"Xuan Ling, be careful!"

"Come back soon!"

Du Ruxian suddenly shouted.

Li Zhiyun, Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba and the others did not pay attention to everything here for a while, and immediately looked up.

But it's too late!

The arrow shot by Wang Dabiao was fiercely inserted into Fang Xuanling's right shoulder!


Fang Xuanling held the tail of the arrow in his right hand, and his body bent backwards like a bow.

His face was full of pain.

This arrow shot by Wang Dabiao is very powerful!

Come for your life!

Everyone immediately stepped forward, carefully lifted Fang Xuanling up, and half sat on the ground to check the injury.

Although there is no fear of life, there is a pain of cutting bones!

For Fang Xuanling, a Wen Chen who had no combat power, it was unbearable.

"Come man, come man!"

The accompanying military doctor quickly ran over to treat Fang Xuanling's wound and fed two pills of amoxicillin.

Du Ruxian angrily pointed at Wang Dabiao on the tower, and said angrily: "

You actually let cold arrows go here!"

"He just stepped forward to persuade him, and he doesn't pose any threat to you!"

Wang Dabiao said dismissively:


"General Ben said that he would never surrender, so why should he persuade him to surrender?"

"Okay, I'll fulfill you!"

A deep voice came, it was that Li Zhiyun!

"Everyone obeys orders!"

"Attack the tower immediately!"

"Do not accept surrender, kill them all!"


The defenders on the tower gasped!

They could feel that the entire air was filled with the smell of solemn Xiao!

Li Zhiyun Longyan is furious, and he will definitely shed blood into a river!

In a flash.

Banner hunting, war drums beating.

The Red Flame Halberd in Li Zhiyun's hand pointed straight at the tower.

The Wolong Fort was hung with grenades and black powder, and it shot hard towards the tower.

Wang Dabiao immediately roared, "

Dun Jia Guard!"

All the soldiers immediately raised their shields and formed a tight front.

From a distance, the entire open position of the tower is completely closed, and the shield and tower are integrated.

Bang bang bang -

the moment the spear and grenade touched the shield, they didn't even break through the shield!

The explosion of the grenade can only blow down the soldiers behind the shield, but it cannot inflict fatal damage!

The fallen soldiers, immediately pulled behind, new echelons were again filled.

After a round of attack, the enemy did not take substantial damage!

Wang Dabiao's face showed a look of disdain and smugness.

What do you think?

General Ben's tower is not something anyone can conquer!

Even if you Li Zhiyun looks at the world and kills decisively, what can you do?

Li Zhiyun was furious!

The soldiers were also furious!

"Emperor, we are ready to organize black powder blasting!"

Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba and other soldiers formed a demolition team, intending to carry a large amount of black powder towards the tower.

"No, never!"

Fang Xuanling struggled to get up from the ground, ignoring the blood all over his body, and shouted:

"Emperor, emperor!"

"Don't fall for the enemy's tricks!"

"The soldiers rushing over will inevitably be attacked by the enemy!"

Fang Xuanling was already very moved by Li Zhiyun's actions, but there was no need to sacrifice the lives of the soldiers in vain!

"We just need to besiege them and starve to death!"

Fang Xuanling continued to persuade.

Wang Dabiao smiled strangely, just waiting for Li Zhiyun's demolition team to come and sacrifice people's heads!

And the next scene was unexpected by Wang Dabiao!

Fang Xuanling stumbled in front of Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba.

Du Ruxian went over to help Xuanling and looked at Li Zhiyun with his eyes blank.

Li Zhiyun pondered for a moment and waved his hand:

"Everyone is tired now, right?"

"Take turns resting!"

Wang Dabiao: ???

Why doesn't Li Zhiyun play cards according to the routine?

Just now he was extremely angry!

As long as Li Zhiyun was furious to the extreme, when he led the army to attack the tower at close range.

Their own arrows, grenades, and black powder will play a powerful role, so that they will never return!

And now it's completely different.

Li Zhiyun chose to follow Fang Xuanling's advice.

Sleepy Tower!

Wang Dabiao's heart was full of miscellaneous things.

If the scouts sent out cannot find reinforcements.

All of them will be starved and frozen alive!

Li Zhiyun began to organize the soldiers to light fires and cook.

From Li Hu's palace, they turned out a lot of food, wine, and more than two hundred beauties.

A bonfire is set up and the stove is on fire.

The charcoal is ready and the barbecue is up.

Hundreds of goats are placed on the grill, dripping with oil.

As the temperature continues to rise, the soldiers sing and dance.

The bonfire lasts until ten o'clock in the evening.

All the soldiers were full of wine and food, and half lay on the ground.

Next to it is a warm campfire.

Comfortable, free, bold!

And above the tower.

Strangely quiet.

Everyone had no place to lie down, but to sit on the cold ground, nibbling on cold bread and drinking cold water.

The whole body was shivering with cold.

In the face of the war of life and death, everyone is often infected by the pride of the main general.

Adrenaline rush!

So much so that you can give your life!

And now.

It was in the dead of night that they finally figured it out.

In the long river of history, future generations only remember heroic figures.

Who can remember these nameless people!

Fuck the adrenaline!

Lao Tzu wants to eat!

Lao Tzu wants to sleep!

Many soldiers have already germinated in their hearts ... Retreat.

"Don't look any further, everyone!"

"As soon as our reinforcements come, their good days will come to an end!"

Wang Dabiao swallowed his saliva and comforted everyone:

"Everyone needs to know that this is on our Da Liang territory!"

"This is the Great Liang King Li Rail, not that Li Zhiyun!"

After thinking about it, Wang Dabiao also became confident.

He concluded that Li Rail would send reinforcements.

After all, this Jiayuguan is the rear barrier of Da Liang!

How clever is Li Rail, how could he not think of it?

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, stuffed the cold cake into their mouths, and nodded helplessly.

Close to late at night.

Li Zhiyun ordered the soldiers to take turns to rest.

And he walked into Li Hu's Guanchengcheng County Mansion.

Fang Xuanling was recuperating in the main hall.

Du Ruxiang, Li Xuanba, Li Cunxiao and others sat around, shushing and asking for warmth.

Fang Xuanling was half lying on the bed, and his heart was very moved.

This arrow of my own is really worth it!

Blood earned!

"Xuan Ling, does the wound still hurt?"

Li Zhiyun walked in and asked.

Fang Xuanling was about to get up and was pressed down by Li Zhiyun.

"Thank you for His Royal Highness the Emperor's concern, this little pain Weichen can endure, that is, it hurts a little when changing the medicine."

The military doctor walked in:

"Master Fang, it's time for us to change the dressing."

Fang Xuanling: ???

So cruel?

I don't want it!

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