One of the scouts whispered in horror,

"Great King... His Royal Highness the Crown Prince... Death in battle, woohoo!

Li Zhuo suddenly pulled out the scimitar on the waist of the soldier on the side, and directly cut off the scout's neck.

Then he yelled at another scout kneeling on the ground,

"What happened to you?"

The blood next to it was still scarlet and warm, and in this somewhat cold early summer, it was extremely mad.

The scout was silent, huge drops of sweat running down his forehead, and a puddle of yellow liquid under his crotch.

Li Rail put the scimitar on the scout's neck:

"King Ben asked you again, what happened to the prince?"

The scout carefully raised his head along the tip of the knife:

"The king please mourn, we should avenge the blood hatred for the prince now!"

"The prince died so tragically, please ask the king to send troops to kill Asida immediately!"

Scout's eyes looked towards the iron box on the horse.

The horizontal knife in Li Rail's hand slipped down and walked towards the war horse.


A bloody human head appeared in front of Li Rail.

The eyes on this man's head were still open, and their eyes were full of fear.

Li Rail's whole person fell straight back.

At this moment, he tried to accept this result.

"The whole army listened to the order, immediately opened, and stormed King Ben towards Jincheng!"

Li Rail's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he took a wild breath:

"Whoever captures Ashida will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold!"

"King Ben will live!"

Li Rail stepped on the horse, with infinite anger in his heart, and rushed towards Jincheng.

He must personally rip off Asida's meat piece by piece and feed it to the dog!

At this moment, the main entrance of Jincheng.

The situation in Jincheng changed drastically.

I saw the Sikh commander Asida who had just fled, leading cavalry from both wings and outflanking An Xinggui's artillery phalanx.

Fifty thousand Sikh soldiers, using their horses as a rammer, went on a rampage.

Knocked down countless artillery pieces.

Pierce the chest of an artilleryman with a spear!

The artillery phalanx was instantly in chaos!

An Xinggui and An Xiuren ordered the forward troops to immediately return to their aid and fight with the opposing cavalry.

The artillery regiment was saved.

Storm the city again.

Then countless soldiers erected long stairs and climbed towards the city.

Ten guns were aimed at the main gate.

"Blow the door open for me!"

An Xinggui gave an order, and ten artillery pieces slammed into the main gate!

Asida looked horrified and turned his horse's head to support.

But An Xinggui's countless infantry and cavalry held them back!

The gates of the city are about to be blasted open!

It's at this moment.

Taeki personally led the army to the main gate and joined the battle.

In a flash.

The 50,000-strong army of the Sikh tribe plus the 100,000-strong army of Tai Kun carried out the three-bread raid posture on the 200,000 Anxinggui army under the gate.

Tai Kun roared excitedly:

"Hurry up!"

"Overthrow those weapons!"

When Taekun learned that Li Zhongyan had been killed by Ashida, Taekun ignited his fighting spirit for the first time!

The South Gate can win big!

He saw a glimmer of hope for victory in this battle.

It was also the first time that such a strong desire was able to defeat Li Rail's army!

Li Zhiyun, who was beside Tai Kuan, looked at the situation in front of him, saw the expression on Tai Kuan's face, and said:

"General, the enemy's artillery is too ferocious, the city gate has been blasted open, and the situation is very grim!"

When Tai Kun listened, it was true!

The city gate has been blasted open, and this main gate can no longer be guarded!

"Brother Wu, what do you think?"

Li Zhiyun caressed the eight-character beard, like a heavenly man and said:

"General, the city gate can no longer be guarded, why not let the army in the city go out of the city to meet the enemy?"

"From this, our army can form a four-bread raid against it!"

Tai Ku: ?

That's a really good idea!

Four loaves of bread!

Where did Li Rail escape?

Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling on the side were happy in their hearts.

What kind of fairy tactic is this?

Shouldn't the current situation be a frontal obstruction of the enemy and three-sided assistance?

But Li Zhiyun's words stunned Tai Kun for a while.

He actually agreed with Li Zhiyun's combat ideas.

The opportunity to take down Li Rail in one fell swoop has come!

Tai Kun immediately commanded the defenders of the city with his banner:

"The city gate is opened, and the whole army goes out of the city to fight!"

Castle Defender: ???

Could this be a neuropathy?

Flag Soldier: (¦3[▓▓]

The flag soldier waves the flag wildly, and Ling Shou will have to obey Tae's orders.

Asida, the Sikh leader in the rear, looked furious.

What exactly is this Tai Kun going to do?

This dog pushes the thing!

Day mother!

An Xinggui and An Xiuren, who were fighting bravely to kill the enemy and trying to break through the encirclement, were surprised to see that the main gate of Jincheng was actually open!

Lay down a groove!

What kind of tactic is this?


The two of them immediately looked excited!

Those who took the initiative to give up defending the city were still the first time they met!

Tai Kuan's beating decree they are also refreshed, exclaiming heavenly people!

In a flash!

The soldiers of Daliang, who were busy climbing the city on a ladder and dealing with the attacks of arrows, boulders, and black oil, all came down from the ladder and rushed towards the main gate.

In the entire Golden City, there are only 200,000 soldiers of the Jieyi Empire.

Fifty thousand were brought out by Asida before.

It was used by Taiku to defend the south gate and take out 50,000.

There are other door defenses.

So full of calculations, the main gate defenders are less than 50,000 people!

These 50,000 people have been destroyed by artillery fire, to be precise, there are only 40,000 at most!

An Xinggui and An Xiuren concentrated their firepower to besiege these more than 40,000 people, it was simply easy!

In an instant, An Xinggui and An Xiuren had already invaded the city.

Turn offense to defense to maximize your advantage.

Tai Kun had a complicated expression on his face and looked ahead dullly.

He didn't expect at all that this An Xinggui didn't want to break through and escape, but wanted to occupy the city defense of Jincheng!

This person is really daring!

However, I have to admit that this person is good at ingenuity!

The Sikh ruler, Asida, looked at Tai Kun with hatred.

It's really muddy and can't support the wall!

I'm not afraid of strong opponents, I'm afraid that my teammates are bald!

This originally occupied the initiative, but immediately fell into passivity!

"Attack with all your strength, retake the city defense, and fight a quick victory!"

Wielding a scimitar, Asida led the Sikh soldiers to kill the enemy along the way.

For a moment, no one could stop it.

Taeki rekindled hope.

This dull group of Sikhs, who have no sex life to speak of, were born to fight.

Fortunately, they are all people with the third surname.

Deep down in their bones, they will still obey their aristocratic class.

The war was turned around for a time.

An Xinggui and An Xiuren's leading troops had already mounted the city wall.

But the follow-up forces were strongly counterattacked and entangled by Ashida.

Hard to get into town!

A big smile appeared on Taetae's face.

This battle is winnable!

One wave is not flat, and another wave is rising.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow finch is behind.

The situation of war is always changing rapidly.

Just when the armies of Asida and Taiku were storming An Xinggui's army from three sides.

The 200,000-strong army led by Li Rail came fiercely from their rear!

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