Li Hu led 5,000 heavy armored soldiers to climb the city wall from the steps of the main gate, and then rushed towards the back gate.

The biggest advantage of the city here is that it runs on all sides.

The forces of the east, south, west and north gates can be mobilized at any time.

And when Li Hu arrived at the back door.

He was shocked by the sight in front of him.

The battle was even worse than he thought.

More than 30 meters above the steps.

It was all the corpses of soldiers, boulders, and wood.

As well as unrecognizable steps blown up by grenades.

Blood flowed like rivers, staining the earth red.

Blood is pervasive and fades into peace.

And in the city, there were also dead and wounded, and it was miserable.

Li Hu slapped the nervous Wang Dabiao from the rear.

"What for?!"

Wang Dabiao was angry, suddenly turned around and yelled.

Instantly, the four eyes are opposite each other.

A thief's eyebrow.

One as big as a camel bell.

A short and pithy.

A rough and strong.

Wang Dabiao took two steps back like an electric shock and gazed at Li Hu affectionately:

"General, you are finally here!"

A line of hot tears slipped down Wang Dabiao's cheeks.

He was like a five-year-old and three-thick little daughter-in-law, almost didn't hold back from waving his shame fist, wanting to rush into Li Hu's arms for comfort as soon as possible.

Li Hu directly ignored Wang Dabiao's gaze and said, "

How many soldiers and horses of the enemy broke into the city?"

"Great General Qiyu, the other three people and three horses rushed into the city."

Li Hu: ???

Three people and three rides?

He couldn't believe his ears.

The defenders of the four gates numbered more than 20,000 people!

Can't deal with these three people and three horses?

Could it be that these three people are the gods of war?


Li Hu handed Wang Dabiao a disappointed look, leaned forward to pull everyone away, and took a look.

When he saw Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao, and Li Xuanba who were hit by thousands of people back and forth, he gasped!

These three people fought hard in the crowd, as if they would not feel tired, and had endless strength.

The surrounding area is covered with corpses.

When Li Hu looked at Li Zhiyun, who was covered in blood.

Li Zhiyun's pair of starry eyes just looked over.

"Li Mouse, don't surrender soon!"

Li Zhiyun raised the Mo knife in his hand, pierced the two soldiers, and smashed it fiercely upwards.

Bang bang -

two soldiers fell to the ground, and the dead could not die again.

Li Hu's pupils were full of fear.

This is the Li Zhiyun who defeated Da Liang, Tubo and Tuyuhun?


"General Ben wants to see how you attack?"

Li Hu suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted at Li Zhiyun.

Bang bang bang -


Several loud noises came.

The first city gate was blown open by Fang Xuanling!

Two doors collapsed.

Li Zhiyun smiled strangely at Li Hu:

"How to attack?"

"That's the answer!"

Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba listened, and felt that their bodies were full of power again, wielding eight hundred pounds of sharp weapons, and constantly sweeping forward.

"Great General, the thief army outside the city has already begun to attack the second city gate, I am afraid that the city will be broken soon, what is good now?"

Wang Dabiao asked nervously.

Li Hu's small eyes were dripping and spinning.

He had never encountered such a critical situation since he had guarded this Jiayuguan for ten years.

He clearly understood what Jiayuguan meant to Da Liang.

If it is lost here, then the entire Great Cool will lose the rear barrier.

Li Zhiyun's army will definitely drive straight in and attack Wuwei!

If he loses this Jiayuguan, he can only apologize with death in front of Li Rail.

Shou is also death, and returning to Wuwei is also death.

How is it good?

"General, please make it clear!"

Wang Dabiao asked again.

Li Hu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he had an idea in his heart.

"Order the soldiers to quickly move to the tower in the center of the city, and defend accordingly!"

"General Ben's three thousand heavy armored soldiers are also delivered to you to cooperate in guarding the tower."

Wang Dabiao immediately took action, but he suddenly asked:

"General, what about you?"

Li Hu put on a righteous and awe-inspiring posture:

"General Ben personally led two thousand heavy armored soldiers to blow up all the city gates!"

"Make it impossible for the thief army outside the city to enter the city, and completely cut off the passage into the city!"

"In this way, we only need to kill Li Zhiyun and the others!"


Everyone looked sideways at Li Hu.

When did Li Hu, who has always only studied "two points and one hole", become so wise?

Li Hu continued to swear:

"Even if that thief army enters the city through other means, it is not terrible!"

Li Hu pointed to the tower and said

, "The tower is indestructible, why be afraid!"

Wang Dabiao nodded solemnly.

Li Hu was right, the tower was twenty meters high.

The whole body is made of glazed bricks.

What is Liuli?

This technique, which had existed since the Western Zhou Dynasty, was used by Li Rail at that time.

The material used to make glass is a by-product of bronze casting!

It is then refined and processed into glass.

Especially in terms of styling design, the tower adopts a "gui-shaped door" design under the upper point.

Suppress the glazed bricks layer by layer, so that the tower can withstand fire, lightning strikes, strong winds, and even black powder attacks!

And it is more upright and durable, lasting more than 10,000 men!

After Li Hu finished arranging the task, he took two thousand heavy armored soldiers and a large amount of black powder and headed towards the city.

Li Hu, who is weak, looks like a thief.

But at this time, a powerful leadership force erupted, which made Wang Dabiao and all the soldiers shine.

Especially in Wang Dabiao's heart, he felt a warm current stabbing all over his body.

It's more comfortable than stabbing a chrysanthemum.

He had thought that at this moment of crisis, Li Hu would leave all his soldiers behind and take the opportunity to escape.

But Li Hu didn't give up!

This made Wang Dabiao's heart feel extremely warm, and he was also silently swearing.

From now on.

The delicate chrysanthemums bloom only for Li Hu alone.

Even though the honey picking stick is small and short.

But he won't dislike it either.


bang bang bang -

Li Hu led two thousand heavy armored soldiers and blew up the back door and two side doors with explosive packs!

Huge stones lay beneath the city gates.

"Emperor, look quickly!"

Li Cunxiao, who was fighting hard in the crowd, pointed not far away and said, "

They actually blew up the entrance!"

"Wouldn't that Fang Xuanling Du Ruxi's army be unable to enter the city?"

Li Zhiyun clenched the Mo knife in his hand, and his eyes were full of soaring murderous energy:

"I believe that Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian must have other ways to invade the city!"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian under the city also found that the city gate was strange.

The originally flat city gate was suddenly distorted and deformed, and the loud noise and rolling stones sealed the passage to death.

Du Ruxian carefully observed the changes in the city through the telescope.

The enemy seemed to be moving to the tower in an orderly manner in order to stubbornly resist.

"Keming, how do we enter the city?"

"The emperor and the two generals have been supporting for too long, I'm afraid they have already run out of physical strength!"

Fang Xuanling was extremely anxious, and he also hated Li Zhiyun's recklessness in his heart.

Why did this ride in with three people and three?

Will the enemy make you open the city gates?

Are you kidding!

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