Li Zhiyun fell into deep thought.

The last few pages of "A Thousand Gold Essentials" were not written by people

? Could it be written by

the system? But obviously in the dream, the system had long said to himself that it would not come

to the rescue! Li Zhiyun immediately connected to the system as soon as possible:

"Is the system there?"

[Ding! Hello host, congratulations on finally waking up. "

Excuse me, the system, did you come to the rescue?" [

Ding! This system will not be nosy, please host to do it yourself, don't ask similar questions again, goodbye!]


this is still a little tsundere!

Although Li Zhiyun was stunned by the system, his heart rose with infinite temperature.

Throughout the year, the system has been working with the system, although this system does not appear as frequently as the system in other novels, appearing almost every day.

People, you can't live without the system.

This system of one's own will only appear when it captures other countries.

The system also often tells itself to give full play to its subjective initiative and not to rely on the system.

However, it has to be admitted.

Most of the reason why I can stand in this world comes from the credit of the system.

So, the system is like a mentor and old friend in his life, let the two of them snuggle up with each other and stand together between the world of this strange world!

You say help and help, what are you doing in your entire previous life "imitation Song body"?

"Brother Yun, what are you thinking?" "Brother Yun, what are you thinking?"

"Quickly open your mouth

and drink milk!" Wu Shu took a cup of milk and fed it to Li Zhiyun with a spoon:

"If you don't drink it again, the milk will be cold!"

While drinking milk, Li Zhiyun asked Sun

Simiao: "Sun DaoChang, my blood belongs to panda blood, which is rare in the world

!" "It must be extremely difficult for Sun DaoChang to find this kind of blood type, right?"

"Who transfused blood for me, I want to thank him/her!" Sun

Simiao's face warmed:

"Your Royal Highness, it is... It was His Royal Highness Li Yuan who came to this Chang'an City non-stop.

"He saved you..." Hearing

this, Li Zhiyun's heart suddenly trembled.

Recalling the various encounters in Chang'an City, he still had hatred for Li Yuan in his heart.

But in the past six months, Li Yuan's performance has improved a lot.

Especially he chose the same path as Wang Shichong.

Every day, he helped Changsun Wuxian to watch Li Chenggan.

Or visit Luoyang with Wang Shichong, fly kites, and fencing.

From time to time, he provides help and consultation to the national affairs of the Shenzhou Empire to the best of his ability.

Occasionally play games with the palace ladies, but it's only 1vs1.

From this point of view, Li Yuan has put everything down.

Especially today, he saved his life.

After analyzing this, Li Zhiyun's hatred for Li Yuan has basically dissipated.

Everyone originally wanted to mention the names of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji.

But they were a little jealous, and in the end they did not speak.

But Wu Shu said directly:

"Brother Yun, in fact, in addition to the Father Emperor, then Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji also rushed over from Luoyang

!" "It's just that their blood is not suitable!"

Everyone watched Li Zhiyun's expression change.

But Li Zhiyun seemed to have not heard it, and said to everyone:

"It's not early, let's go back and rest!"

When the news of Li Zhiyun's awakening reached the ears of all the common people, the entire Great Wall was boiling!

Even though it was early in the morning, firecrackers were being set off everywhere, and the lights were bright, which was a hundred times livelier than the Chinese New Year's Eve just passed!

Li Zhiyun recovered very quickly and was able to exercise freely, but Sun Simiao still asked him not to have major activities for half a month.

Include...... The second brother is also inactive.

Chang'an City Ganlu Hall.

Li Zhiyun summoned hundreds of civil and military officials to discuss the matter together.

In the past few days, Li Shimin, Zong Luoji, Li Jing, Cheng Yanjin, Su Dingfang and others have long pressed the fold that asked for orders to attack Da Liang on Li Zhiyun's bedside.

If you don't gather everyone to discuss this matter, I'm afraid these people will hold out the prostate.

"Emperor Qiyu, Li Rail's million-strong coalition army has withdrawn, and we are willing to organize heavy troops to attack Daliang and unify China in one fell swoop!"

said Li Shimin, a general of Tiance and king of the Great Tang Dynasty.

"Yes, Emperor, the last general has made it clear in the compromise that at the moment Li Rail's defeat is great, his morale is weak, and he must not lose his great opportunity.

"The last general has the confidence to lead 200,000 soldiers and horses to take Daliang, take Li Rail's head, and stick it on the city tower

!" "Let the world know that this is the consequence of colluding with foreign forces and intending to subvert our Huaxia!"

said Li Jing, commander of the three armed forces, with conviction.

The Manchu Dynasty's minister of culture and military affairs glared angrily, and when he mentioned Li Zhuo's name, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Weichen thinks it's very inappropriate!" came

an inopportune voice.

Wei Zheng, the counselor, stepped forward and shouted to everyone: "

I see that all of you are simply talking and reckless of the consequences!"

Has His Royal Highness forgotten how this product made suggestions for Li Jiancheng?

"The soldiers of my Shenzhou Empire have just been destroyed by a million-strong coalition army, and they have suffered heavy casualties

!" "At present, we must resume production and repair the army, and we must not rush it!"

For the first time, Wen Chen, who was originally weak, stood together with the military generals with a high degree of unity

! Just because that Li Zhuo deceived people too much, he almost conquered Chang'an City!

Li Zhiyun did not respond immediately, but stared at Wei Zheng.

Secretly said in his heart.

As far as Li Zhiyun knows, Wei Zheng has given hundreds of thousands of words in his lifetime!

If you give full play to the talent of this goods, you will not worry about being seized by the air in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Zhiyun's eyes became hot when he looked at Wei Zheng.

But everyone thought that Li Zhiyun was about to get angry

! They all knew that the emperor hated the most in his life was people like Li Zhuo who colluded with foreign forces! How

could he agree with Wei Zheng's nonsense



Could it be that the emperor agreed with the opinion of this goods?

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