In the border city of Qingyang County, the Great Liang Kingdom.

Li Rail can be seen blurrily through the telescope.

The soldiers guarding the city have changed:

an elephant's banner, heads of varying heights, a ring of white cloth on the head, red cloth, a turban wrapped in green cloth, and so on.

The army patrolling the city held spears about four meters long.

The more Li Zhuo looked at it, the more frightened he became, gasped and put the telescope on his chest, turned his back to the mountain, and immediately signaled to everyone:

"Everyone pay attention, immediately hide!" The

500,000-strong army put down the banner in his hand and hid in the dense forest.

It is less than five miles from the front of Qingyang County.


don't know what happened, but they can see through Li Rail's expression that something big has definitely happened!

Li Rail closed his eyes and raced around in his mind.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was really right by the crow's mouth of that Zanlangbao and Murong Fuyun! The

Jingri Empire bypassed Tubo and Tuyuhun, sacrificed its proximity and sought distance, and attacked his Da Liang first!

This made him very puzzled, why did he only attack his own Da Liang?

Before, he and Murong Fuyun deliberately concealed this matter.

I don't know what the King of Ringing Sun thinks

? Is it stupid by the sun?

It's really a fucking bunch of neurotics!

Li Rail felt a hot anger on his face.

Just now, he was still angry about Zanlangsang, but now he was slapped in the face?!

While shocked, all four eyes were full of ridicule and ridicule.

Sure enough,

the King of the Ring Sun never plays cards according to the routine!

Only... Quite suddenly

! Hahaha

! Chanchan's eyes were like torches as he stroked his beard, and his own Tubo was saved!

The expression on Murong Fuyun's face was even richer.

He seemed to have mastered the tone here at the first time, from a little brother who was not in the flow, like a big guy, quite a pointer:

"Look at this, Brother Li's Qingyang County can't go!" "Why don't

you go back to Tuyuhun with me?"

But after Zanlangbao and Murong Fuyun mocked Li Rail, they also felt extremely uneasy in their hearts.

Now that the Jieyi Empire has launched an attack on

Daliang, will Tubo and Tuyuhun still be far away? Perhaps the Jingri King has already lined up troops against the two countries and is eyeing the tiger

! Three countries, one game of chess!

After capturing Daliang, the next target will definitely be Tubo and Tuyuhun.

Thinking of this, the two were no longer calm, immediately packed their bags, gathered an army, and prepared to rush to the country.

The first thing he did after returning was to recruit a large number of troops to defend the Jieyi Empire.

For this point, Zanlongbao's face was full of confidence, the domestic population is more than six million, if necessary, he can completely pull out a million-strong army!

Murong Fuyun thought more simply, and after returning to China, he shook hands with the Tianzhu King and made peace.

Although he and the Tianzhu King have always had political differences, at the moment of national disaster, he believes that the Tianzhu King will definitely abandon the past and fight side by side with him.

There is nothing else in Tuyuhun, that is, this mountain and river terrain, each of which is easy to defend and difficult to attack

! The king of the Jieyuri will definitely get lost in Tuyuhun!

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Li Zhuo finally opened his eyes and regained his senses.

He immediately took the hands of the two, almost knelt on the ground, and humbly begged:

"If you two leave, then my Great Cool will not be saved!"

Before Li Rail could utter the word "hand," Ronzan interrupted him: "

Brother Li, you didn't say that just now

!" "You have been saying that the Jieyi Empire will attack Tubo first, and I must rush back as soon as possible!"

Why do you

say these cool words?The

pit I dug and jumped by myself?

The superior person was actually beside me, and the clown was actually myself!

He will no longer fall for Li Rail, and he still has an army of 150,000 in his hands.

In case it really didn't work, his Murong family could completely request to become a vassal of the Jingri Empire.

Li Rail's weak plea for help had no effect, which made him angry:

"You two are the heads of a country, but they are both women's opinions

!" "If my great cold is over, it will be your turn next!" The

two still chose to ignore Li Rail's words and stepped up the mobilization of troops.

"If you don't help me, then I must pull you into the water before I die, so that you don't die well!"

"King Qiyu, there is movement in the depths of the dense forest!" A

group of men and horses were escorted up by soldiers.

Li Zhuo looked at these people in front of him and asked vigilantly

, "Who are you, and why are you hiding in the depths of the dense forest?"

If these people are the eyeliner of the King of Ring, then it will be suffered!

In front of these convoys dressed as businessmen, everyone had fear on their faces, and even two of them had their pants wet with scared urine.

Li Rail frowned.

Look at this, it doesn't look like an enemy scout

!" "Don't say it quickly, the king asked you!"

the soldier put the knife to his neck.

"Enlightenment: Sir, we are a business convoy passing through here, and we wanted to go to Qingyang County to do business..."

"Do business?"

Li Rail's eyes became more vigilant.

This group of people must be lying

!" "King Qiyu, more than ten carriages have been found deep in the dense forest!" The

soldiers made a new discovery, and pulled all the carriages in front of Li Rail.

Seeing that the wheels of the carriage were deeply sunk in the dirt, it could be inferred that the weight of the things on this carriage was not light.

Li Rail used the tip of his knife to pick open the carriage cloth.

The carriage was loaded with wheat, rice and other grains, as well as bottles and cans.

"You are a grain merchant

?" everyone nodded

: "Yes, we heard that there is a war here, and we must urgently need food..." Li

Rail looked angry:

"So you want to make money in the country and war?" "

We are not people from Da Liang..."

Someone in the crowd muttered softly, which was heard by Li Rail.


young man at the head of the convoy, glancing resentfully at the mouthful, whispered,

"We... We are from... Central Plains. "

Central Plains?"

Li Zhiyun was there,

and Li Rail suddenly became alert.

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