The female general rushed to Li Zhiyun and knelt down on both knees.

A white face, with a hint of red.

Affectionate eyes, with great affection.

Ruddy vermilion lips, shining with a hundred meisheng.

"Concubine Jindeman, meet His Royal Highness!" Li

Zhiyun suddenly froze in place, and there was a burst of chicken movement.

Some time ago, I was worried that this woman would never return.

Now, with an army and a full of lovesickness, she came to her and knelt under her double straddles.

This made Li Zhiyun very moved.

Wu Shu behind Li Zhiyun was the first to react, stepped forward to help Kinderman up, and whispered:

"My good sister, you are finally back!"

Kinderman immediately knelt down

again and said,

"Minister Jindeman, I have seen the Empress Concubine

!" "Why are you kneeling again? Hurry up!" Wu

Shu took Kinderman's hand and walked back, turning back to Li Zhiyun and saying:

"Brother Yun, the front will be handed

over to you!" "The rear is handed over to me!"

Li Zhiyun looked at the million-strong army and nodded solemnly

: "My soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire

!" "We love peace and never practice hegemonism

!" "But if someone dares to invade

my Chinese land, my eight million people will not agree, my million soldiers will not agree, and I will not agree!" Li Zhiyun's eyes were scarlet as blood:

"My Chinese land will never allow any foreign forces to bully, oppress, or oppress." Enslave us

!" "Whoever tries to do this will surely break his head and bleed in front of the Great Wall of Steel forged by the flesh and blood of eight million Chinese people!"

We get up from wherever we fall, right in this Chang'an City, I hope you remember the tragic battle two months ago

!" "Take a minute to remember those soldiers who died defending Chang'an and defending the people!"

Everyone closed their eyes and felt the tragic picture of the battle of Chang'an, the lost comrades.

And, every smile that is warm and inspiring.

They have been laid to rest under the land of Chang'an City.


Zhiyun opened his eyes, and a flash of golden light appeared:

"Assign combat tasks below!" "

General of Tiance and King of the Great Tang Li Shimin, leading the first column of 200,000 troops, marched northwest, along Xianyang County and Tongchuan County, and approached Qingyang County!"

Stationed on the outskirts of Qingyang County, let the reinforcements of the Jieyi Empire enter, forming a trend of closing the door and fighting dogs, blocking the way for the Jieyi Empire to retreat to the north, in case Li Rail's army counterattacked

!" "Li Shimin immediately knelt down to receive the order!" "Li Jing

, commander of the three armies, led the 200,000-strong army of the second column all the way north along Tongchuan County and Yan'an County, and then marched along Yinchuan County to Jinchang City due south!"

The great general of Shenwu, Zong Luoji, led the third column of 200,000 troops along Baoji County, Tianshui County, and Dingxi County, and approached Jincheng

!" "Zong Luoji immediately knelt down to receive the order

!" "The second column, the third column, formed a west-to-east attack on Wuwei, dividing the entire Daliang into three sections!" Li Jing

and Zong Luoji looked at each other and smiled, no problem!

"The great general of Shenwu, Su Dingfang, led the 200,000-strong army of the fourth column, marched southwest, along Hanzhong County and Guangyuan

County, and approached Longnan County!" "Garrison in the outlying areas of Longnan County, always pay close attention to the dynamics of Tuyuhun, and cut off foreign aid in Daliang!"

Zheng Wenxiu, commander of the naval corps, led a hundred thousand navy to the south along the mouth of the Yellow River, hidden in the upper reaches of the Indian Ocean, and paid close attention to the dynamics of the Imperial Navy of the Ring Japan

!" "Zheng Wenxiu immediately knelt down to receive the order

!" "Xiao Yu and Tang Jian led an army of 200,000 grain and grass, and the Demon God and Hua Yan led 5,000 tigers and iron horses to guard along the way and send grain and grass to the garrison camps of four columns!"

"Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruxian formed a field brigade, led an army of 200,000 people, and accompanied Shu to Daliang Jiuquan County

!" "Mess up Li Rail's rear and advance in the opposite direction!"

Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruxian immediately knelt down to receive the order!

From then on, four columns, a large army of grain and grass, and a field brigade, a total of six teams, had completed the distribution of combat tasks.

Li Zhiyun's battle this time intends to capture Daliang, Tubo, and Tuyuhun, and knock on the Jieyi

Empire!" "My soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire, set off now!" Without

too much nonsense, Li Zhiyun was just doing two things.

Say goodbye to the past.

Win the future.

In an instant!

Above the huge parade square.

A million-strong army marched thousands of miles into the Great Liang!

And behind them were countless people of Chang'an City.

The farewell of thousands of empty alleys, the eyes are full of reluctance.

"Soldiers, we are waiting for you to come back

!" "We will have a good harvest in autumn, and we will hunt the grain together

!" "Pay attention to your body and bones on the front line, there is a plateau, and the climate is not as good as ours!"

... Bidding farewell to the people of Chang'an City, all the armies were even more shocked.

Every city they experienced along the way had the eyes of ordinary people.

There is ardent anticipation in that gaze, and there is warm care.

They delivered meatloaf, milk, fruits and vegetables to the teachers.

They gave the soldiers cotton clothes, stockings, and cotton boots in case of extreme weather on the plateau.

If the soldiers do not want it, then desperately shove it into their hands.

Li Zhiyun walked directly in front of the line.

Look back.

I sighed inwardly.

The mountain road is far and deep, and the army is galloping.


this next earth-shattering battle be your upcoming eighteenth birthday.


coolness, martial power, is the night.

Liu Min was living in a luxury inn arranged by Li Rail.

Although the march along the way gradually adapted to the plateau weather, Liu Min's whole body was still a little uncomfortable.

And right now.

Two figures flashed on the dim window.

Liu Min looked startled.


knock knock -

three knocks, a faint voice came in:

"Brother Cui, I am An Xiuren."

Liu Min immediately opened the door, and two figures rushed in, and then locked the door behind him.

The people who came were the two brothers An Xiuren and An Xinggui.

They were dressed in black with strange and mysterious expressions on their faces.

"I don't know what your two orders are for visiting late at night?"

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