Wei Zheng was also a little stunned.

He thought that Li Zhiyun would be angry with himself.

In his eyes, Li Zhiyun was a spirited young man! An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! If

there is a revenge, he will be rewarded! Wei

Zheng had long heard about Li Zhiyun's

killing of prisoners, and more than once.

Therefore, in Wei Zheng's eyes, Li Zhiyun is a radical.

But Li Zhiyun's next words changed Wei Zheng's opinion.

"Gentlemen, this great war has caused heavy losses to our army, and we should rest for a while!" "

During this time, all the wounded soldiers were healed, all the fallen soldiers were buried, and their families were comforted with heavy money, so as to unite the army more closely and stabilize the army's heart!"


this, Wei Zheng nodded his head quite approvingly.

Only if you have soldiers in your heart, the soldiers will work for you!

Others also echoed one after another, and Li Zhiyun's image was much taller in everyone's hearts.

Li Zhiyun's expression suddenly became solemn

: "Guys, do you want to capture Daliang, Tuyuhun, and Tubo in one fell swoop?" Everyone

nodded their heads like chickens meter by meter:

"Of course, I want to be the emperor, the last general dreams

!" "Capturing Daliang means that China will achieve great unification!" "

If people do not offend me, I will not offend, it is they who invade our country first, and we must return a tooth for a tooth!"

Yes, beat them down in one breath, without giving them any respite!"

You speak my words, and the sword points to the three kingdoms.

"Guys, after capturing these three countries, do you want to start a war with the Jieyi Empire?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, it turned out that the strategic vision of the emperor was not limited to these three countries!

To be reasonable, the Jieyi Empire should fight! The

King of the Jieyi has long been eyeing the land of China!

But everyone was not as radical as just now, but was a little hesitant.

Seeing that everyone was in trouble, Li Zhiyun chuckled:

"Whether it is attacking the Three Kingdoms or the Ring Sun Empire, we are all long-term, long-term battles, and food and grass are the first!"

Everyone nodded furiously.

Since ancient times.

The soldiers and horses did not move the food and grass first.

Under certain circumstances, when the two sides are equal and fall into a state of stalemate.

Whoever has enough grain and grass will be able to win the final victory!

Li Zhiyun turned his words around, and stared at everyone with sharp eyes:

"Do you think our current grain and grass are enough?"

For a long journey, food and grass must be well prepared.

But where did this grain and grass come from?

Everyone suddenly looked sad, like frosted eggplants.

"Tang Jian, take it!"

said Li Zhiyun to Tang Jian.

Tang Jian immediately took out two things from the wide sleeve mezzanine and passed them to everyone by the internal attendant.

"Lord Tang, this is?" "

This seems to be... Corn shoots?"

"This seems to be...

Tang Jian nodded:

"It's already early April, and in two months, the early corn and early rice in the field should be ripe!" Li

Zhiyun looked at the corn cob seedling and rice ear, and glanced at Tang Jian.


I obviously gave him five corn shoots, why is there only one?

"Tang Jian, you calculate for everyone, how much grain can we harvest?" Tang Jian

took out the account book he carried with him and dipped his saliva:

"Emperor Qiyu, there are currently 4,800 hectares of reclaimed land in the country, of which corn and rice are predicted to harvest more than 400,000 Hu!"


present, the population of the country is about 8 million, with an average of 800 catties per person! These

are just the two yields of corn and rice.

If you count wheat, pumpkin, sweet potatoes...

Everyone started going crazy, with a tsundere smile on their faces.

As a citizen of the Shenzhou Empire, proud!

Tang Jian put the ledger back in his pocket and said with some concern:

"Emperor Qiyu, is it a bit long to wait for two months.

"If these three countries collude with the Jieyi Empire behind them and overwhelm the territory again, we will be very dangerous."

Li Zhiyun smiled and waved his hand:

"Impossible, you are a waste when Liu Min is a waste?" "

If nothing else, in another twenty days or so, Li Rail's coalition forces will return to the border of Daliang."

Li Zhiyun changed his tone:

"But I tell you that they can't go back!" Sure

enough, on the other side.

The three men of Nongnan, Fu Yun, and Li Rail, led a remnant of 500,000 defeated generals, and fled quickly towards the southwest of Chang'an City.

Along the way

, Li Rail was cursing

and cursing at the Gongzan Lang Lang

: "You don't know yet, you have an egg to use when you go back!" "

Maybe the four great lords and the old nobles have already fought!" Li

Rail's face was filled with a mocking evil smile:

"What's more, the millions of troops of the Jieyi Empire are estimated to have already been overwhelmed!"

On Zanlong's face was very ugly, like a dead father.

Since he had been marching on the road, he could not get news from home.

And Li Rail's words made him even more uneasy.


Li, you should understand what is the name of the lips and teeth cold!"

"You so hope that Tubo will be captured by the Jieyi Empire?"

"If this is the case, I believe that the Jieyi Empire will step past my Tubo and attack Tuyuhun, and then go north to fight your Great Liang!"

Li Zhuo instead showed a sly smile in the face of the roar of the praise

: "Your brother has finally opened his mind

!" "You said that it is indeed good, that King of the Ring Sun only wants to expand his territory, and he is bound to turn a big eye on me after conquering Tubo!"

Anyway, Tubo can't be saved, why don't our three armies put troops in our territory of Daliang and rely on the advantages of mountains and rivers to conduct a defensive war against the Jieyi Empire

!" "When the time is ripe, we will counterattack in one fell swoop and retake Tubo!"

His idea was very simple, that is, let these two goods put their troops in the territory of Daliang, so as to strengthen the strength of Daliang.

At the same time, he made contact with the king of the Ring Sun behind his back and tried to make good friends between the two countries.

And the sincerity of this negotiation is the head of these two people!

In this way, whether it is advancing or retreating, he can have a target.

Nongzangbao and Fu Yun shook their heads in disdain and looked at Li Rail with disdain.


think about it a little bit and

can't see through it until now, then you're really stupid.

Ronzan said with a vengeance

: "Brother Li, don't worry about Tubo, what if this Jieyi Empire does the opposite, not attacking Tubo first, but attacking the farthest Da Liang first?"

Fu Yun's eyes also lit up, and he added oil and vinegar:

"There is this possibility! Then the King of the Ring Sun will never play cards according to the routine!" Li

Rail held his beard and stopped talking, to be precise, he didn't want to talk to these two fools again.

If the King of


attacked his Da Liang first, it would be no problem for him to eat upside down!

Li Rail laughed as he walked:

"Let's wait and see, don't come and beg me to take you in then!"

Twenty days later.

The 500,000-strong army led by the three finally reached the border of Daliang.

Nongzan and Fu Yun originally planned to use Dailiang to return to China, but Li Zhuo did not agree.

Unless stationed in Da Liang.

The two had to go east and west.

Take a detour.

And right at this moment.

Li Rail, who was about to enter the city, noticed something wrong through the telescope!

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