Above the square outside the temple.

Li Zhiyun handed a bamboo tube to a Sikh leader and told him to gallop to the city gate.

The city gate is five miles away.

After a blaze of incense.

Li Zhiyun gave an order!

The speed war pigeon is like a bolt of lightning, rushing towards the sky in an instant!

Its figure became smaller and smaller in everyone's eyes, until it turned into a black dot, into a black light!

"This... That's too fast!

"I'm afraid that even eagles don't have this speed!"

"Whether this is a pigeon or not, I feel like a ghost!"

Just a few words of discussion among everyone.

Speed war pigeons suddenly appear in the sky!

Flying downwards at breakneck speed.

Bang -

the speed war pigeon landed firmly on Li Zhiyun's shoulder.

On his feet was the bamboo tube handed over by Li Zhiyun!

All of them:!!!

This speed, this power, just ask who else?

In this moment, they feel.

Those carrier pigeons that I raised myself are fighters in the garbage!

Only give this speedy war pigeon licking stick!

Tai Kuan's eyes were full of incomparable shock and greed.

This kind of greed can only appear in front of stunning women.

Now, he set his sights on the two pigeons on Li Zhiyun's shoulders.

There was a great reaction!

Unconsciously hardened.

These two pigeons, he is going to decide!

"Brother Wu, it's not a secret, the performance of the flying pigeon just now made General Ben eye-opening!"

"I wonder if the deal you said has anything to do with these two pigeons?"

"I'm willing to give everything I have to buy these two pigeons, and you can make a price at will!"

Who knew that the next moment, Li Zhiyun's words stunned everyone.

"General, I have a lot of such pigeons here!"

"If the general likes it, I will give it to you for free!"


Everyone gasped!

How much is it?

Tai Kuan's two small eyes dripped and whirled.

No matter how stupid he is, he also understands that there is absolutely no free lunch in the world!

If something goes wrong, there will be a demon!

Rape or theft!

"What does that dude want General Ben to do?"

Li Zhiyun chuckled: "I like to do business with someone as smart as General Tai!"

"I don't hide it, my brother, I was born in this Golden City since I was a child, and I was expelled by Li Rail five years ago, and I am not allowed to step into the Golden City!"

"For this reason, I hate Li Rail in my heart!"

"Especially last year, I thought that doing a big business with him would let me come back."

"As a result, I lost my wife and broke the army!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly gave a ninety degree salute to Tai Kuan:

"It was General Tai who captured Jincheng to give me the opportunity to return to my hometown!"

"My brother has a long-cherished wish to carry forward the technique of ramen in my hometown of Jincheng!"

Fang Xuanling on the side immediately interjected:

"Not bad, this is also my son's lifelong pursuit and long-cherished wish!"

The more people listened, the more confused they became.

What does this speed war pigeon have to do with ramen?

Also, what is 'ramen'?

"There is a request in the next to provide a stage for the general to display and promote ramen in the next in Kinjo!"

"Let the people here eat ramen, fall in love with ramen, and learn how to make ramen!"

This sentence after sentence of "ramen" directly made Tai Kun confused.

Listening to this introduction, dare to love 'ramen' is a kind of food?

Is this business that simple?

Tai Kun thought about it.

On his own territory, he was not afraid that this Wu Yifan dared to pit himself!

Otherwise, they can't eat and go, and they can't do without Jincheng!

"Okay, General Ben agrees to this condition, I don't know how to cooperate with the old brother?"

"Thank you General Chengcheng, then I will no longer be polite."

Li Zhiyun took out a piece of paper written in advance and handed it to Tae.

First, the name of Jincheng County should be changed to "Lanzhou".

Second, several bags of flour need to be prepared.

Third, in the largest square, gather the whole city to watch and study.

That's it?

Tai Kun closed the paper and immediately nodded:

"General Ben will prepare it for you now!"

Tek was excited, he wanted to get the Speedy Pigeon earlier.

Two hours later.

In the largest square in Jincheng, hundreds of onlookers have gathered.

It is said that it is a "gathering", but it is better to say that it was escorted by the troops sent by Tai Kuan.

No one had a willing expression on their faces.

"Brother, the field has been set up for you!"

"I wonder when this pigeon can be given to General Ben?"

Tai Kun thought clearly.

Get the pigeons as soon as possible and ask Qunu City for help as soon as possible!

Li Zhiyun said with a smile:

"The general does not need to be in a hurry, the speed of the pigeons is very fast, and no matter how far away, a few hours will arrive."

Holding back his impatience, Tai Kun continued to ask

, "I would like to ask, how does this flying pigeon identify the recipient of the destination?"

"This is simple, the general only needs to let the other party's clothes or objects smell them!"

Tai Yan nodded and said urgently: "

Then please start as soon as possible, brother!"

Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling, dressed as foreign businessmen, walked onto the high platform of the square.

There are more than a dozen tables and a dozen bags of flour.

Li Zhiyun began to knead the noodles and noodles, intending to make a few bowls of Lanzhou ramen for everyone to taste.

And right now.

Just listen to the sound of "bang".

A broken shoe flew overstage!

An old man scolded at Li Zhiyun:

"Don't face! Although you dress like a person, where are you human!

"Your eyes and words are obviously my Chinese people, why are you here to help the abuse?"

With the first shoe, there will be a second shoe, a third shoe ....

Countless pairs of shoes flew towards the stage.

Some shoes even got into the flour.

Tai Kun came on stage and shouted loudly:

"You Chinese dogs, stop Lao Tzu!"

"Brother is working hard to cook food for you here, this is your attitude?"

"Aren't you hungry?"

"It seems that it is better to feed the dog!"

The scene suddenly went quiet.

Because the soldiers of the Ring Sun Empire around the platform had already raised their spears, and the spears were pointed at all the common people.

Just when Tai Ku was proud.

The audience suddenly burst into a desperate roar:

"We are hungry, and we will not eat this food!"

"That's right, your Jieyi Empire is not developing in its own territory, but has invaded my Huaxia land, which is really shameless!"

"We'd rather starve to death than eat this damn thing!"

Tai Kun was extremely angry and waved his hand at the soldier:

"Pull out and cut these troublemakers who led the trouble, and cut them out for General Ben!"

Just kidding, this is a service for VIPs, and no one is allowed to spoil their plans!

Just when the soldier raised his spear and stabbed at the old man who had just thrown his shoes.

Li Zhiyun immediately ran over.

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