There was the sound of black powder exploding in front of Jiayuguan.

According to the size of the fire, it can be judged that the distance is somewhat far.

Although Wang Dabiao could not see clearly, he was full of confidence, as if everything about the enemy was within his control.

"Don't be nervous, we've prepared deep trenches to bury them!"

In the eyes of Wang Dabiao, a bandit-turned-deputy general, Li Zhiyun can't pass the first level!

Because in front of them is a huge deep trench ten meters deep and fifteen meters wide, which took half a year to excavate!

Suddenly, Wang Dabiao was shocked.

It seems that something is not good.

With his many years of experience as a thief.

Although the jungle in front of this is dark, full of smoke, the enemy cannot be seen.

But this is definitely not normal.

Black powder is a rarity.

The enemy ignited black powder from a distance, without the slightest substantial attack.

How many meanings does this mean?

Show off your wealth?


"Fire ten shots straight ahead!"

Wang Dabiao immediately ordered the artillery to open fire!

Because in his heart, all this is not normal!

Abnormal arrived, insulting his intelligence!


bang - bang bang -

ten shells hit the front and suddenly there was a fire.

Wang Dabiao took advantage of the fire to pick up the telescope and observe it carefully.


Wang Dabiao ordered.

"All generals obey the order, immediately transfer to the back door!"

Wang Dabiao led everyone towards the back gate of Guancheng.

Just now, he only saw a few enemies!


This must be the voice of the thief army!

The main forces of the enemy army and the intended targets are definitely not here!

When coming to the backgate city.

A smug smile appeared at the corner of Wang Dabiao's mouth.

Sure enough!

In the woods ahead, various birds are constantly chirping and flying each other!

No talent to blame!

It can basically be judged that Li Zhiyun's main forces must be ambushed here, waiting for the opportunity!

Wang Dabiao stared ahead, ready for battle.

Inner secret.

This Li Zhiyun is just that!

Haven't all the schemes been discovered by me?

I'm really too smart!

Hopelessly smart!


Only... Very cool!

But the next moment, Wang Dabiao knew how cheap his opponent really was!

So cheap that he wanted to slap the other party's mouth to death!

"Emperor, look quickly, there is a change in the city!"

"Could it be that Li Hu found us?"

Li Zhiyun looked in the direction of Li Cunxiao's finger.

I saw that above the wall of the back gate, there were more and more defenders!

A large number of guns were placed in a prominent position directly ahead, and the barrels protruded beyond the walls.

"Emperor, this city defender Li Hu really has a set!"

"Actually saw through our scheme!"

"This person should not be underestimated!"

Fang Xuanling couldn't help but secretly sigh at Li Hu's wisdom and vigilance against danger.

This sighs that not all opponents are stupid!

Not all villains are like the villains in the novel on the tomato, whose IQ has been lowered by the author!

What's more, this person looks like a hanger, but it is actually the easiest to confuse people.

This is the master of the master.

Li Xuanba was even more amazed:

"Li Hu?"

"Is it the same name and surname as my great-grandfather?"

Li Cunxiao took the stubble and tried to pat the horse for the first time:

"Emperor, really the people called 'Li Hu' are the great talents of the world!"

Li Cunxiao originally thought that this rainbow fart would make Li Zhiyun happy.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Zhiyun frowned:

"His name is Li Hu?"

"He deserves it too?"

"I might as well call it 'plum mouse'!"

Du Ruxian on the side hurriedly eased the embarrassment:

"The person I guarded the city is not Li Hu!"

"According to Weichen's secret inquiry in the past few days, then Li Hu is only interested in women."

"Nothing is known about this!"

"So the city must be that deputy general Wang Dabiao."

Li Zhiyun nodded, this analysis is quite reliable.

But whether it is Wang Dabiao or Li Dabiao, this city must be taken!

At this moment, crowds of shouts sounded in the city:

"Who is Er?"

"Why don't you attack Jiayuguan with your own strength?"

"Don't retreat quickly, otherwise don't blame the sword for being eyeless!"

Li Zhiyun also ordered the soldiers to reply:

"I am Li Zhiyun of the Shenzhou Empire, and I have come to collect debts from you Daliang!"

"If you know each other, open the door quickly!"

The expression on Wang Dabiao's face suddenly stopped.


Lee Ji-yun?

Li Zhiyun: He had heard of it.

Just some time ago, Li Zhuo, the king of the Great Liang, fought with him.

That is, because of this war, the soldiers of Daliang lost half of them!

This also directly led to the Jieyi Empire taking advantage of the void.

"So you are Li Zhiyun?"

Wang Dabiao's eyes lit up:

"Li Zhiyun, today is your time to die!"

And the next moment, the painting style changed abruptly.

Du Ruxian planned to break a few fierce materials.

"Wang Dabiao smelly old duck, Li Hu's crotch club!"

"Licking Li Hu is so comfortable, but people don't dick you!"


- hahaha -

the whole valley echoed with laughter.

Wang Dabiao's face was extremely ugly, and his whole body was bruised.

The soldiers in the city also had a complicated expression.

Why would Wang Dabiao willingly work for Li Hu, who can't support the wall in the mud?

All because... He has a little "proclivity".

And this fetish is difficult to explain.

"Wang Dabiao, why aren't you silent?"

"Could it be that you admitted that you have a good relationship with that Li Hu?"

Du Ruxian looked proud.

This battle has not yet been fought, and it is estimated that Wang Dabiao will be angry to death.

Wang Dabiao, who was on the verge of psychological collapse, suddenly clenched his fists and smashed on the city wall:

"Why don't you dare? You and I might as well fight to the death!

"Okay, then you open the city gate and we'll compete!"

Seeing that Wang Dabiao was about to open the city to meet the enemy, everyone was in a hurry!

This is typical of the behavior of two stunned people!

It was the other party who deliberately provoked him!

Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to be fooled.

"General, you must not! This is the enemy's radical method, don't be fooled!

"The general listened to that nonsense, he just wanted to provoke the general to open the city gates, don't be fooled!"

"If Kaesong fights, then my Jiayuguan's natural danger will be gone!"

Wang Dabiao was already enchanted:

"So what? Is General Ben afraid that they will not succeed?

Everyone immediately continued to persuade:

"General, then Li Zhiyun defeated Tubo Tuyuhun in Chang'an City, and he also fought a tie with the great king!"

"So it's definitely not easy!"

Everyone hopes that Wang Dabiao will not be impulsive and must restrain his emotions.

Lord General Li Hu, that is not counted on.

But these two couples must count on one.

Wang Dabiao bit his lip vigorously. He hit his chrysanthemum hard.

His anger was completely lowered:

"Li Zhiyun, Hugh has to anger General Ben!"

"With this time for the dog to bark, you might as well think about this unfathomable trench in front of you!"

"Bah! Have no bottom?

"Is there your chrysanthemum deep?"

Wang Dabiao: ▄█▀█●

"You fuck... Slut!

Wang Dabiao's voice just fell.

Li Zhiyun ordered.

"All sappers will fold ladders at both ends of the trenches!"

In a flash!

Countless sapper soldiers carried folding ladders and rushed forward.

The moment the folding ladder unfolded, there was an accident!


The author Jun is a little busy during this time, many comments did not have time to reply, really sorry ~ but I have read your comments, thank you for your support and encouragement, love you ~ I also hope that everyone will continue to support this novel, thank you!

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