For them, Han Xiu nodded in anticipation of the future, his eyes swept over half of them from their faces, and they were still tender.

  Looking at his age, he and his sister are also similar.

  "Among you,

  As soon as the voice of someone who knew how to cook fell, I saw two slightly older girls standing up one after another.

  She said timidly, "Master Hou, when I was at home, I helped my parents cook!"

  "Master Hou, I have also cooked, but it doesn't taste very good!"

  Hearing this, Han Xiu smiled and nodded.

  "The population of the family is not too large, so let's see, from now on

  From the beginning of the day, the cooking will be handed over to you for the time being!"

  "In the future, our house is recruiting other people, or if it is the cook, they will be transferred to other places!"

  Han Xiu said.

  Hearing this, the two girls nodded one after another and retreated.

  "Who has worked in other people's homes"

  Han Xiu continued to ask.

  As soon as the voice fell, I saw four more people coming out, one woman and three men.

  The girl looked the same age as Han Xi'er.

  The other three men were slightly older.

  Looks like there are ten

  About eight or nine years old, and one of the oldest is among them.

  "Whose house have you ever done it"

  Han Xiu asked.

  "If you go back to the Marquis, I, I used to work in a mansion outside a member for a year, and then I was sold!"

  One of the youngest men answered quickly.

  "Master Hou, I worked for two years in the house of an official master in Luoyang City. After that master passed away, I naturally lived abroad!"

  "I've done it too. I used to be in a rich family, but because the master of that family treated me later, I was kicked out by my wife.

  ! "

  The girl also said quickly.

  In the end, only the... the older one remained.

  I saw his brows furrowed, his face slightly gloomy.

  But stood there, silent.

  When Han Xiu saw it, he frowned slightly and asked, "How about you?"


  "I have never been a servant. I used to be a family general, and then the general was killed in battle!"

  "Being a Master"

  Han Xiu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

  He took a deep look at the man in front of him.


  Age, about twenty-two or three years old.

  Slightly fit, with dark skin.

  It seems that it is indeed a little different from the other servants.

  It just didn't occur to him that once he was a householder, his status would be much higher than those of the servants.

  Han Xiu smiled and nodded: "So, you have martial arts skills."

  "A little bit!"

  The man replied.

  "Okay, if that's the case, let me take a look!"

  "How to Punch"

  The man was startled, glanced back, and said with a frown.

  "Target me!"

Chapter 321: From now on, all the hard work and hard work will be handed over to him

"Take you as a target, Lord Hou"

  The man's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

  He looked towards Han Xiu in disbelief.

  Not only him, but also Liu Quan next to him, as well as the other ten servants, were all taken aback.

  Han Xiu is the master and the master.

  And they are now just slaves with slaves.

  Let the slaves beat the master, if it is known by outsiders, their fate will definitely not be much better.



  Xiu smiled lightly: "It's okay, if you can hurt me, then you have the ability, if you can't hurt me, I have other arrangements for you, come on!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, the man frowned and gave Han Xiu a deep look.

  Immediately, I saw his fists clenched tightly together.

  Nodding his head, he said: "So, small: I'm rude, I hope Lord Hou can do it."

  Before he could finish speaking.

  Suddenly, the foot moved, and the whole person was like an arrow from the string, straight to Han Xiu and rushed over.

  The speed was so fast that Han Xiu was taken aback.

  His brows were tightly locked together, and he hurriedly dodged to the side.

  And just in an instant, the man has come to him.

  The two fists whistled and bowed from left to right towards Han Xiu's face.

  I have to say that this person is too insidious and his boxing style is too tough.

  Even Han Xiu had a feeling that once he was hit by his fist, he probably wouldn't feel bad.

  However, after hurriedly dodging a wave of attacks.

  Han Xiu gradually became: Calm down.

  While tossing and turning, I can't help but secretly look at this person's

  How about martial arts.

  But after a while, Han Xiu was amazed.

  Although with his ability, he still can't reach the level of one person being a prisoner, and ten thousand people can't open it.

  But as long as you train it, you will definitely become a master in the future.

  Only his insidiousness was something that Han Xiu despised.

  Although on the battlefield, as long as you can kill the opponent, it doesn't matter what tricks you use.

  But you must know that this is not a battlefield, and as soon as he makes a move, he will kill him.

  Such a person, what kind of thing has he endured in his heart to kill him, or to teach him martial arts?

  What a sinister villain after dodging for a while.

  Han Xiu's brows gradually relaxed, but there was no expression on his face.

  "Slow, it's too slow, hurry up, hurry up!"

  As the voice fell, I saw that it also became more and more urgent.

  It seems that the more this is the case, the more eager he is to defeat Han Xiu and gain his own approval.

  As a result, his movements became larger and larger.

  And the flaws are becoming more and more obvious.

  -->>This chapter does not

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  Finally, when he punched Han Xiu fiercely.

  Han Xiu dodged slightly to the side, and gave the punch a little way.

  In an instant, he grabbed the man's wrist and moved towards him.


  The man let out an exclamation, and his body immediately lost control and rushed out.

  Bang! When he just got close to Han Xiu.

  next moment.

  Seeing that Han Xiu's shoulder slammed into the man's chest.

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