Why didn't the North Gate attack?

An Xinggui and An Xiuren looked at Li Zhongyan with some doubt.

Are you blind?

"Your Royal Highness, our news is wrong!"

"The main gate of Jincheng is already heavily guarded, see for yourself."

Prince Li Zhongyan looked in the direction of An Xinggui's finger.

I saw that above the entire main gate tower, there were all black pressed people!

Huge trebuchets filled the entire city promenade, one almost every two meters.

Inside the gap between the trebuchets, there are countless black powder explosive packets, huge stones, wood, black oil, and so on.

And the main gate of Jincheng is very arrogantly open, as if insulting An Xinggui's army.

Facing An Xinggui face to face was the tall and mighty Sikh ruler Asida.

The army behind him was 50,000 people.

Although Li Zhongyan was not convinced.

But the reality in front of him made it impossible for him to refute it.

It seems that after Tai Kun came to the capital, his IQ in the war has been raised by a notch.

There must be someone behind this.

But Li Zhongyan, who was eager to cover up his mistakes, eagerly said:

"The main force of Tai Kun is at the south gate, and this north gate is just a bluff at most!"

"My army of 200,000 is actually afraid of these 50,000 thieves?"

"If you are afraid, give the right to lead the army to Prince Ben!"

Li Zhongyan had words in his words, and Yu Guang swept towards the two.

I thought that An Xinggui and An Xiuren would reject their will.

After all, in this troubled world.

It is a great right to command troops.

Who will be willing to give up?

But the result was beyond Li Zhongyan's expectations.

"Your Royal Highness, if you want to lead the army, we will listen to you."


Li Zhongyan did not react for a while.

It's that simple?

An Xinggui said to the Sikh leader Asida directly in front:

"From now on, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will be the supreme commander of our army, do you hear?"

Asida nodded:

"You guys are really inky!"

Li Zhongyan smiled awkwardly.

"General An, did you say the wrong direction, you should tell the soldiers behind you."

Who knew that An Xinggui looked at Li Zhongyan slyly:

"Commander Qiyu, the other party's commander Asida has always strongly demanded, the commanders of the two armies duel!"

"If we win, they will give up the north gate!"

"If we lose, we will withdraw from Jincheng and never set foot here!"


Li Zhongyan gasped, so it was!

Sitting up in a dying illness, the clown is actually myself?

The answer is so crisp, waiting here?

Fuck, sloppy!

Li Zhongyan looked at the Sikh leader Asida on the opposite side.

A pair of fierce eagle eyes.

Raised muscles throughout the body.

A tall height of two meters.

Huge hills and long packs.

This is a dog bear!

How to fight?

Li Zhongyan felt that the other party could kill himself with a hanging!

An Xiuren saw that the prince was hesitating, his eyes were dripping, and he came from it

: "Brothers, let's cheer for the prince!"

In a flash!

War drums beat and shouts rise!

Everyone banged loudly on the shield made of iron birch trees and shouted:

"The prince is mighty!"

"The prince is mighty!"

"The prince is mighty!"

Whooping – crunching –

is pushed to the cusp of the storm, and even a pig can fly.

But Li Zhongyan is not a pig, but a cunning fox.

His heart went up and down.

If you refuse to fight, you lose your majesty and status.

How will the army be ruled after this?

How else to mix?

If you kill the opposing general Asida, they will give up the door and do it themselves!

It is bound to improve his status in the hearts of his father and all the soldiers!

Even if you can't beat it, just promise to retire.

This is a very cost-effective thing no matter how you look at it.

What's more, in this chaotic world, the poisonous oaths and promises made have a fart use.

Blah blah!

Li Zhongyan made up his mind in his heart.

It's time to fight!

But what he didn't know was that An Xinggui had just said one less word.

"If you lose, the army will withdraw from Jincheng, but you must leave the first rank of the general!"

Li Zhongyan's eyes were fierce:

"Good, this prince represents Da Liang in battle, and he deserves it!"

Li Zhongyan slowly walked forward, turned his head to the generals and said

, "If King Ben fights a tie with the other party, you must immediately form an iron pot formation and launch a fierce attack while protecting Prince Ben!"

Everyone understands what Li Zhongyan means by "tie".

To put it bluntly, once defeated, it can be done!

What poison oath, what promise?

Get out of here!

An Xiuren and An Xinggui looked at each other and smiled and retreated to the sides, leaving the position of the middle manager, and Li Zhongyan took his place.

Asida also smiled disdainfully:

"It's really hard to choose someone who should fight!"

"It's only now that I have chosen!"

"What kind of country is this?"

"A bunch of people who are afraid of death!"

What does Li Zhongyan's expression mean by anger


Pick someone who should fight?

So, doesn't it have to be the opposing manager's game?

, fooled!

Li Zhongyan realized that he had entered An Xinggui's routine!

But it's too late to regret it!

Asida had already raised his long machete and rushed over.

Li Zhongyan, who was difficult to ride a tiger, could only pull out the scimitar in his waist, and his heart was crossed, rushing towards the other party!

None of the two people behind the two moved.

All eyes were on the two, admiring the scene of the duel.

It seems to have returned to the past, the era when as long as the no-battle card was hung up, the city could never be breached.



Just listen to a loud "bang", two machetes collide together!

Two pairs of eyes, four eyes facing each other.

Li Zhongyan's youth is ruthless, and Asida's calm and sophisticated.

The first collision between the two men brought out a dazzling flame and pulled out Mars.

Asida suddenly let go of the machete, and while the scimitar slipped, the other hand caught it again.

Suddenly, the dragon swings its tail!

A knife was thrown at Li Zhongyan's back!

Li Zhongyan vigorously pulled the horse's head and turned his bearing.


tip of Asida's knife was cut against Li Zhongyan's skin, and a large hole was cut in his clothes.

But Li Zhongyan was not substantially harmed.

"Kind of interesting!"

Asida smiled strangely at Li Zhongyan and rode away.


Asida turned his horse's head and accelerated towards Li Zhongyan.

Li Zhongyan was in a trance, and he was actually afraid.

The Asida in front of him, the fierce eyes, Kong Wu's powerful arms, and the sharp scimitar raised in the air.

It made him feel the gap in strength.

Asida was like a cheetah moving at full speed, with a whistling sound, frantically attacking Li Zhongyan.

Li Zhongyan could not dodge, and immediately jerked the reins, causing the front hooves of the war horse to jump, trying to dodge Ashida's attack.

Howling Law -

The war horse let out a heart-rending roar, and the two front hooves were cut off by Asida with a scimitar!


Li Zhongyan fell off his horse.

Asida was condescending, looked at Li Zhongyan with disdain, the scimitar was across his neck, and said lightly:

"You, defeated!"


Li Zhongyan, who was lying on the ground, subconsciously looked towards the army in the rear.

Gu can't be imaged, his face is full of horror.

It's at this moment.

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