Du Ruxian quickly thought about countermeasures.

He did not analyze the current war situation, but analyzed a person - Li Hu.

According to the situation of many inquiries before, Li Hujiao is extravagant, greedy for pleasure, greedy for life and afraid of death!

He would never have changed his past mistakes and died with the soldiers defending the city!

After analyzing this, Du Ruxian immediately decided:

"Xuan Ling, it is impossible for all four city gates to be blocked, Li Hu must have left one!"

"Our 50,000-strong army immediately divided into three routes and waited for Li Hu to abandon the city and flee!"

Although Fang Xuanling has some doubts, at present, he can only give it a try!

Who called them "Fang Mo Du Judge"!

Every time he hesitated, Du Ruxian could always make a decision immediately.

The 50,000-strong army immediately divided into three routes and marched at great speed towards the main gate and the two side gates.


As expected!

After blowing up the two side doors and the back door, Li Hu led 2,000 heavy armored soldiers, intending to escape through the main gate.

In Li Hu's plan, after escaping, if he does not go to Wuwei to find Li Rail, he will also die.

Instead, he went to Murong Fuyun of Tubo Zhizan or Tuyuhun.

But the ideal is plump, the reality is skinny.

With a "creak", the main gate was opened by Li Hu.

Li Hu looked back at the tower in the center of Guancheng, and said silently in his heart.

"Wang Dabiao, this king ordered three thousand heavy armored soldiers to support you and blow up three city gates, which is worthy of your offering chrysanthemums!

"I hope you can hold the back door this time and don't let the back door lose again!"

Wang Dabiao, who had already stepped on the tower, looked around and suddenly saw Li Hu who was trying to escape at the main entrance.

Wang Dabiao's originally warm heart was instantly like dead ash!

Li Hu finally chose to abandon the city and flee!

Li Hu looked away and fled towards the main gate!


Countless sharp arrows shot towards Li Hu's cavalry!

Li Hu, who was caught off guard, and the two thousand heavily armored soldiers were immediately killed and wounded!

Fang Xuanling led an army of 10,000 to block Li Hu's way!

Li Hu was stunned all of a sudden.

There is obviously no thief army at this main gate, why did so many appear at once?

And Fang Xuanling stared at the skinny Li Hu and said with a smile:

"Surprised or not surprised?"

Li Hu was frightened and dismounted and knelt on the ground:

"We surrender!"

"We surrender!"

The heavy armored soldiers behind Li Hu also lost their weapons and knelt on the ground with Qi Brush.

Fang Xuanling immediately escorted Li Hu towards the city.

Wang Dabiao, who was directing the battle, immediately transferred all the grenades and black powder and other weapons to the tower.

The tower is 20 meters and is divided into five floors.

It is also equipped with food, grass and water.

Enough to last some time!

Li Zhiyun, who was fighting, saw the army led by Fang Xuanling enter the city, and he was a little relieved.

He had some regrets.

Overestimated their own combat effectiveness and underestimated the strength of their opponents.

Wang Dabiao had considerable strategic and tactical skills and organized several rounds of counterattacks.

Almost exhausted Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba to death!

"Emperor! Emperor!

"Two generals!"

"Are you all right?"

Fang Xuanling asked eagerly.

Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba collapsed on the ground and put up two fingers:

"Three thousand, three thousand, exactly three thousand!"

"We killed three thousand people!"

Fang Xuanling: ???

Tired of silly!

Several other armies also poured in from the main entrance.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian led everyone and surrounded the tower layer by layer.

Look up.

The entire tower is twenty meters high and about twenty meters in diameter, with a total of five floors.

The first layer, archers, was nearly four thousand people.

The second layer, grenade soldiers, nearly two thousand people.

On the third and fourth floors, infantry armed with weapons, nearly five thousand people.

On the fifth layer, Wang Dabiao and three thousand heavy armored soldiers.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian gasped.

Just this broken tower can actually carry so many soldiers!

The key is not to squeeze yet!

Who built this?

Although only twenty meters high.

But they once felt that it was more spectacular than the Tongtian Floating Tu in Naluoyang City!

"Bring that Li Hu to me!"

The soldiers escorted Li Hu, who had tied up with five flowers, and knelt in front of the tower.

Fang Xuanling flung a fierce gaze towards Li Hu.

Li Hu immediately shouted at Wang Dabiao on the tower:

"Wang Dabiao, quickly lead all the soldiers to surrender!"

"I'm doing this for your own good!"

Wang Dabiao was already extremely disappointed with Li Hu, and asked rhetorically:

"Why surrender??"

"Do you know that this Li Zhiyun has never been merciful to prisoners!"

Li Cunxiao got up and pressed Yuwangji against Li Hu's neck.

How could Li Hu's petite body carry the weight of eight hundred pounds!

He immediately shouted at all the soldiers,

"You don't understand people?"

"Dare to disobey the order?"

"Quickly take down that Wang Dabiao, and the others quickly come down and surrender."

"Otherwise, a dead end!"


Wang Dabiao looked at Li Hu angrily, eager to kill him!

Then, Wang Dabiao walked down the tower quickly, lit the explosive package, and sealed all the entrance positions of the tower!

"You... You! What are you doing?

Li Hu asked angrily.

"Do what?"

"I didn't learn from you yet!"

Wang Dabiao ascended to the fifth floor of the tower and said to everyone:

"Soldiers, I have sealed all the entrances!"

"If you want to surrender, jump from here!"


Everyone gasped!

Li Hu, who was lying on the ground, had a face like dead ash.

Wang Dabiao's deep voice continued to sound:

"Soldiers, brothers!"

"If Li Hu really thinks about us, he won't abandon the city and flee!"

"Are all my soldiers in Da Liang just like Li Hu, cowardly and incompetent?"

Li Hu stared at Wang Dabiao angrily:

"Wang Dabiao, for so many years, you know my strengths, but I don't know your depth!"

"Sure enough, you have long had two hearts!"

Wang Dabiao suddenly bent his bow and shot at Li Hu!

Bang -

the bow and arrow landed five meters in front of Li Hu, so frightened that Li Hu immediately threw himself to the ground and rolled backwards.

"Soldiers, see it, this is the guts of our defenders!"

"We beg others, it is better to rely on ourselves!"

"Just two hours ago, I have sent hundreds of scouts to Wuwei to deliver the letter!"

"And along the way, recruit the defenders of the various county guards to come to support!"

"As long as we hold on for two days, there is hope of winning!"

Wang Dabiao paused, and his eyes were murderous:

"How should you choose??"

Whoop - clatter -

"We will never surrender!"

Li Hu knew that the end was irreversible and sad.

Although he was a general defending the city, he never asked about military affairs.

Everything is left to Wang Dabiao.

Wang Dabiao established a deep friendship and war situation with everyone.

And he and his soldiers only have basic feelings.

Fang Xuanling waved his hand and stepped forward.

He wanted to persuade Wang Dabiao.


Wang Dabiao bent his bow sharply and took an arrow, and an arrow shot at Fang Xuanling!

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