Wu Shu carefully dipped Li Zhiyun's lips with warm water and fed him porridge through a glass straw.

I hope that Li Zhiyun can increase some nutrition while transfusing blood and quickly come over.

The city's blood testing work is still intense.

Sun Simiao's disciples found that two of them had panda

blood! "Drain my blood, I can carry it!!" "

And mine, can't just pump his!!"

The two people competed to donate blood, almost fighting.

After Sun Simiao's disciples drew one person's blood, they left the contact information of two people.

This is also Sun Simiao's decision.

He intends to establish a "panda blood information database" in an orderly manner across the country.

Register people with such rare blood so that they can be contacted in the future if necessary.

Wu Shu, Li Shimin and dozens of other people all silently guarded in front of Li Zhiyun's bed.

They could see Li Zhiyun's complexion, slowly turning red, and the skin on his body was no longer pale, but bloody.

The situation has improved significantly,

but Li Zhiyun still did not wake up in a coma.

Wu Shu continuously fed Li Zhiyun in various ways.

Most of it is porridge and milk.

Among them, Sun Simiao also gave Li Zhiyun a blood transfusion again.

At this time, it was already early in the morning.

"Everyone is tired for a day, you go and rest, just leave it to me to guard here!"

said Wu Shu respectfully to everyone.

But no one wanted to go, and they came to the side hall of the Manna Hall with interest.

Just sat there, waiting for Li Zhiyun to wake up.

In front of Li Zhiyun's bed, only Wu Shu was left.

Wu Shu gently put Li Zhiyun's hand on his face and said softly

, "Brother Yun, do you remember the first time you saw Zhi'er was in Chang'an City's Qibei Lake.

The scenery is beautiful and it is known as 'the best place in the mountains and rivers of Guanzhong Province'.

We were grilling, and you said to me, you little girl is fat and pouty, why do you still eat meat

? I was very angry when I heard this

! Why? Can you talk about me if you are handsome?

At that time, I remembered you!

You see, Zhao'er seems to be fatter again, you get up and talk about me!"

Wu Shu spoke emotionally, and Li Zhiyun, who was in a coma, reacted to Wu Shu's affectionate call, and the little finger of his left hand moved.

But Wu Shu did not notice it.

"In addition, what Xiao'er wants to tell you is that the Queen Mother and Qing'er are in very good health

!" "Also, the little one is making trouble in my stomach every day, and it looks like you, lively and cute!" Speaking

of this, Wu Shu felt sad again:

"Brother Yun, the concubine is still waiting to welcome the birth of the child with you!"

Tears covered Wu Shu's face, and under the hazy candlelight, a trace of sadness quietly filled the entire hall.

"Shu'er, the child still has a while!" "



, Wu Shu stopped, his expression almost frozen.

Wasn't he dreaming just now, right?

Wu Shu opened his confused eyes and looked at Li Zhiyun.


, those long-lost star eyes shone brightly! In

the starry eyes, there was a vast ocean.

In the sea, there are the sun, moon, and stars, the sun and the moon in the sky, and the gentle waves lapping her girl's heart!

"Brother Yun, you are awake, you are finally awake!" Wu

Shu cried like a tearful child, and threw herself into Li Zhiyun's arms.

"Ah, it hurts-"

Wu Shu immediately leaned over, gently put Li Zhiyun's injured arm away, and cried and laughed at Li Zhiyun.

Li Shimin, Li Xuanba, Li Cunxiao, Li Jing, Zong Luoji, Su Dingfang, Cheng Yanjin and others in the side hall heard the movement and rushed in one after another.

"Fifth brother... Emperor, you are awake, you are finally awake!" said

Li Shimin looking at Li Zhiyun in surprise.

Li Zhiyun nodded at

Li Shimin: "Second brother, you are a little haggard today!"

The phrase "second brother" made Li Shimin's heart

turbulent, and his heart beat rapidly! Li Shimin

immediately dipped his fingers in saliva, wiped it on his bun, and said with a smile:

"Emperor, doesn't it look a little more spiritual


"Emperor, you have finally woken up!"

said Li Xuanba with tears in his eyes.

"How many times have you said that you can call me Fifth Brother in private!" Li

Xuanba nodded and said shyly:

"Fifth Brother, are you hungry?

"So can I eat meatloaf now?" Li

Zhiyun, like other ordinary soldiers, did he fight the battlefield for fifteen hours without entering the water

! At that time, his mind was full of that delicious meatloaf!


Jian stepped forward and patted Li Xuanba's shoulder:

"General Li, I can assist you in making meatloaf together, I will make more than twenty flavors..."

"Lord Tang, General Li, the emperor can't eat meatloaf yet!" A

fairy wind Daoist with long hair and fluttering hair walked in, it was that Sun Simiao.

Li Zhiyun owed a debt, and Sun Simiao hurriedly stepped forward:

"The emperor should not get up, he must recuperate."

"Now the meatloaf is still uneatable, these two days must be based on light food, it is best to drink porridge every day."

Wu Shu touched Li Zhiyun's face with pity

: "Brother Yun is not afraid, the concubine will give you food below!" Li

Zhiyun nodded and sipped his saliva

: "Dao Chief, I'm joking with the third brother

!" "This time you must have saved my life again, thank you!" Sun

Simiao shook his head, picked up the "Thousand Gold Essentials" he carried with him, turned to the last few pages, and put it in front of Li Zhiyun:

"I wonder if His Royal Highness has an impression of these pages?"

Li Zhiyun was suddenly stunned.

I saw that on these pieces of paper, the various operation methods and feasibility of "blood transfusion" were written proudly.

What surprised Li Zhiyun even more was that the font on the paper was not a product of this era at all,

but came from a previous life!

The others also gathered around, looked at the handwriting, and shook their heads repeatedly.

Li Zhiyun closed the "Thousand Gold Essentials" and said

, "Chief Sun Dao, this is not something I added.

"This is strange, every word on this book of Qiandao's "Thousand Gold Essentials" is written by Poor Dao, but it is certain that I absolutely do not know about

the last few pages!" Sun Simiao took back the "Thousand Gold Essentials" like holding a treasure:

"Emperor, it is not a secret, it is these last few pieces of paper that saved the life of the emperor!" "Emperor

, please look at the handwriting on this paper, it should not be written by people, it should belong to some kind of machine!"


it wasn't written by people???

Li Zhiyun's expression stagnated, and the word "system" appeared in his mind.

It's not written by people, is it ... Written by the system?

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