Li Rail looked at Liu Min, who took a step forward, and said with a smile:

"Brother Cui, do you have a good plan?"

Liu Min's eyes flashed with a gloomy color, which was completely inconsistent with his weak image.

He did not answer this question head-on, but said:

"King Qiyu, in the warehouse below, there are only three hundred loads of grain and grass and ten thousand catties of black powder at most!"


Everyone's eyes lit up.

Three hundred quintals of grain and grass, ten thousand catties of black powder?

What is this concept?

It is truly admirable that a businessman can have such great wealth in this troubled world.

The strength of everyone in the world is vividly displayed in this chaotic world.

It's arrogant!

"These materials can barely support the Great King to drive the Ring Sun Empire out of the Great Liang!"

"If the price of the Great King is right, all these grains and grass and black powder will be sold to the Great King!"

Li Rail stood up excitedly, personally came to Liu Min, held Liu Min's hand, and said gratefully:

"Good brother, good brother!"

"King Ben promised, not only will not lose a penny of silver, but in addition, how about King Ben appoint you as Hubu Shangshu?"

Tobe Shangshu: ???

I've only been in office for a few days, okay?

Liu Min smiled and shook his head:

"Thank you for the good intentions of the king, but I just want to make a fortune and be an idler."

"What I want to say next is that these three hundred loads of grain and grass are enough for the daily consumption of my Da Liang soldiers, but if you add these 150,000 troops, it will be too difficult!"

Li Rail nodded, who said it wasn't?

Not to mention 150,000 people, that is, 150,000 flies, they have to eat a cow a day!

"Then according to the elder brother, how should I deal with these people?"

Infinite anger rose in Liu Min's eyes:

"150,000 soldiers, they followed Tai Kun all the way from Qingyang County to Baiyin County!"

"Their hands are stained with the blood of my Da Liang soldiers and people!"

"So, they... Kill !! "


Kill the troops?

That's not a few people, it's a hundred!

But 150,000 people!

Kill them all?

An incredible color also appeared in the eyes of Li Rail and the prince.

"King Qiyu, don't do it!"

"Xiang Yu fraudulently killed Qin Xiang, killed 200,000 people in Xin'an, and was spurned by the world!"

"Bai Qi blackmailed and slaughtered 400,000 people in Changping, and was scolded by posterity as slaughtered!"

"If the great king kills prisoners of war, he will be criticized by posterity, and he will also leave an extremely dishonorable mark in the history books!"

"The king must not listen to this businessman's stupid idea! They do everything for profit! Above

the main hall, some civil servants persuaded one after another.

However, the military general quite agreed with Liu Min's opinion.

"The last general thinks that what Lord Cui said is right, when these people killed our Great Liang soldiers, did they have a soft heart?"

"They can't be used for us, and staying is a scourge!"

Although Li Rail is also always ruthless, this is the first time that he killed 150,000 people together.

So, he was a little wobbly.

At this critical moment, Liu Min directly injected a shot of strength into Li Rail:

"If Da Liang is occupied by the Jieyi Empire, then what is recorded in the history books is the great achievements of the invaders!"

"What you need to know is that history books are written by strong men!"

History books are written by the strong?

This sentence deeply stimulated Li Rail.

Fuck, I'm going to be strong too!

"Let's stop talking about it, these 150,000 troops, King Ben decided... All pit kill!!

"This matter is extremely secretive, and it is said that these people are all infected with smallpox!"

"Set up smallpox mass graves, and ordinary people are not allowed to approach!"

Li Zhuo looked around at everyone and finally fell his gaze on Li Zhongyan:

"This matter is very important, so it will be left to the prince to handle it personally!"

Crown Prince Li Zhongyan knelt down to take the order.

Liu Min secretly snickered.

This moment helped Emperor Li Zhiyun solve 150,000 enemies!

And it was also borrowed from Li Rail's hand.

What a thrill!

After Li Rail finished dealing with the prisoners of war, he was in an extremely comfortable mood and lay on a high stool.

A bullish look of "Lao Tzu is the first in the world".

From time to time, he also asked the woman next to him:

"Is King Ben powerful or Tai Kun powerful?"

The enchanting women immediately scratched their hearts with their claws: "

The king is powerful!"

Li Zhugei smiled:

"King Ben has decided that we will study the art of war together!"

The other ministers of culture and military affairs in the hall were also immersed.

Can't help yourself.

Liu Min looked at these mud that could not support the wall, and was very anxious.

Hate iron is not steel!

This is not to blame Li Rail.

Li Rail is also a hero in troubled times.

Unfortunately, met Lee Ji-yun.

Therefore, today's victory made Li Rail's heart begin to ripple.

But this is definitely not okay, Li Li must cheer up.

Thinking of this, Liu Min whispered a few whispered words to An Xinggui.

An Xinggui walked to the front of the hall and said loudly:

"Great King, it is precisely because Tai Kun is not thinking of advancing here that he defeated you!"

"You... Don't be like him! "


Li Li sat up a little angrily and looked at An Xinggui with displeasure.

"Great King, the soldiers are fast, we must take advantage of the victory and pursue!"

"While Na Tai Kun has not yet gained a foothold in Jincheng, we caught him off guard!"

Li Rail's anger slowly extinguished a lot, and suddenly kicked the beautiful woman around him away.

"General An is right, it is King Ben who is complacent!"

"From silver to Jincheng, it is only a mere one hundred and fifty li, and it can be reached in three days!"

Li Rail drank off all the women.

"Brother Cui, I wonder when these three hundred loads of grain and grass and ten thousand catties of black powder will arrive?"

Li Rail looked at Liu Min and asked.

"Under the promise, one hundred loads of grain and grass and three thousand catties of black powder will be transported to the Jincheng area within three days!"

"Let the king fuck that dog day hard!"

Li Rail was overjoyed:

"Good! All the gold captured this time was handed over to Brother Cui!

"The army rested in place, and after two hours, marched towards the southeast Jincheng area!"

Liu Min smiled and said nothing, and turned back to the inn after going down.

Carefully closed the door.

Inside the room, there were two soldiers of the Jieyi Empire, tied to a pillar by Wuhuada.

Liu Min forced one of them to write a letter in Sanskrit.

A letter to Kinjo Taeko.

"Li Rail's army has been raised, and the city will be attacked in three days..." After

the letter was confirmed by another soldier, the two were martyred together.

After Liu Min released a war pigeon, he wrote a second letter.

The war pigeon carried the letter and flew towards Li Zhiyun's troops....

On the other side.

Li Zhiyun, Li Xuanba, Li Cunxiao, and others had already approached Jiuquan County with 200,000 field troops.

At this time, Li Cunxiao hurriedly walked into the big tent, holding a letter from Liu Min in his hand.

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