Under the leadership of Li Zhongyan, 10,000 cavalry leveled the drawbridge of the moat!

Countless infantry black pressures rushed up.

The soldiers of the city looked at the city in horror and shouted in panic:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! "

Get ready!"

"Go and inform the general!"

Li Zhongyan said disdainfully:

"Prepare for war?"

"Isn't it too late to prepare for war?"

"Rush me!!"

The last infantrymen had already crossed the moat, and they immediately erected the ladder in their hands and began to climb upwards.

Like no man's land!

Li Zhongyan became even more proud, just as his father expected.

An Xinggui and An Xiuren's army attracted the main forces, and this south gate is basically empty!

Black powder and grenades are directly saved!

Go up and dry again!

And right now!

I saw that the city was suddenly crowded!

They bent their bows and arrows, shooting countless arrows at the army under the city!

Then, monstrous boulders!

Black powder packs were lit and thrown into the crowd!

Countless oil drums poured black oil on the ladders and city walls!

Bang bang bang -


Li Zhongyan's army was shot to death!

Blow up a piece!

Burn a piece!

Li Zhongyan's army was suddenly confused, and Li Zhongyan was dumbfounded by all kinds of tragic pictures!

Tai Kun gave a thumbs up to Li Zhiyun, who was watching the battle from the sidelines:

"Brother Wu, what you say really counts!"

"The black powder that General Ben used today was given by you!"

"If you can defeat Li Rail, General Ben will definitely say a few nice words for you in front of the King of Jieyi!"

Li Zhiyun smiled modestly:

"General, these are all your good command!"

"The general is not only a talent, but also a wisdom!"

Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling behind him looked at Tai Kuan's huge ass, and then contacted Li Zhiyun's praise, and almost vomited.

Li Zhongyan under the city showed fear on his face.

This seemingly weakest South City has become the hardest bone to overcome!

Tai Kuan, who was squatting on the city, shouted loudly at Li Zhongyan, who was in a panic under the city:

"Li Zhongyan, we meet again!"

"It's a pity that your Laozi didn't come to the South Gate, otherwise it would be him who died!"

Tai Kun waved his fat hand:

"Soldiers, blow them up for me!"

"Black powder tube is enough!"

Li Zhongyan looked at the overwhelming array of arrows, boulders, and explosive packets, and immediately ordered the whole army to retreat.

Tai Kuan's eyes flashed fiercely:

"Want to run?!"

"Serve General Ben Rocket!"

Countless soldiers bent their bows and arrows and fired rockets into the moat.

In an instant, the moat burst into flames, blocking the way for Li Zhongyan's army to retreat.

Li Zhongyan led 10,000 cavalry, rode through the raging fire, and fled to the rear.

But countless infantry fell in flames!

Only twenty or thirty thousand people ran out!

The 60,000 infantry under the city, like chickens in captivity, trampled a row to death.

"Surrender without killing!"

"Don't tie up yet!"

Taiku shouted.

All the infantrymen immediately threw aside their weapons and crouched on the ground with their heads in their hands:

"Surrender!" We surrender! Tai

Kun smiled strangely, sent people down to the city to seize everyone's weapons, and then tied them all up.

The next moment, a shocking scene appeared!

I saw Tai Kun picking up the bow and arrow in the hands of the soldiers beside him at an extremely fast speed, and suddenly shot towards the surrendering troops!

"Kill them all for me, leave no one!!"

The generals on the side, especially the Sikh leaders, immediately persuaded:

"General, you must not kill the soldiers!"

Fang Xuanling whispered to Li Zhiyun,

"Gongzi, aren't you ready to persuade?"

"Soldiers are also people!"

Li Zhiyun did not speak, but Li Cunxiao spoke: "

The kindness of the woman!"

"How many unarmed people did they kill when they pushed all the way to Chang'an City?!"

Fang Xuanling had to shut up.

Tai Kun continued to take out the second arrow, and said as he shot: "

You must know that Li Zhuo killed my 150,000 soldiers in the Baiyin County Pit!"

"We avenge them!"

Although the Sikh rulers looked down on these dirty methods of Taikan.

But Tai Kuan's words inspired the anger and blood of everyone present!

What's more, on the battlefield, it is blood debts and blood payments!

If the other party does not talk about the rules, he must also talk about the rules.

There can only be two words to sum up!

"Kill kill kill!"

"Avenge them!"

Less than a blaze of incense.

The 60,000 Liang soldiers who had no power to bind chickens were all killed by black powder.

Bang bang bang -

the huge explosion sound and billowing black smoke stunned Li Zhongyan, who was fleeing!

The moment he looked back, the smell of blood came to his face!

But he did not feel the slightest guilt, but scolded:

"A bunch of useless things, death is not a pity!"


Li Zhongyan did not plan to return to Li Rail, five miles away.

He thought clearly.

If the father king knew that he had lost 60,000 soldiers and horses alive, the father king would probably kill himself!

So Li Zhongyan turned his head and walked towards the main gate of Jincheng.

At the main gate, maybe An Xiuren and An Xinggui have already succeeded!

If you fish in troubled waters and attack Jincheng from the north gate, it will also be a great achievement.

Maybe the father will forgive himself.

And when Li Zhongyan rushed to the main gate of Jincheng.

The sight in front of him made him dumbfounded!

I saw that in front of the main entrance, An Xinggui and An Xiuren's 200,000 troops were on display.

They just lined up there and didn't make any moves!

Li Zhongyan was immediately furious!


Lao Tzu fought bloody battles at the South Gate!

You two dogs are forced to play a game of "people staring at people, see who laughs first" with each other here?

If you storm the main gate, then the troops of the South Gate Tai Kun will inevitably come to their aid!

I won't leave an army of 60,000 behind!

These two dogs are the culprits!

"An Xinggui, An Xiuren!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Why not attack?"

An Xinggui and An Xiuren turned their heads to look at Crown Prince Li Zhongyan.

I saw that there were only more than 10,000 cavalry and infantry behind him.

Everyone is covered in ashes roasted by fire.

The face is painted like a ghost.

An Xinggui, who has rich combat experience, can be seen at a glance.

This product must have been deflated at the South Gate!

The two brothers did not even dismount, and directly turned their heads and asked

, "Your Royal Highness, the South Gate has succeeded?"

"However, what about your army of 100,000, why are there only these people left?"

An Xinggui's soul asked, which made Li Zhongyan's heart immediately break his defense, but his attitude was still tough:

"My soldiers will arrange themselves, and I don't need you to ask!"

"I just want to ask you, why doesn't the North Gate attack?"

He has long been suspicious of An Xinggui, why not take this opportunity to seize military power?

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