An Xiuren pointed at An Xinggui and said to Liu Min:

"Brother Cui, this is my eldest brother, An Xinggui.

Liu Min nodded:

"I know, Lord An is a great liang, and he has been serving as Shangshu of the Ministry of Works for more than ten years, right?"

An Xinggui was caught off guard and knelt down on one knee in front of Liu Min!

Bi said respectfully:

"Thank you for Brother Cui's advice today, so that I can save my life!"

The three sat on a stone bench.

Liu Min made a cup of tea.

An Xiuren and An Xinggui took a sip

of tea: "Lie in the groove! Good tea!" The

two were so excited that they burst into foul language.

This tea is bitter in the mouth, but sweet in the taste.

"Brother Cui, I didn't expect you to have so many good things here!"

said Liu Min secretly.


is the Tie Guanyin experimented by Emperor Li Zhiyun.

Although it is still immature in Li Zhiyun's mouth, it is as difficult to drink as horse urine.

But in Liu Min's eyes, this is already a first-class good tea.

An Xinggui put down the teacup and handed over his hand

: "Brother Cui, I have already heard Xiu Ren say that my strategy of donating money and grain in the court today, this is the idea you gave him

!" An Xuren took a sip of tea and looked at Liu Min with some adoration:

"Old brother Cui is like a god, my brother has indeed been targeted by

the prince!" "According to the news from the internal attendant beside the prince, it seems that in the hands of the prince, there is some evidence against my brother."


Min raised his teacup and swept down the two

of them: "We are all our own brothers, if you trust my brother, but it's okay to say

it!" "I promise that I won't reveal a word!"

An Xiuren arched his hand and said,

"Then I'll say it bluntly." "

How did Brother Cui learn that my brother was targeted by that prince?"

Liu Min chuckled:

"This is actually not difficult!" "

As I said before, I have done business in Chang'an City and have met your brother.

"But I also noticed at the time that there were some strange people staring at your brother, who seemed to be treacherous.

"I came forward to inquire under the pretext of doing business, and found that his tone was very similar to that of the soldiers of this Great Liang Kingdom!" Although this

reason is a bit far-fetched, even if you examine it carefully, you will find something suspicious.

But An Xiuren and An Xinggui didn't care.

In any case, Liu Min in front of him is currently united with himself.

"Brother Cui, I know you're trying to help us.

"I still don't know what your purpose is?"

An Xinggui opened the door directly, and his words were much sharper.

Liu Min turned around and walked to the bed, took out an iron box from under the pillow, and came to the two.

The iron box was opened.

In an instant, the gold was shining and the fire was yellow.

That's a hundred taels of gold!

Liu Min stared at this heavy box of gold, immediately showing the greed and love of money characteristic of merchants, and said excitedly:

"In this chaotic world, everything is unreliable, only gold makes me feel at ease."

"I already have thousands of boxes like this in my warehouse!"


An Xiuren and An Xinggui saw the unconcealed greed in Liu Min's eyes.

This kind of look makes them feel at ease.

As long as you love money, everything is easy.

Angui said knowingly

: "Brother Cui, I came here in a hurry today, and I didn't bring some gifts for you..."

Liu Min waved his hand:

"Lord An is outside, the reason why I helped you is not because of the gold, but because Brother Xiu Ren is my friend."

Liu Min deliberately emphasized the word "friend", and his eyes were full of sincerity.

This touched An Xiuren a little.

Is there any real friendship in this troubled world?

Who knew that Liu Min suddenly said with a smile:

"My brother will settle the account, and Lord An will give five hundred gold tomorrow!"

Just now, I thought that Liu Min was different from others.

Sure enough, businessmen have only interests in their eyes.

An Xinggui smiled to ease the embarrassment:

"Five hundred gold, there is no problem, I will ask directly in the next one!"

Since he is doing business, An Xinggui no longer twists and pinches.

Liu Min motioned for An Xinggui to continue.

"Brother Cui, it's not a secret, the prince has murderous intentions against me!" "

Now, how to resolve this crisis?"

Liu Minyun smiled lightly,

"Just such a simple question?"

Li Rail will not believe anyone, but only his son Li Zhongyan.

If Li Zhongyan is in front of Li Rail, chase the wind.

Li Li will definitely believe every word Li Zhongyan says.

Liu Min continued: "I have also heard about your An brothers in the south and north, and you two can be called tiger generals


"Why don't you play the King of Great Liang tomorrow morning, the current situation does not allow for sitting still, you can only take the initiative to attack!" Liu

Min turned his words, and his eyes became sharp:

"And you have to take the initiative to ask for help and be the vanguard of the army




at the surprised and puzzled look on the faces of the two, Liu Min slowly leaned in:

"If you want to live, you must be like this!" "

Moreover, how do you know that you will die?"

The next day, six o'clock in the morning.

Wuwei, Royal Palace.

Li Li was already sitting on the dragon chair.

All the ministers of culture and military affairs were present, including An Xinggui.

"Gentlemen, what do you think about the current war?"

said Li Zhuo with a sad look on his face.

Last night, I didn't sleep all night.

I also learned some gossip news from the mouth of the prince.

"Great King, the morale of the Jieyi Empire is strong, we must avoid its edge, and we must not meet the enemy head-on!"

"Our army relies on Wuwei's favorable terrain to hold the capital city to make it difficult for the Jieyi Empire to move an inch!"

said Shangshu Liang Qi of the military department.

We can rely on the favorable terrain of the plateau and take advantage of the enemy's uncomfortable climate to block the enemy in Baiyin County

!" "Don't forget, my Jiayuguan is located in the middle of the narrowest valley, the throat of the west of the river, and the terrain is dangerous, and it is the number one pass in the world!" "

Even if the Ring Sun Empire has more troops, there is nothing to do!"

said Hussar General Zhao Tianwu with bright eyes.

A smile appeared on Li Rail's worried face.

Crown Prince Li Zhongyan stepped forward:

"Father, the sons and daughters agree with the views of the two adults

!" "Strengthen defense, stick to martial power, and retreat to Jiayuguan if necessary, so that old man will make it difficult!"

That's all there is for now.

"King Qiyu, Wei Chen has an objection!" At

this moment, a discordant voice came out.

Everyone immediately followed the prestige, it was that Ministry of Works Shangshu An Xinggui.

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