There were even a few, thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girls among them.

  Seeing these people, Han Xiu was slightly startled.

  Feudal society, who has money, is the official's home

  There are not many servants in this country, and they are all contracted, just like slaves.

  And these people in front of them are obviously the kind of... indentured slaves.

  Han Xiu looked at it and said, "Old Cheng, where did these people come from?"

  "Well, to be honest, these people are all willing to become slaves, and they were all born into poor families, without parents and family!"

  "That's the only way they can eat a meal together!"

  Cheng Yaojin said.

  "Then what will happen to them if I don't choose?"

  Han Xiu continued to ask questions


  "If Mr. chooses the rest, or doesn't like any of them, then they can only sell them to other people's homes. This is their life!"

  Cheng Yaojin said.

  In this day and age.

  Being able to eat a full meal is a luxury.

  Even many children, after all their parents died, they volunteered to be slaves to those wealthy families as slaves.

  In this age, being a servant is the most useless dignity.

  If the host is either beating or scolding, all kinds of things, however, for them, can reward him

  It's good for us to have a meal.

  But a lot of times, it all depends on luck.

  Lucky people, when they fall into a good family, not only have food to eat, but can even gradually get them married and have children.

  Live a normal life.

  But once it falls into the homes of those wicked-hearted people.

  It is normal to lose one's life, even if someone reports to the official, the government will not accept it.

  Because slaves in this society have no

  There are human rights to speak of.

  "Thank you Lao Cheng for your kindness, it just so happens that I'm planning to go out to recruit workers these few days!"

  "I didn't expect you to send it to me so quickly, so let them all stay here!"

  Han Xiu's expression changed slightly, and he said with a smile on his face.

  Instead, Lao Cheng was slightly startled.

  "Leave it all"

  Han Xiu nodded noncommittally.

  "Yes, leave it all!"

  Old Cheng gave Han Xiu a deep look, not to mention that he hadn't read any books.

  but shrewd


  Just by looking at it a little, you can guess what Han Xiu was thinking.

  Obviously, he saw these servants as pitiful.

  Therefore, they made an exception to leave all these dozen people behind.

  In fact, Lao Cheng had also carefully selected before coming here.

  In other words, these dozen people are the best among all the slaves.

  "Okay, since you all want to stay, then I won't say anything, you all come in!"

  The voice fell.

  I saw the dozen or so slaves behind Lao Cheng leave one after another.

  came in.

  "From today onwards, he is your master, take good care of them, understand?"

  Lao Cheng narrowed his eyes and said instructed.

  Immediately, the dozen or so slaves nodded their heads one after another.

  He bowed to Han Xiu and saluted.


  Han Xiu waved his hand and said with a smile, "In my mansion, there is no master who says, from now on, you can call me Marquis, or Young Master!"

  "By the way, this... surnamed Liu, named Liu Quan, is the housekeeper of my house!"

  "In the future, you will encounter big and small things

  Yi, eat and drink, and find him to solve everything!"

  The voice fell.

  Seeing these dozen or so people, they all bowed and saluted.

  "Yes, Lord!"

  Han Xiu smiled and nodded.

  He also warned Liu Quan next to him.

  Afterwards, Liu Quancai took the dozen slaves and walked towards the backyard.

  Until this time, Lao Cheng Jin sniffed it.

  "Sir, it smells so good. Mmmm, I'm just making breakfast. I was drunk last night and ran over early in the morning. I haven't eaten anything yet."


  Cheng Yaojin had a greedy look on his face.

  Han Xiu shook his head with a wry smile.

  While walking towards the house with Lao Cheng, he asked, "Xi'er, is breakfast ready?"


Chapter 320: Good performance, can eliminate slave status in five years [Seeking full order]

Had breakfast.

  Old Cheng left with satisfaction.

  He was going home to catch up on his sleep, but he hadn't slept well since last night.

  When his front foot and back foot just left.

  Han Xiu called out the dozen or so servants just now.

  According to Liu Quan's statistics, there are [-] people in total.

  Among them, five were 55 women, and the remaining eleven were all men.

  Look at them all looking gray.

  Han Xiu nodded: "From today onwards, you are all of my Han residence.


  "Although you all have slaves, and now this contract is also in my hands!"

  "However, if any of you perform well within five years, or if you have made some contributions!"

  "I will help you get rid of your slave status, and return your status as a free person from now on. Not only that, I will also give you some support. As for staying in the house, I will marry and have children and do a small business. That is It's your own business!"

  The voice just fell.

  Seeing these sixteen people, they all raised their heads suddenly.

  in the eyes

  , even more with a look of hope.

  Since the day they chose to be slaves, they never thought that someone could help them eliminate slavery.

  Even so, they were willing.

  As long as you can eat, as long as you can survive.

  And now, Han Xiu promised them that everyone has the opportunity to eliminate their slave status.

  Even after the slave status is eliminated, a sum of money can be given.

  This is too important for them.

  To be honest, no one really wants to be a slave.


  You are restricted by others in your life, and you are either beaten or scolded, even if you are beaten to death or maimed, the government will not pay attention.

  Because once he becomes a slave, he is his own property.

  Whether it's good or bad has nothing to do with other people. "Yes, Lord Hou!"

  It has to be said that now Han Xiu has made this promise to them.

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