Li Cunxiao said with excitement on his face:

"Emperor Qiyu, there is news from Lord Liu Min ahead."

"At present, Li Zhuobu has led the army to retake Baiyin County

, and..." Li Cunxiao said here, his expression paused, and he nodded:

"I didn't expect that Lord Liu Min, who looks weak in Wen Wen, is actually a ruthless character!"

Li Zhiyun is configuring "plateau drinks".

Combine pineapples, silver fungus, white radish, lily leaves, loquat fruit, etc.

Transform a small diesel engine into a "juicer" to squeeze out cups of juice.

Li Zhiyun handed the juice to Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian:

"Everyone, try it first?"

The four of them smelled the strong fruity aroma and the faint lily fragrance, and their appetites were open, and they drank it all.

"Well, Emperor, this tastes good, it's a bit topless!"

"After drinking, the whole person is refreshed, and even the breathing becomes smooth!"

"It's as if I'm flying unbridled."

"Drink it, you can increase your combat effectiveness for at least three seconds!"

Li Zhiyun: ???

A bunch of LSPs!

Or Li Xuanba is relatively simple and did not think of anything else.

Li Xuanba: "Fifth brother, I feel like my whole person is about to explode." "

Li Zhiyun: Lie in the groove!

This is all bad learning!

"This drink can improve lung function, increase oxygen inhalation, improve the adaptation of soldiers to the plateau climate, and enhance physical fitness in order to increase the speed of marching!"

Li Zhiyun put down the glass in his hand and handed the formula to Du Ruxian on the side:

"Master Du, pass on this recipe and make the logistics prepare it quickly!"

"The soldiers drink once in the morning, noon and evening, and after drinking, our army will immediately start!"

After speaking, Li Zhiyun wiped his hands and turned his head to look at Li Cunxiao:

"Tell me, how is this Liu Min vicious?"

Li Cunxiao said with a smile: "

Li Rail captured 150,000 soldiers of the Ring Day Empire, and Liu Min advocates killing all 15 of them!"

Du Ruxian, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly stopped, as if he heard a shocking news, and involuntarily asked:

"General Li, is this true?"

Li Cunxiao nodded, and his eyes rose with admiration for Liu Min:

"A weak scholar can reach thousands of troops, and he is underestimating you civilians!"

Du Ruxian and Fang Xuanling looked arrogant

: "That's not it, we Wen Chen can bend the sticks of you martial generals by moving our mouths casually!"

"Yes, our three-inch golden tongue can make your tough prince soften immediately!"

Li Zhiyun looked like a "boss": "

Is this Li Rail a waste, we gave so much grain and grass and gunpowder to hit a silver county?"

Li Zhiyun turned to Du Ruxian and said

, "Order the soldiers to rest in place for a few days, and after Li Rail has laid down that golden city, it will not be too late for us to go to Jiuquan County!"

"Just let that Li Rail's anger float for a while, and let that Tai Tuan of the Jieyi Empire experience some more ups and downs!"

Everyone nodded, looking bored.

It's not interesting to stay for a few more days!

Li Zhiyun chuckled

, "Why, don't you guys feel a little bored?"

Everyone nodded subconsciously, and then immediately shook their heads:

"How can you be bored with the emperor?"

"But I think it's boring, why don't you follow me to the Golden City?"

Everyone's eyes lit up:

"Okay, okay, let's go to Kaneshiro to see if there is ramen there!"

Li Zhiyun whistled, and two extremely fast war pigeons flew in.

"We must not only carry forward Lanzhou ramen in Jincheng, but also 'sell' two pigeons to Taikan!"

"This is also - Ramen Plan!"

Give the speed war pigeon to Taiku?

Ramen plan?

Everyone was stunned.

What does this emperor think?

Li Zhiyun smiled strangely:

"The mountains are high and the water is far away, lest Li Rail's army kill, Tai Kun can't ask his brother for help!"

"We might as well help him, let the Jieyi Empire know the news of the front line as soon as possible, and lead troops to surround and kill Li Rail..."

Before Li Zhiyun finished speaking, he suddenly found that everyone was gone!

A moment later.

Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling were already standing at the door of the big tent:

"Emperor, we are ready, hurry up!"

Li Zhiyun simply packed up, mounted the Wuchi War Horse, and headed towards Jincheng.

Li Xuanba and Du Ruxian were one step late, chasing after them wildly:

"Fang Xuanling, and us, wait, you quickly tell the emperor and wait!"

Fang Xuanling's voice came from the front:

"The emperor ordered you to take the army here, and go to Jiuquan County in five days to conquer the world's first Xiongguan Jiayuguan!"

After Fang Xuanling finished speaking, he followed Li Zhiyun to gallop.

"Xuan Ling, you wait!"

"Oops, you're paralyzed!"

Li Xuanba glanced at Du Ruxian:

"You are around, what a shame!"

Du Ruxi: ???

This is also... Reason?!

I'm so good at lying down!

The next day at 8 a.m.

Li Zhiyun and the others arrived in Jincheng.

It can be clearly seen.

The city defenses here have been tightened.

Of the four gates of east, west, south and north, only the lowest south gate retains half of the door.

From a distance, it looks like a small door of a big household.

Very firm.

Non-essential personnel are not allowed to enter or exit.

Except for monks.

After all, the Empire of Jingri revered Buddhism.

"Emperor, change your clothes."

Fang Xuanling brought a few shabby clothes, all of which were pudding, and there was a smell of sweat.

Li Zhiyun stared at these torn clothes:

"Xuan Ling, this... Is this okay?

Fang Xuanling nodded:

"We can only blend in into this city if we pretend to be the people who deliver vegetables!"

Li Zhiyun chuckled:

"Not necessarily, right?"

Wouldn't this Fang Xuanling also be a traverser?

Watched too many TV series in your past life?

Always think that if you pretend to be a food deliverer, you will be put into the city?

Are you stupid when these guards are?

Li Zhiyun gave Fang Xuanling and Li Cunxiao, who had already changed their clothes, and motioned for the two to go up and give it a try.

Guard: "What for?"

Fang Xuanling: "Hello adults, we are delivering dishes." Guard

: "Get out, two dogs!" "

Fang Xuanling: ???

Li Cunxiao: ???

Li Zhiyun: ???

Fang Xuanling and Li Cunxiao walked back in ashes.

Li Zhiyun glanced at the two, turned his head and left.

The three came to a small forest outside the city, and Li Zhiyun directly began to undress.

Then he took out three unusually ornate clothes with gold and silver jewelry at the cuffs from his bag and put them on.

Two figure-eight whiskers were also attached to the mouth.

Suddenly, Li Zhiyun changed his body, looking like a giant businessman.

"What are you doing stunned, don't you take off your clothes soon?"

Li Cunxiao began to change his clothes with a big grin.

Fang Xuanling twisted and pinched like a lady.

"What are you shy, aren't everyone the same as a man?"

Fang Xuanling's face turned red, and he quickly turned his back to Li Zhiyun and Li Cunxiao to change his clothes.

The heart is secretly different.

Hey, what do you say....

After changing clothes.

The three of them swaggered towards the city gate.

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