The steps are more than thirty meters long.

Li Zhiyun rushed without match, his physical strength rushed to the full, and everywhere he went, there were deaths and injuries!

Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba wielded an eight-hundred-pound Yuwang hammer and a drum-beating urn golden hammer, stunned to kill a bloody road among the thieves.

Anyone who stands in the way is beaten into patties and split into two pieces!

For a moment, blood filled the air, and blood flowed like rivers.

The soldiers who surrounded them were eager to try with various weapons, but did not dare to step forward.

"Go and inform General Li Hu and ask him to quickly mobilize heavy armored soldiers to come to support!"

He will immediately go to the Guanchengcheng County Mansion and go to Li Hu to request support.

"Throw me a grenade!"

Wang Dabiao desperately threw a grenade at Li Zhiyun on the steps.

He didn't care about the Da Liang soldiers beside Li Zhiyun at all.

He just wanted to blow up these three fierce beasts!

At this moment, there was movement outside the city.

Li Rail looked out of the city.

Li Zhiyun's Wolong Fort had been pushed less than three hundred meters away from the city wall.

Each soldier holds something in his hand.

Wang Dabiao judged that it should be a grenade!

There are fierce generals inside the city, and there are large armies outside the city.

The Daliang soldiers guarding the city suddenly panicked, looking at each other at a loss.

This was the first time they had encountered such a dangerous situation since they were stationed in Jiayuguan.

Because no army dared to send three people and three horses to break into Guancheng!

"Afraid of what?!"

Wang Dabiao pointed to the city and comforted:

"They can't throw grenades!"

What Wang Dabiao said is good.

If the grenade is purely human, it really cannot be thrown up.

The city wall of Jiayuguan Pass City, built on the mountains on both sides, is more than 50 meters high!

It sounds incredible, but that's what it is!

The steps leading to the city alone are more than thirty meters!

Although the main city wall is actually only more than ten meters.

But from the outside, the whole is a towering big thing!

All the soldiers nodded noncommittally.

What Wang Dabiao said makes sense.

Since the existence of Jiayuguan, it has never been conquered!

All the thief army who come here to provoke will be severely suppressed!

Wang Dabiao is confident that Li Zhiyun is also the party that has been suppressed!

There will be no exceptions!

The next moment.

Countless grenades were tied to black and thick spears!

Fang Xuanling's order, fifty Wolong Fort were fully fired.

Countless black-pressed spears, with the sound of breaking wind, sent grenades to the city wall!


bang - bang bang -

the range of the spear was completely beyond Wang Dabiao's expectations!

It can shoot up the city!

Insert into the soldier's body!

And that's not the cruelest.

The cruelest thing is that after inserting it, the grenade hanging in the middle of the spear also exploded, causing greater lethality!

The defenders of the city panicked at once.

It turns out that this black and thick thing can not only launch ropes, but also grenades!

Nima, how else is this?

"All lie down, lie down!"

"Give me a cannon, a cannon, a cannon!"

"Shoot all the shells!"

Wang Dabiao was already in a state of confusion and commanded without a clue.

The defenders lay down for a while, and the cat fired artillery in front of the artillery.

For a while, artillery fire was in the sky and black guns were flying indiscriminately.

The two sides come and go, and the battle is extremely fierce!

Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba are still sprinting upward.

The steps were steep but couldn't stop them!

"Throw stones, throw stones at me!"

"Smash them to death for me!"

Wang Dabiao pried the boulders with a wooden stick and made them roll down the steps.

"Get out of the way!"

Li Zhiyun shouted loudly, he somewhat underestimated the wisdom of Wang Dabiao, who was born as a bandit.

This product is typical of not playing according to the routine!

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian outside the city looked at the city with blank eyes.

Li Zhiyun still did not appear.

A bad premonition came to mind.

Li Zhiyun and them must have been strongly attacked in the city!

"Keming, I plan to attack the gates of the thief army, how?"

Du Ruxian looked at the gate directly in front of him and said

, "The city gate is not parallel to the city wall, but inside, I'm afraid that the Wolong Fort must advance forward!"

"How about that?"

Du Ruxian said fiercely: "Attack!"

Fang Xuanling nodded and firmed up his combat strategy.

I also admired Du Ruxian in my heart.

When things happen, he can make quick decisions.

"Two wings cover, advance in the middle!"

"Target - city gate!"

With Fang Xuanling's order, the fifty Wolong Fort were divided into three groups.

One or three groups shot in unison directly above the city gate!

The second group quickly advanced under the cover of fire.

Countless black spears slammed into the city gate.

Bang bang


the first gate came under heavy grenade attack.

Sure enough, Wang Dabiao in the city was anxious!

If the first gate is opened, the entire Jiayuguan will be in jeopardy.

Wang Dabiao immediately took out his energy to deal with Fang Xuanling outside the city.

It greatly relieved the pressure of Li Zhiyun and others.

The artillery fire was deafening.

Finally, he woke up Li Hu in his sleep.

Li Hu immediately spit out a black grape.

The guard was called and asked,


"What happened to the rear of Guancheng?"

"Then why hasn't Wang Dabiao solved the enemy army yet?"

The guards didn't understand what was happening, but they saw a lot of fire not far away.

Right now.

General Pei ran in in a panic and knelt on the ground:

"General Qiyu, the thief army Li Zhiyun led the army to attack the city, and the back door of Jiayuguan is in danger!"

"Who? Who do you say?

Li Hu sat up abruptly, his little eyes widening in shock:

"Are you talking about that Li Zhiyun of the Shenzhou Empire?"

General Pei nodded vigorously: "

General Wang sent his subordinates to ask the general for help!"

"Please send heavy armored soldiers to support immediately!"

Li Hu was stunned, and his face was full of incredulity.

Has the war come to this point?

How is this possible?!

The back door of Jiayuguan is tall and majestic, just like Wang Dabiao's chrysanthemum.

Ordinary people can't plug in!

Even, depending on the geographical location, the back door is a little higher than the front door.

If he were Li Zhiyun, he would definitely attack from the lower ground front door.

Why the back door?

Could it be that Li Zhiyun also likes... Pull strings?

Bang bang bang -

the explosion of grenades and the sound of artillery fire sounded again, and the whole palace shook with it.

Li Hu finally realized the current danger!

"Immediately tell Wang Dabiao, guard the back door, and General Ben will support immediately!"


Pei will hurry out.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Hu seemed to remember something again:

"If the city gate is breached, immediately retreat to the tower!"

"As long as you hold the tower, you will hold Jiayuguan!"

The general led the way.

Li Hu put on his battle armor in a panic.

Pick up a pocket knife.

Ride a war horse.

The heavy armored soldiers, who led 5,000 people, immediately headed towards the back door of Jiayu Gate.

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