The folding ladder could not even connect the two ends of the deep trench!

Five meters less visually!

The deep trenches around Jiayuguan under the fog are extremely spectacular.

Wang Dabiao saw this "funny" scene in the haze and immediately laughed.

"Look, the ladder is not long enough!"

"Hahaha, General, look at their funny look, a group of people pressed on one end of the ladder, but the other end is suspended above the deep trench, crumbling!"

"I'm afraid they're performing acrobatics!"

The wrinkles on Wang Dabiao's face were completely stretched, as if he had forgotten the "Longyang" incident just now.

He took out a few copper coins from his arms and threw them down:

"The performance is so wonderful, General Ben is very happy, he deserves to be rewarded!"

And the next moment, the ladder began to shake violently, and it seemed that something was above the ladder!

Grey Law!

A long roar, resounding through the mountain stream!

On the ladder, a horse and a person appeared!

I saw Li Zhiyun, wearing golden armor and golden cape, stepping on the Wuchi war horse.

Holding the Red Flame Halberd in one hand, he raised it high and pushed forward with the other, as if he was pulling something in his hand.

"Look, General!"

"What is the golden-robed young general going to do?"

Wang Dabiao muttered in his heart.

Could it be that this man wants to jump to the other side?

How is this possible?

Li Zhiyun's starry eyes flashed with determination.

The Wuchi War Horse ran rapidly, stopping abruptly at the tail end of the ladder, and its front and hind legs moved closer to the middle.




The soldiers at the other end of the deep trench, while pressing the folding ladder with their bodies, suddenly increased their strength, causing the ladder to bounce upwards like a lever.

Li Zhiyun took off with one person and one horse, took advantage of his strength and rushed towards the other side of the trench!


This sudden scene shocked everyone in the city.

In the early hours of this foggy morning.

Li Zhiyun is like a golden light, lighting up the night sky.

Blinded everyone!


The horse's hooves fell heavily on the other side of the trench!

Set off gusts of sand!

Everyone was shocked and stunned?

Who is this person?

How did he do it?

Even on top of a horse flat river, it is even more difficult to cross the five-meter barrier.

What's more, the place where he started is not a flat horse!

It's that weak ladder!

"Who's coming?"

"Your dad Li Zhiyun!"

Wang Dabiao: ┳━┳ノ(°_°ノ)

"Quickly shoot General Ben!"

Li Zhiyun on the war horse suddenly pulled forward with one hand!

Ten ladders flew over from his left!

Li Zhiyun immediately dismounted and slammed the Red Flame Battle Halberd into the ground!

Hold the ten ladders steady!

Li Zhiyun's unexpected scene made everyone stunned in place!

What is this awesome operation?

Only Wang Dabiao was roaring:

"What are you doing stunned, don't shoot me soon!"


bang bang bang -

the artilleryman subconsciously pulled the lead rope in his hand abruptly, and countless artillery pieces blasted in the direction of Li Zhiyun!

But Li Zhiyun did not take a step back, but returned a disdainful look.

The place where he is standing at this moment is not within the range of the opponent's artillery!


The shell exploded a hundred meters in front of Li Zhiyun.

"Waste! What a bunch of trash!

"Why is the deep trench so far from Guancheng!"

"General Qiyu, if the deep trench is too close, it will make the foundation of Guancheng unstable and easy to collapse!"

Wang Dabiao took a deep breath and said angrily,

"Why is the first line of defense unguarded?"

"Who is the general defending the city?"

Wang Dabiao asked angrily.

A figure in the crowd stood up tremblingly.

"Enlightenment... General Qiyu, in the end, the fog will be thick today, and there will be no abnormalities, so I withdrew all the soldiers back..."

Wang Dabiao glared angrily ahead:

"Quickly open the city and push the artillery one hundred and fifty meters outside the city!"

"Bombard his cloud ladder team so that none of their ladders can come up!"

"Archer ready to cooperate with the attack!"

In the end, a scene that worried everyone appeared.

Wang Dabiao decided to open the city and suppress the enemy with firepower!

"General, don't open the city to meet the enemy!"

Wang Dabiao waved his hand:

"Don't say any more!"

"We only need to launch ten guns and give the enemy a fatal blow!"

"When the enemy comes up, abandon the cannon and enter the city, and close the city gates, this is only a moment, there is nothing to fear!"

"What's more, that enemy wants to climb over through these ladders, it's just a fool's dream!"

Everyone stopped talking, and what Wang Dabiao said also made some sense!

And right now.

I saw that on the other side of the deep trench, fifty Wolong Fort fired a hundred volleys!

The tail of each black, thick and hard spear is tied with a rope!

In a flash.

The spear plunged deep into the ground on the opposite side of the trench, and the soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire began to climb forward along this rope!

The distance of fifteen meters, even if it is difficult, is only a matter of minutes!

And the road composed of three ladders became a bridge to transport Wolong Fort and war horses.

Wang Dabiao's eyes gave birth to a little fear.

What kind of weapon is this?

Is this Li Zhiyun still human?

He thought that the ladder was for transporting soldiers, but he never thought of it.

He turned out to be here to deliver weapons!

A hundred ropes are the passage to transport soldiers!

And it's incredibly fast, passing a hundred people at a time!

Steady stream!

The gates under the city had been opened, and ten artillery pieces had been pushed out.

Each artillery gun fired only one shot, and it was immediately recalled by Wang Dabiao!

Time, too late!

"Quick, abandon the cannon and return to the city, close the city gates!"

It's time for a minute.

From the lower side of the city, three people and three horses were killed!

It was that Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba!

Li Zhiyun wielded a sharp Mo knife and took the lead in slashing the artillerymen who fell in the rear!

Then he rushed into the city with Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba.

Everyone immediately gasped.

Wang Dabiao, on the other hand, was not worried and rejoiced, and a trace of cruelty appeared in his eyes.

What a daredevil!

Didn't put yourself in the eye at all!

Since you take the initiative to enter the city to find death, let you have no return!

With a "creak", the city gates closed.

Wang Dabiao ordered the archers to bend their bows and take arrows, covering all and shooting at the three without dead ends.

"General, there are still our soldiers under the city!"

Wang Dabiao said angrily:

"Don't care so much, it's worth killing the king of a country with the lives of hundreds of soldiers!"

In a flash!

The black-pressed arrows shot fiercely towards the three people under the city.

"Shield protection!"

Li Zhiyun and the other three immediately raised the iron birch tree shield.

For a moment, the arrow could not shoot through the shield of the three.

"What kind of artifact is this?"

"Which dog day was invented?"

Wang Dabiao was extremely angry, lamenting that his opponent's equipment was too powerful.

The general on the side replied embarrassedly:

"General Qiyu, this weapon is called the 'Iron Birch Tree' shield, it is... It was invented by the king!

Wang Dabiao immediately said loudly:

"It is really excellent!"

In an instant, Li Zhiyun had already begun to climb the city along the steps!

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