Li Zhiyun helped Taekun to remove the flour from his body, and said patiently:

"The general doesn't need to worry, he has studied for six years to make such delicious ramen!"

"But I promise that the noodles you pull the second time will definitely get thinner and thinner!"

For a foodie, it is easy to give up a city and give up the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.


How can you give up this delicious food?

Tai Yan's expression tightened, and he waved his big hand.

"Come on, let's do it again!"

All the guards were in their places, under the guidance of Li Zhiyun.

Mixing noodles, kneading dough, pounding, opening and pulling, putting them in water....

Pick it up and put it in a bowl, add bone broth, ingredients to match...

Li Zhiyun suddenly clapped his hands and said

, "Look, why wasn't it delicious just now?"

"Just because I forgot to splash oil!"

Lee Ji-yun immediately started the pot and poured the oil on top of the ramen.

Tai Kun also slammed his brain, and really forgot this process!

I saw that he poured oil on it in a similar way.

"A-" In

an instant, the aroma rushed straight to the taste buds!

It seems to have the taste that Li Zhiyun made just now.

Tai Kun immediately picked up the chopsticks and was about to put them in his mouth, but was grabbed by Li Zhiyun:

"General, this second bowl of Lanzhou ramen must have improved, but don't you want everyone to evaluate your work?"

"In addition, you can also see that making a bowl of Lanzhou ramen is just a moment's effort..."

Tai Kun thought the same, picked up the ramen and walked into the crowd, and said to an aunt like a schoolboy:

"Here, how about you try the noodles made by General Ben?"

The old lady took the noodles trembling and began to eat.

The old lady wanted to lie, but the blame is that this ramen is really too fragrant!

The moment she entered her mouth in person, Aunt couldn't help but speak:

"It's so delicious, I didn't expect that you little fat man still has the talent to be a chef!"

Little fat man?

This is one of Taeko's most annoying titles.

But his work was praised by his aunt, the anger on his face dissipated, and he ran to Li Zhiyun excitedly like a schoolboy:

"Brother, General Ben has made progress in his face!"

Without waiting for Li Zhiyun to speak, Tai Kun rubbed his noodles again vigorously.

On the plateau, although it is June and July, it is still very cold.

The faces of Tai Kun and the guards oozed sweat.

Other guards, under Li Zhiyun's enthusiastic advice, also distributed hundreds of bowls of noodles to the common people to taste.

But the people's acting skills this time are very good!

Although he ate all the noodles, he shook his head repeatedly:

"It's really not as delicious as the bowl that General Tai made just now!"

"General Tai is indeed a general, not only leading troops to fight battles, but even making noodles is first-class!

"Those of you who are soldiers, really learn from the general!"

Tai Kuan, who was struggling to knead the dough, laughed out loud, as if he was really the reincarnation of the chef god.

Tai Kuan, who was affirmed by everyone, said to all the guards:

"You can't learn this, you are such a bunch of trash!"

"It's better for everyone to make a few more bowls until the people are satisfied."

All soldiers have words of suffering.

They are kind of aware that this group of ordinary people may be playing them like monkeys.

But they did not dare to disobey Tae's orders.


The guards kept making ramen noodles and gave them to the people.

Until everyone sent out the eighth bowl, the people really couldn't eat it, and kept nodding their heads repeatedly:

"Uh-huh, it's okay, you guys are out of the division, and the level can reach about half of General Tai!"

Tai Kuan, who was squatting on the ground to eat the third bowl of Lanzhou ramen, laughed heartily.

Damn it, it's still Lao Tzu awesome!

After nearly two hours of busy work, all the soldiers finally ate the ramen they made.

Li Zhiyun said to all the people,

"Can everyone eat enough now?"

Everyone nodded.

Although this person in front of him looks like a hypocrite.

But they could feel that this person seemed to be insincere, and deep down in his heart he was towards these ordinary people.

Especially with their cooperation, these soldiers played a group.

For the first time in history.

Not only to relieve hunger, but also to relieve qi!

"If you are interested in this Lanzhou ramen, you can go on stage, and I will teach you to make it again!"

In an instant, more than ten young men and girls came up to the stage and began to study seriously under Li Zhiyun's guidance.

Dozens of operations just now, they not only ate enough, but also saw full.

So, it's very fast to learn.

Li Zhiyun watched them pull out thin noodles and laughed.

Inner secret.

The people of Huaxia are worthy of being a race with high intelligence!

Even this side pulls much stronger than their dog days!

It's a muddy difference.

At this time, more ordinary people rushed over smelling the smell.

They ate Lanzhou ramen made by their own compatriots.

For the first time, I felt the warmth of the world under the cruel war.

Li Zhiyun nodded in satisfaction, recalled the two extremely fast war pigeons, and sent them to Tai Kuan.

Tai Kun quickly wiped the oil on his mouth:

"Brother, General Ben is very satisfied with this transaction!"

"Why don't you stay in this Golden City for a few more days?"

Thinking of this, Li Zhiyun walked to the platform again and said to all the people:

"Everyone, please stop, do you want to know why this dish is called Lanzhou ramen?"

Everyone immediately stopped and looked at Li Zhi with a pair of eyes.

"Because from today onwards, this Jincheng will no longer be called Jincheng, but Lanzhou!"

"You can also add cut beef, chicken, and ribs to the ramen, so you can mix it with it!"

Hearing this, Tai Kun quickly came up:

"Can you still operate like this?"

Tai Kun asked people to pull a few cows and slaughter them on the spot.

Li Zhiyun stepped forward to stop him, and made up a very bluffing reason:

"Everyone knows something, eating beef this season is easy to be infected with mad cow disease..." Li

Zhiyun still remembers Cheng's promise to bite Jin.

His promise is his own promise.

Do not eat beef for three years.

Thank you to those old scalpers who once tried to save the lives of the soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire....

Today, Li Zhiyun popularizes Lanzhou ramen.

The first is to let everyone remember this taste, which comes from the taste of pasta in the Chinese land.

Go back to the roots.

The second is to always give Tai Kun a reason to trade....

After eating and drinking, Taiku left with two speed war pigeons.

He immediately wrote a letter for help, so that the speed war pigeon smelled a set of combat uniforms that his brother had given him.

According to Tai Kuan's calculations, Li Rail's army launched a general attack two days later.

He felt that Jincheng could not stop Li Rail's progress.

So he hoped that his brother Taican could lead an army to support.

The speed pigeon is worthy of the Lamborghini in the air.

Just a few hours later.

Its figure was already hovering over the Qunu City of the Ring Sun Empire.

Taikan is pruning bright flowers in the house.

"Your flower is a little dark, but fortunately the stamen is still pink."

"The hairs next to this flower must be cut off, otherwise it will affect drinking and watering."

"In addition, the two grapes on this are a little wilted, moisturize them with oil."

Taican turned around: "Do you understand?" Several

women from the country quickly nodded:



"Wow Kalima Tower!"

And right now.

The two war pigeons hovering above the sky rushed down at great speed towards Taikan!

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