After a while, Liu Min was brought to the top of the main hall.


Zhuo squinted his eyes:

"Brother Cui, there is no need to be polite, please get up quickly!"

Liu Min, who was dressed as a businessman, successfully attracted the attention of hundreds of civil and military officials.

"King Ben will introduce to everyone, Brother Cui is in business, and this time he provided 10,000 catties of grain for our Da Liang. When

everyone listened, the sense of anticipation plummeted.


say that the grain donation just now, casually donated, is 20,000

catties! Who knows, Li Rail continued:

"There is still a thousand catties... This

is a good thing!

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Prince Li Zhongyan was even more excited.

Now, there's hope!

But more is yet to come.

"King Ben wants to ask Brother Cui, when will the next batch of black powder and grain you contacted last time reach Wuwei?"

Liu Min said confidently:


King Qiyu, since our army was drawn from Qingyang County, the grass people have ordered his men to go to the warehouse to collect military food and gunpowder

!" "If nothing else, one hundred loads of grain and grass and three thousand kilograms of black powder will reach Wuwei within five days!"


an instant, Liu Min's back grew tall in the eyes of everyone.

Even the always arrogant crown prince Li Zhongyan was looking sideways at Liu Min.

"By the way, where is Hube Shangshu?"

a short man who was fat into a round ball walked out: "Weichen is here

!" "Settle the payment for the last batch of goods from Brother Cui!" Li

Zhuo didn't care anyway, 30,000 taels of gold is not a small meaning?

Just now the ministers directly donated 50,000 taels!


! Li Rail decided to build iron birch shields, make grenades, line up troops, and guard Wuwei overnight!

On the other side, Chang'an City.

It was early June.

The entire Shenzhou Empire ushered in a bumper harvest.

I saw that in the fields, there were busy figures of ordinary people and soldiers.

Truckloads of early corn and rice were pulled to the nearby granaries.

Li Zhiyun once ordered three times and tried five times, leaving eighty percent of the grain harvested by all the people, and the remaining twenty percent could be handed over to the state.


did the opposite, leaving only 20% and handing over the remaining 80% to the grain depot.


hearts of the common people are clear.

By autumn, crops such as rice, corn, wheat, pumpkin, peanuts, and potatoes will begin to harvest again!

In the past two months, Li Zhiyun and Wu Shu also returned to Luoyang once.

After dealing with a series of serious matters, Li Zhiyun stayed with his mother, Qing'er, Poppy, and Alan for a few days.

As a mother-in-law-to-be, Wan Xuanyu is very busy.

Li Zhiyun spent a few days in Luoyang.

Looking at Wu Shu, whose belly was getting bigger and bigger, he smiled and smiled.

Luoyang City is quietly changing.

Li Jiyun has not received a reply from Kinderman, who is far away in Silla.

Kinderman had returned to Silla years ago, and for most of the past half a year, he has not been heard from.

In this regard, Li Zhiyun's heart was a little uneasy.


Jiancheng and Li Yuanji were no longer detained in Luoyang Prison, but moved to a quiet place at the foot of Luoyang City.

There are mountains, waters, and fields.

Li Jiancheng's leg disease is also slowly developing towards a good trend.

Li Zhiyun also improved equipment such as armored fighting vehicles, artillery grenades, Wolong Fort, and folding ladders.

Numerous young and middle-aged people have been recruited throughout the country, and in just two months, 200,000 new soldiers have been recruited!

At present, Li Zhuo has returned to Wuwei and stepped up the arrangement of city defenses, preparing to resist the Jieyi Empire.

In order to cooperate with their actions, Li Zhiyun transported batches of advanced weapons such as black powder and grenades to Liu Min's warehouse in Huangling County.

Let Liu Min sell all these things to Li Rail, and borrow Li Rail's hand to severely attack the forces of the Jieyi Empire.


Wuji is also in Tubo, reuniting more and more Han tribes, strengthening military training and equipping weapons.

When the battle between the four lords and the old nobles is nearing its end, kill both forces together!

Sadly, the 150,000-strong army of Zanong has not yet returned home.

His journey was much farther than Li Rail's.

In the past two months, in order to adapt the soldiers to the environment of high-altitude combat, Li Zhiyun has also formulated a set of hypoxia training for everyone.

Adapt their lungs to the new environment as soon as possible.

Everything is ready.

Li Zhiyun felt that it was time to send troops to cool down!

In front of Chang'an City, above the huge parade square.

Li Zhiyun stood on a high platform, his starry eyes shining.

Under the stands.

Stand neatly and uniformly.

Two hundred thousand Turkic troops.

200,000 Chang'an defenders.

200,000 Luoyang defenders.

Two hundred thousand recruits.

100,000 naval officers

, 15,000 tiger and iron horsemen, nearly

100 swift war pigeons hovering in the sky.

In front of the army, there were more than 500 fierce generals, including Li Shimin, Li Jing, Zong Luoxiao, Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, Su Dingfang, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Qin Qiong, Wei Chi Jingde, Liu Wenjing, and Yin Kaishan!

And just when Li Zhiyun was about to speak to everyone.

A soft and rigid voice came in:

"Emperor, and us!" In

an instant

, the ground shook, flying sand and stones!

A female general wearing white battle armor and white battle robes, majestic and handsome face, broke into everyone's sight.

Behind her, she was followed by a phalanx of 200,000 cavalry and infantry!

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