He used to be from a family.

  This made him more or less proud.

  's ability.

  And in all these years, there have been no big storms.

  Even if he met a few small thieves, they all failed miserably in his hands.

  Originally, when he came to the Han family, he thought that Han Xiu would reuse him.

  As a result, he was treated as a slave of slaves, which made him feel a lot of resentment.

  When he saw Zhao Temple in front of him.

  The rage in his heart could be regarded as a complete explosion.

  He wants to defeat his opponent to prove his worth.

  Proving that Han Xiu had misunderstood someone, he was a very valuable person.


  Therefore, as soon as he made his move, his every move had murderous intent.

  This is where the competition is still a competition, it is clearly like the enemy meets.

  For a while, Zhao Si did not expect that this Lin Qing would be so cruel.

  Unprepared, he could only dodge, avoid, and have no power to fight back.

  There were even several times when he was attacked by Lin Qing, which seemed a little stretched and extremely embarrassed.

  "This kid is very hostile. Could it be that he has some resentment in his heart and that if he doesn't make a move, he will kill him!"

  Every move in the arena

  All movements fell into Niu Jinda's eyes.

  Immediately, he saw that he frowned, his face a little unhappy.

  Han Xiu smiled, he might have expected such a result.

  "General, have you ever liked jade?"

  "Yuhen, those things are all sour things, I prefer to play with knives and guns!"

  Niu Jinda replied disdainfully.

  Han Xiu nodded. If this old man really likes to play with jade, it would be a strange thing.

  However, that didn't stop him from talking later.

  "This man is a piece of rough jade,

  If it is good, he will definitely be able to show his own value in the future!"

  "But if the polishing is not good, I'm afraid that this life will be buried!"

  "This person's character is extreme and unruly. Only by letting him see more people and things can he change his arrogant character!"

  The old cow nodded, although he did not understand jade, he could

  He still understood what Han Xiu meant.

  "Well, your kid is right, this kid is indeed

  It's a bit interesting, but you have to polish it, wait, polish this kid, what did you bring Lao Tzu's Zuo Wuwei to do?"

  "Could it be that you didn't come to compete with pure heart today, but wanted to use my Zuo Wuwei to polish him"

  Immediately, Niu Jinda was suddenly startled and said with an angry look.

  When he saw Han Xiu, he had a wicked smile on his face.

  The old cow understood everything, and it was a complete reaction at this moment.

  What kind of talent, martial arts, is basically Han Xiu's words that he casually found.

  He's here to challenge himself and make a bet.

  co-authored, no matter today

  It's a test to win or lose.

  The only person who really benefited was Han Xiu.

  And he, Niu Jinda, was ruthlessly used a bunch of old bulls and was unhappy, and said with his eyes wide open: "Boy, you are trying to trick people, and you even managed to hit my old bull's head, right, I still think of it. !"

  "When you came here just now, you said that you would cook meat for the whole army today."

  "Okay, okay, my old cow has been smart for a lifetime, and a fool for a lifetime, and I was actually put together by you"

  Looking at the old bull's wrathful look.

  Han Xiu said with a smile: "General, don't get angry!"

  "Otherwise, it would be good to give you more meat tonight as an apology"

  "Also, General, come here!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Han Xiu mysteriously called Niu Jinda aside.

  Niu Jinda was puzzled and stared at him angrily.

  After a while, Han Xiu took out a small jar of wine directly from his clothes.

  The old cow saw this jar of wine.

  Immediately, the cloud on his face dissipated, and it turned into: sunny.

  "Boy, if you still have some snacks, um, let this matter pass, you want to let that

  ...Lin or something, how long has he been training in our army?"

  Niu Jinda still deliberately asked while taking advantage of his face.

  Han Xiu pondered for a moment, and then said: "Of course, the longer the better, when will the hostility in him be gone, and when will it end!"

  "Hey, what you think is good, but if you want to do this, you have to come to the army to stew meat every five days, and bring some of this by the way, otherwise"

  "make a deal!"

  Looking at Niu Jinda's threatening look.

  Han Xiu almost didn't think about it, he nodded and agreed.

  On the contrary, the old cow is still a little uncomfortable.

  , scratching his head, and muttering in his heart: Is it so easy to agree? Is he trying to remind you again: the three things of reading are collected and pushed.

Chapter 327: General, I have a deal, cooperate once? 【Seeking full order】

"Brother, you are rude everywhere, but don't blame me for being rude!"

  Right at this time.

  On the competition arena, Zhao Si also seemed to be a little angry.

  On the other hand, Lin Qing still had a gloomy face, punching punch after punch, smashing towards Zhao Si.

  Zhao Temple was tossing and turning.

  Suddenly, he suddenly flashed to the side.

  Raising his legs, he swept towards Lin Qing.

  The two of you came and went and fought in one place.

  Just a face-to-face meeting is enough to see that Lin

  The base of the green is good, but still a little worse.

  On the other hand, Zhao Temple must appear more mature and stable.

  Seeing that the other party made a dead hand, he didn't show any mercy.

  Indistinctly, it has the upper hand.

  There were bursts of applause and cheers from around, wave after wave passed over.

  All are cheering for Zhao Si.

  There is no other reason, just because Lin Qing's methods just now were too vicious.

  At this moment, all the soldiers and soldiers of the army stood on the side of Zhao Temple.

  And this battle is about to be won and lost.


  After more than an hour.

  Zuo Wuwei, in the handsome tent.

  Bursts of meat aroma, tangy, just in the middle of a road, up.

  He was holding a pot, and the pot was bubbling hot.

  Inside is a large pot of stewed pork with potatoes, fragrant.

  "Okay, hahaha, since the last time I ate your beef stew with potatoes, I've been thinking about when I can eat this!"

  "I didn't expect that today, I finally got my wish, especially this wine, um, I'm afraid it wasn't bought on the streets of Chang'an City.

  Let’s say I’m an old cow, although I don’t dare to boast, I’ve drank all the wine in Chang’an City, so it’s almost the same!”

  "This is a drink, I have never drunk it!"

  Niu Jinda ate meat and drank alcohol.

  This may be the happiest day he has had in the army for so long.

  Military discipline is strict, and alcohol is not allowed during the military.

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