They know the name "Merchants Without Borders"!

In this world.

Businessmen are also divided into three, six and nine.

The lowest level is called a huckster.

Up is the boss.

Further up are the giants who do business with the country.

The highest grade is what Li Zhiyun said - "borderless businessman"!

"Merchants without borders", to put it bluntly, is to move between countries.

The business done is all big business, and the wealth made is the wealth of the country!

Behind them is often the convergence of powerful chaebols.

Food for food!

To have weapons, there are weapons!

Even ask for someone!

The network is intricate.

It is the biggest background in the context of this era!

"Give seats to the three distinguished guests!"

Tai Kun did not dare to snub, you must know that these people are not simple.

Lick well, it can play a key role in the battle situation.

Li Zhiyun sat down, and Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling stood on both sides left and right.

"I still don't know what you call it?"

Tai Kun personally handed the tea to Li Zhiyun.

"My surname is Wu, and the word Yifan."

"General Tai can call me 'Fan Sign'!"

Tai Kun smiled on the surface, and scolded inwardly: What

are these special names?

It's not a good thing to listen to.

"Hehe, Treasurer Wu, can the letter received by General Ben yesterday come from your noble hand?"

Taeki took yesterday's letter out of his sleeve.

Li Zhiyun shrugged easily:

"This is a small matter, the general doesn't have to mind!"

"I just can't get used to that Li Rail's style!"

"This person has no integrity in doing business, and the five hundred quintals of grain and grass money he owed last year has been playing tricks!"

After Li Zhiyun finished speaking, he gently raised his sleeve robe and tasted tea.


Five hundred quintals of grain and grass?

Still so easy?

It's like five hundred pounds of grain and grass!

This is a noble man, and he must kneel and lick!

Tai Kun took a step forward, and even his title changed:

"Thank you for the intelligence of Brother Wu, so that we have enough time to prepare!"

"As long as that Li Rail dares to come, we will definitely catch him off guard!"

Li Zhiyun waved his hand:

"Don't, it's better to plan and lead the jun into the urn!"

The nobles and Sikh leaders in the hall were suddenly shocked.

Good strategy!

Tai Kun had already concluded in his heart that this person was by no means simple.

"Come on, lift the gold up!"

The guards dragged a box of gold, which weighed ten thousand taels.

Hehe, which businessman does not love gold!

This Wu Yifan doesn't look like a good thing either!

"Brother Wu, don't misunderstand, this bit of gold is the value of this letter, and it has nothing to do with anything else."

Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling on the side secretly said in their hearts.

This Tai Kun looks like a fat pig on the surface, and his head is estimated to be only the size of a red date.

It's just brainless!

So credulous to believe Li Zhiyun's pompous performance?

His own emperor is really a talent!

The 10,000 gold on the ground, Li Zhiyun didn't even look at it.

"Come on, bring it up to General Ben again!"

Suddenly, five large boxes of gold were lifted up.

The moment the box is opened.

The entire hall is shining with gold, hooking people's souls.

Even these military and administrative aristocrats who were accustomed to seeing big scenes widened their eyes.

Just put this gold in front of them, who is not moved?!

But Li Zhiyun still did not glance, but continued to lower his head and taste tea.

"Brother Wu, it's not a secret, General Ben wants to do a deal with you."

"How about exchanging this gold for food and weapons?"

Li Zhiyun nodded:

"I'm sorry General Tai, now that the price has risen, give you a hundred loads of grain and grass and two thousand catties of black powder!"


What kind of stuff?

What is "a hundred loads of grain and grass, two thousand pounds of black powder?" "

Tai Kun can't wait to kneel down directly and call Daddy!

Even the Sikh leader, who has always been cold and not good at words, burst out the most advanced sentence:

"Lie in the groove!"

In Tai Yan's eyes, Wu Yifan in front of him is a fool!

Gold is really worthless in this era!

Scour every city and county, and there are quite a few!

Now the value is food and grass and weapons!

Everything else is shit!

"General Tai, please rest assured, the grain and black powder will be delivered within two days!"

Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling on both sides were suddenly stunned.

Is this bragging?

Within two days?

Fool the ghost!

Li Zhiyun continued:

"General, your business is done, and it is time to make a business for you next!"

Tai Kun was excited, and immediately replied:

"What kind of business, please say it bluntly, General Ben has always kept his promises, and he will never let the little brother suffer a loss!"

Li Zhiyun turned to everyone in the hall and asked

, "My lords, under the current situation, what resources do you think are the most important?"

When everyone heard this, they subconsciously replied:

"Of course, it is food and grass, and in the later stage of the war, the competition is no longer about military strength, but who can carry it for a long time!"

"I think it's weapons, if the black powder is enough, it will play a decisive role!"

"I think the fighting spirit of the soldiers is the most important, just like us Sikhs, invincible and tenacious!"


Li Zhiyun shook his head and lowered his head to take a sip of tea.

A melodious whistle sounded.

Two huge pigeons flew in from outside the temple, one left and one right, standing on his shoulders!

Fast as lightning and shaped like a ghost.


This speed, never seen before!

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Especially Tai Yan, why are these two pigeons so familiar?

It looked exactly the same as the one he saw yesterday?

"Dude, this... Birds, also yours?

"Of course it's mine, how else can I pass on intelligence to the general?"

Passing on intelligence?

This is a pigeon?

Taeki was surprised.

There are also flying pigeons in the Empire of Jieyi, but they are not as big as these two pigeons!

Moreover, these two pigeons have a kingly light in their eyes!

Even more powerful than that eagle's aura!

The extremely sharp beak seems to be able to pierce the eyes of an eagle.

Li Zhiyun's mother-in-law sold melons and boasted:

"Guys, these two are not ordinary flying pigeons!"

"Its speed is unusually fast, and the directional magnetic field is accurate!"

"Let me give you an example, from here to Qunu City of the Ring Sun Empire, three hours will arrive!"

As soon as Li Zhiyun's words fell, Yu Guang swept towards Tai Kun and everyone.

I saw that the muscles on Tai Kuan's face suddenly trembled, and a pair of eyes flashed with incredulity.

It's like discovering a new continent, and it's like discovering a life-saving straw!

If it is really as Li Zhiyun said.

If you ask Qunu City for help, it is like a tiger with wings!

Critical period, save life!

"Guys, I know you don't believe me, how about we move outside the temple and let the speed pigeons show it?"

"Good! Then let's open our eyes! Tai

Kun led everyone and followed Li Zhiyun impatiently to the outside of the hall.

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