Li Rail suddenly pulled out the horizontal knife in his waist and pointed it directly at the people

in the convoy: "What is the relationship between you and Li Zhiyun?" "Li Zhiyun sent you?" A

thin young man in the convoy with burning eyes walked forward and said without humility:

"You are the King of the Great Liang, right?"

Liu Min ignored the two, still bowed his head slightly, and said:

"King Qiyu, we do have a relationship with Li Zhiyun!"

"What relationship?" Li

Rail's horizontal knife was already about to plunge into Liu Min's flesh, and a pair of eyes were dripping and turning.

Liu Min's face suddenly became extremely angry:

"I and Li Zhiyun on that dog day are the relationship of killing my father!"

"The revenge of killing the father?" There

are still few people who have the feud

of killing the father with Li Zhiyun? "Yes, we were originally the clan members of Shuofang City, but I didn't expect that after Li Zhiyun captured Shuofang, he would kill the clan

on a big scale!" "My father, he was not spared in this massacre!"

Liu Min said, squeezing out a few tears bluntly, his eyes red.

Li Rail pointed the tip of the knife at Liu Min

: "What family are you from

?" "Hugh wants to deceive King Ben! King Ben has dealings with everyone in the clan of Nashuofang County!" Liu

Min immediately knelt down and said tremblingly

: "How dare your subordinates deceive the king

?" "Has the Cui family in Shuofang City ever heard of it?" Li

Rail's eyes rolled:

"Cui Xiao is you... Father?"

Liu Min nodded with a painful expression:

"Yes, in Xia Cui Sheng, Cui Xiao is the name of the father, but he was killed by

Li Zhiyun!" "I still can't forget how my father looked when he died, and he was split in half by Li Zhiyun!"

After Li Zhiyun entered Shuofang City, he attacked the arrogance of the clan in order to establish power.

Split Cui Xiao, who took the lead in causing trouble, in half

! At that time, this incident shocked

the world! This was also the first game that dared to face the gong and drums with everyone in the world, hard against hard and rigid.

But Li Rail still did not let his guard down:

"You said that

the Cui family is the Cui family?" "What is the proof

?" "Besides, where did all this grain and grass come from?" Liu

Min unhurriedly took out a yellowed book from his sleeve, which was the Cui family tree!

From these details, Li Rail can basically conclude that the person in front of him should be a member of the Cui family.

But in order to finally confirm, Li Rail made a killer move, pointed at Liu Min and asked:

"As a member of the Cui family, can you play a?"

Liu Min nodded calmly, but his heart began to panic.


King Qiyu, his subordinates didn't come out with Xiao..." "Give

, I have here!" Murong

Fuyun, who was watching the play on the side, took out a Xiao from his arms.

Liu Min: ???

I'm also drunk!

Liu Min could only pick up Xiao with a hard head, put on an intoxicated expression, and put his mouth on the small hole.

Liu Min puffed out his cheeks and was just about to.

"Well, there is no need for a, lest the enemy hear it!" Li

Zhuo suddenly interrupted Liu Min:

"Where did all this grain come from?

They have not eaten a full meal for more than 10 days in a row, and they can't wait to grab the grain now, cook with the gang, eat a fragrant cake, and drink some rice porridge!


few unruly soldiers leaned on the carriage and reached out to remove the bottles and cans, ready to take the grain.

Right now.

A jar on the carriage fell

! This was originally a trivial matter, but the contents of the jar attracted everyone's attention

! Black powdery things, spilled all over the ground!


Li Rail recognized it at a glance.

It actually was... Black Powder!

Nongzan Nongbao and Murong Fuyun were also attracted and immediately stepped forward to check on each carriage.

The result was very exciting, and the jars on these fifteen carriages were full

of black powder! "Tell me, where did this grain and black powder come from?" "

You are not simple grain merchants!" Li

Zhuo suppressed the excitement in his heart, and saw that there were quite a few of these grains and black powder!


Min looked at the excited Li Rail, and secretly said in his heart.


, if I don't provide you with grain and grass and gunpowder, how can you fight with the Jieyi Empire?

"King Qiyu, these grains and black powder were purchased from Luoyang City in the next heavy amount!"

said Liu Min with conviction.

Li Rail stared at Liu Min's calm expression and nodded.

He was convinced of this,

and he had stolen the development technology of artillery and grenades through the eyeliner hidden in Luoyang.

Whenever there is a profit driven, there will always be someone who will try to take risks!

"Well, you have bought all these grains and black powder!"

said Li Zhuo without hesitation.

On Zan Nongbao and Murong Fuyun immediately spoke

: "We also want, how much we want, price is not a problem!" Li

Rail pushed the two

: "Didn't you say you want to leave?

Liu Min's expression was delighted, and his eyebrows widened: "

Dear kings, I have a total of 10,000 catties of grain, 1,000 catties of black powder, and 30,000 taels of gold..."

On Zan Nongbao and Murong Fuyun were taken aback.


Zhuo waved his hand

: "Little brother Cui Sheng, I want it all!" "Thirty thousand taels of gold is a lot of one or two, and the king can give you all when he returns to China!" Liu

Min lowered his head and smiled and agreed, and he was anxious about praising the bag and Murong Fuyun

: "Little brother, I don't know if you still have it?"


Min pointed to the northwest and said:

It's not a secret, my subordinates have a large warehouse in Huangling County, as well as some grain and gunpowder!" "

If you need it, I can arrange for my subordinates to pick it up, but it may take some time!" Ronzan

and Murong Fuyun immediately nodded excitedly:

"No problem, you can directly arrange for someone to transport it to my Tubo/Tuyuhun, we won't treat you badly!"

He originally wanted to directly kill Liu Min's convoy and take these things for himself.

Lao Tzu had no money,

but when he heard Liu Min say "there is," he changed his mind.

Take them with you and give them money to buy

equipment! When all the equipment is in hand, let them be empty!

At this moment, the scouts who went to Qingyang County to spy on the military situation also returned.

"King Qiyu, the Jieyi Empire has captured Qingyang County, Pingliang City, Tianshui County, Longnan County, Dingxi City, and other places

!" "At present, the 300,000-strong army of the Jieyi Empire is in the area of Baiyin County and Jincheng (Lanzhou), and will attack Wuwei in the near future!"


Min stepped forward and said to the paralyzed Li Rail:

"The king does not need to rush to attack his heart, his subordinates have gone south and north to do business, and they have also accumulated some intelligence.

Li Rail immediately stood up from the ground:

"Little brother, speak quickly!"

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