Due to the addition of Li Rail, the scene instantly evolved from a three-sided encirclement.

In front is An Xinggui's army, and in the rear is Li Rail's army.

And in the middle is Tae-kan's army.

Taekun has also changed from the initial siege to being surrounded!

An Xinggui and An Xiuren in the city saw Li Rail's arrival, and they showed their hard work, waving the Li character banner, and shouted at the officers and soldiers of the whole army:

"The king is coming, our reinforcements are coming!"

"We 300,000 soldiers, are we afraid that they will not be able to make it to 150,000?"

"Soldiers, kill me!"

"Avenge His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Whoop -

whoop –

everyone is scrappy!

The iron horsemen and soldiers of Da Liang are famous in history!

From the body of Li Rail, the hero, it is vividly embodied.

Although Li Rail colluded with foreign races, he intended to subvert Huaxia.

But it is undeniable that the ruthlessness and tenacity embodied in it are terrifying.

If it were not for the creation of people, the rise of the heroes.

In this chaotic world, he must also have a place, and even unify the Central Plains!

But in a thousand calculations, what was not calculated was.

A young man named "Li Zhiyun" quickly rose on the land of China.

The battle with Li Zhiyun's Chang'an not only caused him to suffer serious injuries, but also made his rear unstable, resulting in the opportunity for the Jieyi Empire.

As a result, Li Rail hated Li Zhiyun!

Li Zhiyun, who was behind Tae, watched the changes in the situation on the field.

He smiled mysteriously at Li Cunxiao and Fang Xuanling.

It's done, don't go yet?

The three took advantage of the chaos to quietly retreat to the side....

Extremely anxious, Tai Yan looked ahead with his eyes and asked

, "Brother Wu, what should I do now?"

"Do we have a chance to defeat Li Rail?"

In Tae's heart, Li Zhiyun not only provided him with food and ammunition, but also had a lot of experience in some combat strategies.

Therefore, this person is not simple, you can ask.

After asking for most of the day, Tai Kun did not get a single response.

Tai turned his head to look.

Oops, groove!

What about people???

Li Zhiyun and the others have long run without a trace!

"Fuck, sure enough, businessmen are greedy and afraid of death!"

"It's really unreliable to call Wu Yifan!"

Tek turned around and tried to find Lee Ji-yun.

Li Zhiyun did not find it, but found a pair of fierce eyes, staring at him deadly.

It was that Li Rail!

It's too late, it's too soon.

Li Rail galloped, raised the scimitar in his hand, and fought hard in the direction of Tai Kuan!

He was like a fierce beast.

With that heavy pain of losing a child, sweep all obstacles!

Tai Wan, who was originally full of confidence, naturally retreated when his life was threatened.

A small golden city is not enough for him to pay the price of his life willingly!

Not even a threat!

And he is not afraid of the king of the day to ask for sins in the future.

Even if he lost this golden city, he killed the prince of Da Liang in this battle!

Give Li Rail a heavy blow!

This record can also be justified.

When it comes to analyzing strategic methods, Taeki is a pig.

But when analyzing his own interests and losses, he is definitely a wise king!

After analyzing the pros and cons.

Tai Kuan's face was not red and his heart did not beat, and he asked the flag soldiers to give orders to Asida, who was fighting:

"Be sure to drag Li Rail's army and retake Jincheng!"

"The Sikhs swear to die and coexist with Jincheng!"

When Asida saw Taiku's order, she was shocked.

Could it be that this Tai Kuan, who has always been afraid of death, has changed his temperament?

At this moment of crisis, still thinking of recapturing Jincheng and repelling the enemy army?

Ashida's simple caution took a liking to Tai at this moment, and immediately issued a death order to all Sikhs.

All soldiers must fight to the death!

Recapture Jincheng and defeat the Great Liang Army!

In a flash!

Li Rail's army and the Sikhs were entangled, and for a moment they could not advance forward.

Tai Kuan smiled strangely, the situation was already more suitable for escape.

"The whole army retreats and quickly advances to Qingyang County and Pingliang County in the northeast!"

After issuing the order, Tai Kun immediately beat the war horse fiercely, personally drove the footsteps, and fled rapidly towards the northeast.

Once the main general has no intention of fighting, the butterfly effect will occur.

The soldiers of the Jieyi Empire, who were originally fighting bloody battles, as well as the military nobles and administrative nobles of Kshatriya, followed the footsteps of Tai Kun and fled madly!

The wall fell and everyone pushed it.

The army was defeated.

The situation changed drastically.

When the Sikh leader Asida discovered that something was wrong, Taiku had fled to Ersanli.

"Old thief, where to run?"

"Take your life!"

Li Rail, who was blocked by Arcida, looked in the direction where Tek fled, and roared in desperation.

Tai Kun looked back from a distance, and the smile on his face became even brighter:

"Stupid, you still want to kill General Ben?"

"You Li Rail also deserves?!"

Asida also had no intention of fighting.

The 50,000 Sikhs have already lost more than half.

It's really not worth working for such stupid pigs!

Asida began to lead the crowd to break through.

The two brothers, An Xinggui and An Xiuren, immediately came down from the city and chased after them on horseback.

They knew they couldn't get Assida.

Li Zhongyan was killed, Li Rail will definitely blame himself!

Two heroes fight one hegemony, two An capture Sida.

The three fight together.

But the brothers still underestimated Asida's combat effectiveness.

The two sides fought for dozens of rounds, and even Ashida had to have a certain advantage.

"An Xinggui, take this person for King Ben!"

"King Ben will live!"

Li Rail in the crowd yelled at the two brothers.

An Xinggui and An Xiuren immediately ordered the soldiers to form an iron pot formation.

First besiege Aceda in formation.

He also ordered countless soldiers to attack Asida's horse with spears.

If you are not afraid of singling out, you are afraid of group fighting.

If you are not afraid of regular play, you are afraid of hooligan play.

Asida fell from her warhorse.

He clutched the sharp machete in his hand and fought hard.

An Xinggui aimed at the opportunity, and an arrow shot out, hitting Ashida's thigh.

Asida suddenly "banged" and fell to her knees on the ground.

The soldiers took the opportunity to press countless spears to Asida's neck, immobilizing him for half a minute.

"The Lord will be captured, and you will not surrender yet?"

An Xiuren shouted at the surrounding Sikhs, and at the same time, the scimitar stabbed into the other thigh of Ashida.

Asida fell to her knees!

A pair of eyes full of fierceness and unwillingness.

"Can't surrender!"

"Break through!"

"Go and tell the other Sikhs that it's not worth working for Taiko!"

Asida suddenly leaned her neck towards the sharp spearhead!

An Xinggui and An Xiuren suddenly said secretly.

"It's not good, this is going to kill yourself!"

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