Even Niu Jinda is no exception.

  Today Han Xiu secretly brought him one, although not much, but enough to satisfy his cravings.

  It can be seen that Han Xiu has been touched by the old cow's mind.

  General, this wine is from a kid, and it tastes pretty good."

  Han said with a smile.

  "You didn't think you had the ability to brew it yourself. Well, it tastes good, not to mention strong, and it's a little sweet, um, and has a flowery fragrance. It's really rare. Those wines in the noodles are just like drinking water. It doesn't make any sense!"

  Niu Jinda nodded and said admiringly.

  Then, he picked up another piece of meat and said, "Boy, let me ask you, what's the matter with your meat?"

  "You also know that we in the Tang Dynasty are not allowed to eat beef, that is illegal, can it be possible, if you know the law and break the law or not, if this is the case

  Like, my old cow too"

  Niu Jinda looked at the piece of meat in front of him and said strangely.

  Han Xiu smiled and shook his head.

  "Since it's against the law, how could the boy become a general? You taste this meat carefully, is there any difference?"


  Niu Jinda was a little stunned.

  He shoved the meat into his mouth in one bite and chewed it.

  After a long while, he frowned and said, "Well, it's really a little different.

  It's the same, but more fragrant, boy, you don't have to sell it, what kind of meat is this?"

  "Hahaha this is pork!"


  When he heard these two words, Niu Jinda almost vomited.

  Immediately, he was stunned.

  Looking at the meat in the bowl in front of him, after a while he said, "You, you mean this is pork"

  Han Xiu smiled and nodded: "The general is from a poor family, why, he also has a grudge against this pork"


  Niu Jinda put down the tableware, raised his arm and wiped his mouth.

  "It's true that my old cow was born in poverty, but I have never disliked eating!"

  "Be it beef or mutton, even pork, my old cow has never been absolutely good!"

  "I'm just a little surprised. The reason why this pork is called cheap meat, the inferior meat eaten by the poor, is mainly because of its stinky smell!"

  "Why the meat I just ate didn't taste like this"

  Niu Jinda said with a face full of surprise.

  Han Xiu smiled and explained to Lao Niu.

  In fact, the reason why the pork at this moment has such a taste.

  Mainly because it has not been castrated, so this is the case.

  And Han Xiu made this pot of meat, but he used a lot of ingredients to cover it reluctantly! Otherwise, the stench would not be eliminated.

  When he heard this, the old cow was full of admiration.

  On the other hand, Han Xiu smiled and said, "General, is our military spending enough?"

  "Enough for me!"

  When he heard this, Lao Niu's eyes turned gloomy immediately.

  "Grandma, it's okay if you don't talk about it, I'll be pissed when I talk about it!"

  "Every time I want to change weapons and armor, the guys who go to the Ministry of Finance will get a sullen stomach!"

  "Every time I ask them for money, food and military pay, it's like fighting, how can it be used?"

  Hearing this, Han Xiu smiled and nodded.

  "I also understand the general's difficulties, but if we are rich ourselves, why should we look at other people's faces?"

  "You can change your armor whenever you want, use whatever material you want, use whatever material you want, and reward the soldiers whenever you want. The general can call the shots with a single word. Isn't it beautiful?"

  "Hmph, it's easy for you to say, how can there be such a thing

  Well, boy, you said that, didn't you?"

  Niu Jinda was startled, and quickly looked at Han Xiu.

  Han Xiu smiled and said: "General, I have a deal here, we will cooperate once, how can I guarantee that within three years, Zuo Wuwei will definitely become the number one elite of the Tang Dynasty, no matter if it is a war horse. Whether it's a weapon or a weapon, it can be the best in the entire Tang Dynasty!"

  "Oh, what business do you have, let's hear it!"

  Niu Jinda was moved when he heard the words.


Chapter 328: You can't imagine the happiness of the rich!


He smiled. "General Da, approach me first and I'll tell you slowly!" "Pig, Xuan is a good thing, and its output is much larger than that of raw meat!" "The pork is plump, he just ate it too, I don't need to comment on how it tastes: ""The reason why we are so responsible is because pork is inferior meat, and if you pass it, you will feel that it is not suitable for you." If you come to breed, pork will definitely be inferior." "Besides, there are countless delicacies cooked with pork, so I won't give you a list. Anyway...you don't have any. After eating:" "As for its reputation, there is no owner in a propaganda1" "If it is good, let alone ordinary people, even if it is a publicity."

  those nobles.They will all scramble to get it!". "So, everything in the world, everything is in a package!" "Once packaged, its value is... doubled growth:" Matthew Jing smiled and gave the old student Solution. The latter. He listened to the leopard with a dazed expression. What kind of packaging, direct transmission, he didn't have a close clerk, but watching the bandit Xiu talk endlessly here. His thoughts are not spared. A little shaken. Seeing this, Han Xiu struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "Raising pigs - once you make money, this is not as simple as it looks on the surface [remember m.ai kanshuB.com, I read a book and spit out a list:"" Take the current Zuo Wuwei for the old, strength, and military discipline

  , it is Jun's who said, ""In the Tang Dynasty, it is the elite of YC and so on!" If you want to say that the total equipment is 9m.m, you think Zuo Wuwei's winter. It's straight. Good!" "It's better than Xuanjia, even to the Charm Army, Wang Shengwei. It's better to say:" "The horse's feet are seriously damaged, and the weapons are seriously damaged." "There are even some soldiers' armors, which are also sewn. It has been sewed again and again, and Liao has repaired it again." "This kind of equipment, once it is on the battlefield, how can it be said that it will win the battle and even be laughed at by the enemy." "Biwai, I also said recently, the general has the intention to pull Zuo Wuwei. :" "This is a good thing, once the expansion is made, the number of troops will be even higher." "His Majesty's difference is already under his command.

  There, the imperial decree was brought!" "But why is it that those who are late can't afford it and have not implemented it to this day?" "However, it is simple to cover, that is, there is no money in the army, no rations, what to carry and what to take. Recruiting troops" "So, if the general really cooperates with me to raise pigs" "In the coming year, there may not be many harvests, but it will be enough for this food hall" "And within three years, I can guarantee that there will be a The general's Zuo Wuwei, or the most sophisticated and elite division for weapons and equipment." "Five miles up to five years, I can guarantee that the general will have as many horses as he wants!" "If To the three questions about what the club will encounter in terms of money: ""General, imagine, how many times do you have?

  Bag history money and go to the Ministry of War!". "Throw the money in front of those old guys, turn around and leave with arrogance:" "I'll ask you, is this pleasant or not?" wrote Xiu Taotao. Jue's speech made Sheng Jinda blushing. Even he had already thought in his mind that he would be rich in the future. How to build his own weapons. He even went there to buy war horses, especially when Han Xiu said that there will be no trouble in the future. He just broke the money and smashed it. It was so comfortable. Obviously, the old man was moved. In fact, in this situation, after anyone heard the bandit Xiu's sloppy remarks, I'm afraid all of them will be moved. After a while, I nodded."

  Boy, since you said you want to raise pigs, how do you raise them? You can do this business by yourself every month, so why do you want to pull me in?” Hearing this, Shu Xiu smiled. “No!” The general is ashamed, if you want to make this deal, you really have to be a general, and Zuo Wuwei can't do it.

enter main page

Chapter 329: Raising pigs, we are all serious [Seeking full order]

"General, think for yourself!"

  "If you want to raise pigs, this scale will definitely not be small!"

  "Then the problem comes, the scale is not small, where to raise it"

  "Actually, in my field, I can circle a piece of land to build a pigpen and recruit people to raise pigs!"

  "But, that's not safe!"

  "In today's world, there are too many thieves and bandits, if someone knows that I raise pigs!"

  "Even if this is inferior pork, it will inevitably be missed!"

  "In addition, if the pigsty is moved,

  Coming to the army, it is completely different!"

  "As long as you, General, give me ten 10 soldiers, um, don't need too much, only ten people 10!"

  "Give me pigs wholeheartedly, and Zuo Wuwei doesn't need to pay for the rest of the expenses, I alone are enough!"

  "When the harvest comes next year, just sit here and wait to count the money!"

  After Han Xiu finished speaking.

  Niu Jinda's face flushed, from cloudy to sunny.

  This deal is really suitable.

  Don't need him to pay, only need him to provide ten people 10, and pay

  There is a piece of land.

  It can support the transaction.

  As for Zuo Wuwei, he lacked everything except the land.

  For Niu Jinda, raising pigs on a part of the land is a matter of minutes.

  And in this way, why can I get a share next year instead of "Boy, you can take it seriously"

  Niu Jinda pondered for a while before asking further questions.

  He is not a businessman, and naturally he does not understand these things.

  For fear that Han Xiu was lying to him.

  At this moment, Han Xiu's face

  The color was solemn, and nodded very seriously.

  "If there is a fake, let the general handle it!"

  "Okay, it's okay, but boy, since we two talk about doing business, we have to settle the account between our brothers. If we make a profit in the coming year, you have to tell me how much we can get."

  Niu Jinda said.

  I have to say, from this point of view.

  The old man is also very shrewd.

  Whoever says the ancients are sincere are all fools.

  When it comes to a critical moment, I really admit that my brain is not enough.

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