Taikan's expression tightened, and he was just about to bend his bow and take an arrow, but who knew that a bamboo tube fell from the sky!

The bamboo tube fell into the flowers impartially, cutting off those delicate flowers directly.


"Who the fuck is it?"

Taican shouted angrily and pulled out the bamboo tube.

It turned out that inside was a letter.

Opening the letter, Tykan was surprised to find that it was his brother's distress letter.

Li Rail returned to personally command, and the situation of the Great Liang War was not good!

How can this be good?

Taican held the letter and walked towards the palace.

The king of the sun is lazily half-reclining on an elephant chair, enjoying the dance to pass the time.

Once people get bored.

Even those women of the Kingdom were not interested in appreciating it.

It turns out that a man's happiness does not actually come from wine, but has lofty ideals and goals in his heart!

Conquer the world!

will drive a man crazy!

After listening to Taikan's report, the King of Jieyi immediately came to the spirit!

He immediately summoned his ministers to discuss how to deal with it.

"King Ben received news before that Li Rail's army was locked in Chang'an City by Li Zhiyun, why can he transfer troops to fight in person now?"

"Didn't Li Zhiyun win the battle?"

The King of the Ring Sun was not angry and said to himself:

"Also, your younger brother Tai Kun is simply a waste!"

"An army of 500,000 people can't beat a remnant of the defeated Li Rail Laoer!"

"This is simply a disgrace to our Imperial Empire!!

Tai Kan obviously felt that this Ring Sun King had a killing intention towards his younger brother, and hurriedly gave up his hand to apologize:

"Great King, it is the last general who teaches no way!"

"But that Li Rail has always been intrigued, and he can't prevent it!"

"We should develop a strategy to deal with the enemy!"

The King of Jieyi squinted his eyes slightly, and turned his head to look away:

"This cooked duck, can he still make him fly?!"

"Just let you personally lead 500,000 troops, immediately start to pull, take Li Rail in one fell swoop, and destroy Da Liang!"

"If you can't take it again, you two brothers don't need to come back."


Taikan's tense nerves suddenly relaxed:

"The last general thanks the king!"

He had thought about it for a long time.

If you can't beat it, rescue your brother and run.

If you can't beat or run, join each other.

The King of the Ring Sun must not be caught.

"Great King, Weichen thinks... Inappropriate! A

voice came, and it was none other than the Prime Minister of the Jieyi Empire, Alonashun from the political aristocracy of Kshatriya.

"Why not?"

The King of the Ring Sun asked with slightly squinted eyes.

He actually annoyed this person in his heart, relying on himself to be the prime minister, and he had many political disagreements with him.

And several times, he went to Brahmins to sue himself!

This is also what the national teacher Asaya told himself.

Taican annoyed this person even more, feeling that this person was really disgusted.

If he ruins his plan to save his brother, he has to make him look good!

"Great King, why don't we send troops to that Tubo and Tuyuhun, but instead stare at the Great Liang?"

"Now that I think about it, did we fall for Li Zhiyun, and he deliberately let us attack Da Liang?"

The King of the Ring Sun waved his hand and said, "


"The situation of Tubo and Tuyuhun is all in the control of this king!"

Taikan, who was eager to save his brother, added:

"Tubo Ronzan has been deeply involved in the struggle between the four major lords in the country, the old nobles, and the Han family, and the national situation is not good!"

"We just have to wait for them to kill each other and enjoy the fruits of victory!"

"So there is no need to send troops!"

King Jingri got up and stood up:

"What General Tai said is good!"

"In addition, the dispute between Tuyuhun Murong Fuyun and the Tianzhu King is escalating, and the two are about to fight!

"These two countries we just need to wait and see, it is only right to conquer the most difficult big cool in one fell swoop!"

The King of the Ring and Taikan sang and reconciled, turning Alona's smooth face red.

Not to be outdone

, Alona Shun said: "Great King, Princess Seronidona has not sent a letter for a few days, do we take the initiative to link..."

The King of the Ring Day looked at Alona Shun angrily:

"You don't have to worry about this!" Some time ago, King Ben also received a letter from the princess!

"King Ben has already given a deadline to Li Zhiyun in his reply!"

"Before the end of August this year, the Shenzhou Empire must submit to my Ring Day Empire!"

"Otherwise, only peril awaits them!"

The King of Jieyi no longer paid attention to Alonashun, turned to Taikan and said

, "The mess made by your waste brother, only you will clean up!"

Tai Kan immediately led an army of 500,000 and marched towards Da Liang.

In order to ensure that the whole army was moving at full speed, the whole army only carried enough February rations.

In Taikan's plan.

A month is spent on the road.

It took a month to capture Da Liang.


Quickly go to Tuyuhun, win over the Tianzhu King, and kill Murong Fuyun!

And then again!

The division went south, and the southern Tibetan army led by the great general Tisinger formed a north-south attack on Tubo!

Destroy it in one fell swoop!

Since then, the three kingdoms can be decided, and it is done!

Taican only hopes that his incompetent brother can support for a little longer!

If it really doesn't work, then retreat to Qingyang County.

Two days later.

Li Rail's army of 400,000 had arrived less than fifty miles from Jincheng.

According to Scouts, Jincheng's defense has not changed much.

It was three days ago that when Tai Kun had just fled back to Jincheng, the city defense was tightened.

Then, normalcy returned.

A smug smile appeared on Li Rail's face.

I guess that Tai Kun would not have thought of what is called "soldier and noble speed"!

"Everyone obeys orders!"

Li Zhuo stood on the war horse and was full of spirit:

"We are only fifty miles away from Jincheng, and we must rush to attack Jincheng in one fell swoop before Tai Kun hears the wind!"

With the victory of Silver County as an inspiration, the spirits of the soldiers were high and their morale was strong.

"Order! Two generals, An Xinggui and An Xiuren, led an army of 200,000 to attack the main gate of Jincheng to contain the main force of the enemy!

"Order! The prince led 10,000 cavalry and 90,000 infantry to take this opportunity to attack the weakest defensive southern gate of Jincheng! "

An Xiuren was originally left in Wuwei, because An Xinggui made meritorious contributions and mentioned it together.

It's just that the old lady was still left in Wuwei by Li Rail and was watched.

When the brothers heard it, this Li Rail was really vicious!

Let them go to the main gate as cannon fodder?

Prince Li Zhongyan sat and enjoyed his success?

Crown Prince Li Zhongyan knelt down to take the order, and Yu Guang swept towards An Xinggui and An Xiuren, secretly proud.

"King Ben personally led an army of 100,000 and set up an ambush here!"

For Tai Kuan, who can't beat and run, Li Rail has mastered some.

Once the war starts, this cargo will definitely run!

And at this moment, the news that made Li Rail even more excited came.

Liu Min's third batch of grain and grass and black powder had arrived safely.

There was an army of 400,000 people, and there was black powder and grain and grass.

Li Rail is full of confidence in this blitzkrieg.

The flag hunts, and the cold wind howls.

As soon as Li Rail gave an order, the three-way army immediately started!

Crown Prince Li Zhongyan waited until An Xinggui and the others marched towards the main gate for an hour before leading an army of 100,000 to the south gate.

Jincheng, South Gate.

Li Zhongyan looked up, there were only a few soldiers above the south gate, and they were bored there!

Even the moat bridge in front of the city is only half raised!

Visually inspect this bridge, just need the cavalry to rush up!

Li Zhongyan said darkly.

Opportunity, here it comes!

"All the cavalry obey the order and charge with the king!"

"Give me that moat drawbridge!"

"The infantry is back, and the escalators are attacking!"

"Be sure to conquer the South Gate in two hours!"

Li Zhongyan gave an order, and 10,000 cavalry pointed at the south gate of Jincheng!

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