Liu Min's eyes burned and said:

"The territory of Da Liang is narrow and long, if the Jieyi Empire attacks vertically, it means going deep into the tiger's den

!" "If it attacks horizontally, it must have a large number of troops

!" "The general who led the troops of the Jieyi Empire this time is Taikan, the brother of Chief General Taikan

!" "This person always thinks that Da Liang is already in his pocket, so he has been indulging in his voice, not thinking of forging ahead, and the progress of the siege is much slower!"

Liu Min paused, pointed to the southwest, and said with conviction

: "Great King, his subordinates suggest that the army immediately march to Wuwei to jointly resist the Jieyi Empire with the prince!"

Li Zhuo had this intention, and also agreed with the current situation analyzed by Liu Min, but he was suspicious by nature and did not believe Liu Min:

"I didn't expect that the little brother really has strategic vision, has he led soldiers to fight before?"

There was a hint of cunning in Li Rail's eyes.

"The king smiled, my Shuofang Cui clan is also a famous family

!" "My eldest brother Cui Shenqing used to serve as a military attendant in Chang'an, and was later killed by that old man

Li Yuan!" "And Li Yuan killed him for only one reason, that is, to win over the dog to force Li Zhiyun..." Speaking

of this, Liu Min's eyes flashed with teardrops, as if he remembered a sad past.

Li Rail patted Liu Min's shoulder affectionately and soothed


"Little brother, your life is also miserable enough, your father and eldest brother died under that Li Tangmen's sword!" "

But don't worry, when I compete with the Jieyi Empire, I will definitely fight back to the Central Plains and avenge my brother!" Liu

Min: Who gave

you self-confidence ????

His subordinates must do everything possible to prepare gunpowder and grain for the king and strive to kill Li Zhiyun as soon as possible!" Li

Rail nodded sincerely, lowered his head and smiled strangely.

At the same time that Li Rail gave Liu Min's evaluation, Liu Min also gave an evaluation.

Li Rail's

200,000-strong army immediately set out and silently advanced along the dense forest path.

The destination is Wuwei, the capital of Daliang.

Wuwei is nearly 1,500 miles from Qingyang County.

Even the fastest march takes a month or two.

With an army of 300,000 people, one east and one west, they marched towards their country.

Before leaving, the two also specially explained Liu Min.

Be sure to give them some black powder and grain and grass.

If you are

accustomed to drinking tea from the Central Plains, you can taste the wind outside.


Two dogs force, roll Lao Tzu!"

Liu Min was tightly taken by Li Rail, and ordered Liu Min to let his men immediately rush to the warehouse of black powder and secretly transport all ammunition to Wuwei.

At present, peace negotiations with the Jieyi Empire are no longer possible.

In this era of the law of the jungle, only the strong have the right to speak, and the weak can only be passively beaten.

I hope

that Na Tai Kun is still intoxicated by beauty.

To this end, Li Rail ordered scouts all the way, specially caught some coquettish and beautiful beauties, and sent them to Jincheng.

I hope that this group of beauties can let Tai Kun vent the anger of war.

First go up and do it for the King of Ringing Day.

Then soften down and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the cool country.

Gain valuable time for your unified operational deployment.

Time flies, twenty days at a glance.

Li Rail's 200,000-strong army smoothly arrived in the outskirts of Dingxi City.

Beyond Baiyun County and Jincheng in front, it is Wuwei.

This area is extremely difficult to walk and may take more time.

The 200,000-strong army was already hungry, but with Liu Min's funding of more than 10,000 kilograms of grain and grass, it could also be dealt with by hunting mixed with wild vegetables, wild fruits, and the surrounding dense forest.

And it is precisely for these reasons that many soldiers have an excellent attitude towards Liu Min.

This includes Li Rail's original fierce general An Xiuren.

Since he was in front of Chang'an City, he was scared by Li Xuanba.

An Xiuren was swept to the end by Li Rail, and changed from a general of Shenwu to an ordinary vanguard.

At this

moment, Liu Min, like an empathetic and gentle angel, broke into An Xiuren's world.

Along the way, the two talked about everything, hated each other late, and almost reached the point of calling brothers and brothers and clubs intersecting.

"Brother An, do you think Li Rail has a chance of winning this battle?"

asked Liu Min tentatively, mysteriously handing An Xiuren a small bottle of milk.

An Xiuren made a "shh" gesture, signaling Liu Min not to speak loudly.

It is really disrespectful to discuss the war between the two countries in the army, especially to call the king by name.

Liu Min smiled heartily.

Through this small action, it can be shown that An Xiuren is thinking about himself and has regarded him as his own family.

An Xiuren lowered his voice:

"Brother Cui, in fact, I think that Li Rail just wants to protect the last dignity

!" "Although the Ring Day Empire only sent 500,000 soldiers and horses this time, what you have to know is that the entire Ring Day Empire has nearly four or five million troops!"

An Xiuren made another "shh" gesture and whispered

: "Let's stop talking about state affairs, be careful to set fire to the upper body

!" Liu Min waved his hand

: "This question is not a state affair, but a family affair related to Brother An!" An

Xiuren suddenly stopped and asked curiously:

"My family lineage?"

"I used to do business in Chang'an City in the early years next year, and I happened to meet a person named An Xinggui!" Liu

Min Yuguang noticed the change in An Xiuren's expression.

When he said "An Xinggui", An Xiuren's eyes obviously blinked a few times.

"Now that I think about it, he seems to look quite similar to you, so you shouldn't be brothers?" "

I also have some information about him here, if he has something to do with your brother, I'll tell you about it!"

An Xiuren's eyes suddenly kept moving.


Xinggui is his own brother.

It is also the Ministry of Works Shangshu of Da Liang.

Previously, he had secretly gone to Chang'an to meet His Majesty Li Yuan, and it was also a chess piece that Li Yuan placed in Daliang.

This is also the way left for the brothers for themselves.


seems that this Cui Sheng must know about this!

Thinking of this, An Xiuren quietly clenched the dagger in his cuff.


you dare to say a few blind words, then find an opportunity to end his life!

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