An Xinggui shouted at the 200,000-strong army:

"It's a tie!"

"What are you still stunned for?"

"Don't hurry up and save the prince!"

In an instant, everyone recalled the "tie" mentioned by the prince before!

An Xinggui and An Xiuren were the first to rush out!

Brandishing the spear in his hand, he stabbed at Asida fiercely.

All the soldiers behind the two also moved, throwing countless grenades and other weapons towards the army behind Asida!



Crown Prince Li Zhongyan stared at the scimitar above his neck, one hand dancing wildly behind him.

All the charging soldiers jerked the reins.


Did he misunderstand the meaning of the prince?

But their actions angered Shangwu's Asida!

Wait, there is no integrity!

Asida's eyes flashed with more and more

fierceness: "What we Sikhs hate most is those who don't keep their promises!"

"If you are defeated, your life should have been left!"

Without waiting for Li Zhongyan to have any reaction, Asida grabbed the reins, raised the front hooves of the war horse, and stepped towards Li Zhongyan!

Li Zhongyan subconsciously dodged by.

But he found a machete and struck him at the same time!

An Xinggui and An Xiuren immediately yelled, "


"Keep your subordinates!"

But Asida's scimitar had already chopped down, hitting Li Zhongyan's neck!


knife speed was so fast that Li Zhongyan hardly felt half pain.

The knife edge at the neck is very flat, so flat that it looks like a work of art.

This unexpected scene made everyone gasp.

This is the prince of Da Liang!

is also Li Rail's favorite only adult son!

Also the future king of Da Liang!

That's it...... Cooled down!?

An Xinggui and An Xiuren even covered their faces and cried, desperately squeezing out two tears:

"Crown Prince!"

"You died so miserably!"

Wiping away his tears, An Xinggui stared at Asida fiercely and yelled: "

The prince has been killed, everyone will attack the city for me!"

"Kill Asida and avenge the Crown Prince!"

In a flash!

More than a hundred trebuchets, shooting bags of black powder, rolling stones, and fireballs at the phalanx of soldiers behind Assida!

"Retreat to the two wings!"

Asida immediately gave an order, and the well-trained army of 50,000 fled at great speed.

And so it goes.

The trebuchet pounced, but An Xinggui's army was completely exposed to the fire of the city gate.

Almost at the same moment.

On the main gate of the Golden City.

Countless huge trebuchets are full of firepower, fighting back with all their might!

Bags of black powder, rolling stones, fireballs, etc. shot fiercely at An Xinggui's army!

One up and down, one high and one low.

There are both advantages and disadvantages.

An Xinggui's army of countless advancing trebuchets were blown up!

"Quick! Fast! Fast! "

Iron pot formation, protect the artillery!"

"Move forward, shoot!"

At the time of crisis, An Xinggui chose to use the lives of his soldiers to form a defensive formation and try to protect the artillery phalanx in the rear.

"Push forward!"

"Bring the range of the artillery close to the city gates!"

An Xinggui's method worked.

Although the trebuchet was broken, the artillery formation behind the trebuchet was well protected.

This depends on the rogue defense in the shape of an iron pot, and the shield made of iron birch is extremely hard.

On the other hand, thanks to the fact that the defenders of the city did not notice these guns at all.

Or, in their eyes, what is this uniquely shaped thing of a stick and two wheels?

Giant cock in the world?

What's the use of this thing?

An Xinggui had been visually observing the distance

to the artillery range to completely cover the city gate, An Xinggui shouted: "

Give me a cannon, open a cannon, open a cannon."

With An Xinggui's order, countless artillery pieces burst out dazzling flames and shot fiercely at the city.

The explosion in an instant was the most unexpected!

This shell, which is three-quarters smaller than a powder pack, smashed a big hole when it hit the wall!

The aftermath of the shells caused heavy casualties among the defenders of the city.

The soldiers in the city were horrified!

Turn into inner panic!

What kind of weapon is this exactly!?

Tai Kuan, who had won a big victory at the south gate, also heard the loud noise here and led the army to rush to the aid of the main gate.

Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling, three "businessmen", followed closely behind him.

The three looked at each other and smiled, revealing lewd smiles.

The confrontation between the two forces, the backers behind the scenes are all Shenzhou Empire!

Are you angry or not?

Li Rail, who was five miles away and was always on guard, took out his binoculars and looked away.

The main gate of Jincheng has already kicked off the prelude to the general attack, I believe that it will not be long before Jincheng will be lost and regained!

It's just that the south gate of Jincheng looks quieter.

Could it be that Prince Li Zhongyan had already led an army to attack?

The prince won?

Li Rail is full of confidence, and the golden city in front of him is already in his pocket.

Just as Li Rail was thinking about it, two scouts rushed over, their faces full of fear.

Li Rail saw that a scout came to deliver the message, and immediately went forward to greet him.

The two quickly dismounted.

I push you, you push me.

Twist and pinch, like a.

No one wants to step forward and lick the first bite.


"But the prince got his hands at the South Gate?"

Li Li asked expectantly.

The scout frowned, trembling and kneeling on the ground, not daring to look at Li Rail's hopeful eyes.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

And this is the pain of losing a child in middle age!

"King Ben is asking you, what is the battle ahead?"

Through the performance of scouting, Li Rail also had a trace of bad premonition.

Just now, you can see from the telescope that the battle situation is conducive to the Great Cool.

But these two scouts, why are their faces as ugly as dead daddy?

"King Qiyu, the battle at the main gate of Jincheng is extremely anxious, quite tragic...!"

Li Zhuo's nervous mood relaxed a little, and asked,

"Why doesn't King Ben know the tragic situation of the battle!"

"Tell the two brothers of Anxinggui that they must conquer the main gate of Jincheng!"

"Otherwise, I'll see you when I raise my head!"

After Li Rail finished speaking, he found that the two scouts were still trembling and kneeling on the ground, and the afterlight swept towards the iron box on the war horse on the side.

In this, it is Prince Li Zhongyan's... Head!

"Why don't you leave yet?"

"What else are you doing?"

A trembling voice sounded:

"King Qiyu, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has also led an army to join the battle at the main gate!"

Li Rail was overjoyed!

Could it be that the South Gate has been conquered by the Crown Prince?

Now back to the North Gate?

Solve my own affairs, and help others, worthy of being my son Li Rail!

Have strategic vision, have the courage to fight!

"Great King, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince dares to be the vanguard for my Da Liang, fighting bloody battles..." The

scout simply said with a heart

, "Fought in blood, and was brutally killed by the Sikh leader Asida!"

Li Rail nodded, suddenly his expression froze again, his brows twisted into Sichuan characters, and he tilted his head to look at the scout:


"What did you just say?"

When everyone suddenly heard the unexpected news, they had already heard it clearly, but they still didn't want to believe it!

As Li Rail is now:


"What did you say?"

"Say it again!!

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