really couldn't think of how to call Li Yuan, so as not to refute his face.

All the people and the minister of culture and martial arts saw Li Shimin fighting, and they also crawled on the ground:

"Wei Chen/Last General/Caomin, see you...

Your Highness!" The word "Your Highness" is much more appropriate.

However, Li Yuan waved his hand and said kindly:

"Everyone, hurry up, I am not an emperor anymore!"

"If you want to call me, then call me 'Emperor Taishang'!" Li

Yuan had long accepted Li Zhiyun's suggestion - Emperor Taishang!

When Li Yuan said the names of Li Zhiyun and Li Shimin, there was a hint of pride on his face.

It's like an old father, proud of his son.

This deeply touched Li Shimin's heart.

It seems that his father, the emperor, has forgiven everything that happened.

Li Yuan came to Sun Simiao, rolled up his sleeves and said:

"Sun DaoChang, please start quickly, Wu'er's life is at stake!"

Sun Simiao knew that perhaps Li Yuan in front of him was the last hope!

Thinking of this, Sun Simiao's pair of "skillful hands" trembled for the first time and personally went into battle to draw a few drops of blood for Li Yuan.

Then, in everyone's eager gaze, blood dripped on Li Zhiyun's serum.

Time flies slowly and can be measured in seconds.

Everyone was silently shouting in their hearts:

"We must merge, we must merge!" "

Father and son are of the same heart, and their profits will definitely be able to break gold!" Even

Li Yuan clenched his fists nervously, secretly exerting his strength.

He hopes that this "rebel son" Li Zhiyun, who has not been treated by him, can get a little fatherly love.

If you can, make up for it now.

"Look, fused, fused!"

Everyone had an excited expression on their faces, and they said to Li Yuan one after another:


Congratulations to the Emperor Taishang, Congratulations to the Emperor Taishang!" "The Emperor Taishang

saved the life of the emperor, and should be worshiped by us!"

Li Yuan immediately rolled up his sleeves and said

to Sun Simiao: "Time is not for me, please ask Elder Sun Dao

to draw my blood immediately!" "I have been very well conditioned in Luoyang City during this time, my body is strong, and it is not in the way of drawing some

blood!" "If you can draw more, draw more!"

Sun Simiao nodded solemnly and stepped up to draw blood.

The blood tests of others did not end because of Li Yuan's "panda blood".

What they thought was that Li Yuan's blood alone might not be enough, and they

must continue to search for this precious panda blood.

Not long after, Sun Simiao had already drawn half a vial of blood, about 200 milliliters.

Li Yuan still did not withdraw his arm, and a loud voice sounded:

"Don't get in the way, fill this bottle!" Sun

Simiao was a little hesitant, but Li Yuan raised his other hand and directly inserted the feather tube into his arm again.

Later, Sun Simiao immediately hung a small vial of blood upside down above Li Zhiyun's bed.

Connect slender steel pipes and feather tubes, and use the method of distance difference pressure to transfuse blood for Li Zhiyun.

In order to control the speed evenly, the shape of the steel pipe is designed into a small curved shape, and strive to let the blood be lost to Li Zhiyun at a uniform speed.

Everyone looked at this amazed picture, and a heart raised their throats.

This was the first time they saw "blood transfusion"; the first time

they saw one person's blood transfused into another person's body.

What I didn't dare to think about before has now become a reality!

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