Li Rail's angry eyes shot towards An Xinggui.

Just last night, when the two brothers An Xiuren and An Xinggui went to discuss with Liu Min.

The crown prince Li Zhongyan also told Li Rail about his suspicions about An Xinggui.

Li Rail is convinced of this.

Originally, he planned to take out a few letters from An Xinggui to Li Yuan on the court today. Asking for guilt on the spot is

also a kind of killing chickens and monkeys.

Unexpectedly, An Xinggui jumped out by himself.

Li Rail flicked his beard and looked at An Xinggui with interest.


Lord An, what are your objections?"

Li Rail's words were a little ridiculed.

"King Qiyu, Wei Chen thinks that it is necessary to counter-defend as an attack!" The

color on Li Rail's face changed rapidly, and the other ministers were also talking about it.

"Isn't this An Xinggui frightened and stupid?

"Isn't this pushing my big cool soldiers into the fire pit?"

The fox's tail is about to be revealed!

"Lord An, what is your intention?"

But An Xinggui ignored the prince.

According to Liu Min, after getting Li Rail and gaining Li Rail's trust, the prince's braid will not be cocked.

"King Qiyu, the great general of the Jieyi Empire stationed in the area of Baiyin County and Jincheng, Tai Kuan, has been staying in place for three months

!" "According to Weichen's inquiry, Tai Kun is not enterprising, addicted to wine, and the generals are distracted, burning and plundering!" "

At present, the enemy army of Baiyin County is 200,000, Jincheng is 200,000, and the remaining 100,000 are in other counties. For

the situation described by An Xinggui, Li Li still believed.

He also arranged for a large number of beautiful women to be sent over.


Xinggui asked in a rhetorical tone at everyone,

"Do we have to wait until everything is ready for Tai Kuan to come and fight us?"

Even Li Zhuo and Li Zhongyan looked at each other.

I have to admit that An Xinggui's words, like a daigo empowerment, hit the hearts

of the people! If he gathered an army of 400,000 and launched a lightning attack on Baiyin County in one fell swoop, then

Tai Kun might not be able to withstand it! But Li Zhuo would not believe An Xinggui's words, after all, he was suspecting that An Xinggui and Li Yuan had a relationship!

"What Lord An said is right, in order to ensure the smooth operation of this battle, this king thought that he needed to send a vanguard army to lead out the Tai Kun army!"


lowered their heads in unison.

It's not a good job

! It's very likely to be killed!

"Don't look at me, don't look at me... I'm not going, I'm not going..." How

could An Xinggui not understand what Li Rail meant, this was forcing himself to show loyalty.

"King Qiyu, Wei Chen is willing to go out with his brother An Xiuren, lead the vanguard troops, and open a road to victory for our Great Liang Army

!" An Xinggui paused, his expression firm:

"Wei Chen is willing to issue a military order, if he can't conquer Baiyin County, he will apologize with death!"

An Xinggui's words rippled in Li Rail's heart.

He was even a little shaken, whether what the prince said last night was true, and

whether those letters were from An Xinggui's hand?

After all, in this era, imitating people's handwriting is still relatively simple.

An Xinggui's great sin was convicted of just a few letters, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate!"

Everyone nodded in agreement:

"Great King, Wei Chen thinks that what Lord An said is extremely true.

"Proceeding from the current war situation, Wei Chen believes that he will definitely be able to conquer Baiyun County and recover my lost land!"

They think simply.

The combat strategy mentioned by An Xinggui is indeed very far-sighted.

What's more, An Xinggui had already taken the initiative to ask for orders to go to Baiyin County.

To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with himself.

If you want to die, it is also the An brothers who will die!"

Li Rail looked at the crown prince Li Zhongyan.

After all, although he couldn't believe everything that the prince said last night, he still had to give the prince an attitude.

Although Li Zhongyan did not want to be with An Xinggui, he had to admit it.

An Xinggui's combat strategy and ideas are for the sake of Da Liang! Then let's just take a look at what kind of medicine is sold in An Xinggui's gourd

! Whether it is friend or foe, loyalty or traitor, it will soon be proven by deeds!

"Lord An, your brothers and brothers have worked hard for the sake of Da Liang, and they are sincere!" "

But King Ben heard that your mother is old and needs someone to take care of her."

"So, this time your younger brother An Xiuren should stay in Wuwei, it is convenient to take care of the old man."

An Xinggui lowered his head and smiled, it seems that this prince is really not at ease with himself!

"Then Weichen will thank His Royal Highness the crown prince for my mother!" Li

Zhuo smiled heartily and agreed to An Xinggui's combat method.

"Ling An Xinggui was a general of the horse, leading 50,000 vanguard troops to lure the enemy army of Baiyin County to Kaecheng to meet the enemy.

"Crown Prince Li Zhongyan led an army of 100,000 to ambush the hills and dense forests on the west side of Baiyin County, ambushing the enemy army!"

Li Rail personally led 100,000 artillery troops to ambush in the highlands west of Baiyin County, shelling Baiyin County at any time.

The remaining 150,000 troops remained in Wuwei to strengthen their vigilance.

Five days later.

The riding general An Xinggui led 50,000 light cavalry.

Dressed in light armor, he leans on a shield in front and a large bow on the back.

Bring enough arrows and grenades, and the army will come to the city of Baiyin County.

"General, General, it's not good!" A

herald soldier rushed into the Baiyin County Guard Mansion with a panicked expression, and directly pushed open the door of Tai Kuan's room.

"Fuck, what's so panicking?"

the huge bed in the room began to creak.

Sitting up from the bed, a fat man of nearly three hundred pounds.

I saw that he was half-naked, and only a slap-sized rag covered the key parts.

This person is none other than Tai Kuan.

The brother of Taikan, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Raid and the first general of the Jieyi Empire, Taikan.

"Oh General, why are you sitting up!"

"Do you want to do it?"

a scantily dressed, waist twisted woman charmingly hooked Tai Kuan's neck.

"General, 50,000 cavalry suddenly appeared under the city, shouting wildly!"

said the herald nervously.


??? 50,000 cavalry?

Not only was he not half nervous, but he no longer paid attention to the herald, turned his head and said to the nearly ten young women on the bed

: "Is General Ben okay?" The

women immediately stuck out their tongues in a fancy way:

"The general is really a tough guy between heaven and earth, fighting everything!"

The women looked helpless.


General, general, the cavalry under the city intends to attack the city!"

the herald prompted nervously again.

Tai Kun got up from the bed and smiled disdainfully:

"Fifty thousand soldiers and horses, still want to attack my Ji Sun Empire?"

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