Fifty miles outside Chang'an City in the tenth year of Zhenguan

, Qingcheng Mountain in Lai'an County.

"He's n, where are there so many weeds, I can't see anything

!" "When will we be able to reach the foot of the back mountain!" Lin

Chen looked at the path in front of him, which was tightly covered by weeds, and couldn't help but have a headache.

More than half a year ago, he crossed over and became a bandit on this Qingcheng Mountain.

originally wanted to rely on the advantages of the traverser to make a big show in this Datang.

But I didn't expect that what I got was a "cottage cultivation system".

After the system is activated, a bunch of seeds are rewarded, and then they disappear.

Holding the seeds rewarded by the system, looking at a barren mountain, there is a group of hungry bandits.

Hey, this task is very arduous!

Finally, it took half a year to lead these bandits to grow food, renovate their houses, and work hard to run the cottage like a "paradise."

Just two days ago, the corn was harvested, and the system rewarded some potato seeds.

Potatoes naturally need to be loosened soil, and it seems that there is no suitable place.

This is the only thing left behind the mountain that I haven't seen.

After Lin Chen finished dealing with the affairs in the village, he thought about going to the back mountain to have a look.

Two months ago, I remembered that the roads here were all open, perhaps no one had walked for a long time, and now the weeds and trees are more than half a person high.

Cover the path tightly.

Lin Chen glanced at the weeds that couldn't be seen, and walked all the way forward.


"Don't come here!"

"Woo woo woo......"

Li Lizhi looked at a green snake spitting out a letter that had been following her, and her frightened face was about to turn white.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have been hiding so far!" looked

at the thick bushes around me, and couldn't see anything.

She ran away from marriage, and heard her father and queen mother talking about her marriage, saying that she would soon marry her to her eldest grandson Chong.

The princess of the royal family has always been a tool to win over the courtiers, and she originally thought that with her father's different favor, it would be different.

But in the end, you still have to marry someone you don't like.

The more I thought about it, the more unwilling I felt, and when the guards in the palace were lax, I sneaked out of the palace.

sneak out of the palace by yourself, and the news will soon reach your father, and the Praetorian Guards will find you as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, I still found a place a little farther away from Chang'an City to avoid the search of the Praetorian Guards.

So he hired a carriage and walked all the way in the direction of Lai'an County.

Unexpectedly, the coachman left her halfway.

I wanted to find out if there was a place to stay nearby, but I didn't think about it, but I met a green snake, and this green snake still "never gave up" to her.

Wherever you go, you follow the queen mother, and I heard the queen mother say that colored snakes are poisonous.

It's over, this snake is definitely going to poison her.

Woo ......

I wouldn't have come here if I had known!

How should this be?

Li Lizhi looked at the approaching green snake, and then turned her head to look at the dense bushes behind her, and her heart was crossed. He turned and burrowed into the thick bushes.



At this time, Li Lizhi rubbed her head that was hurt by the impact

, and muttered: "How can there be a wall here?"

couldn't help but look up, and for a moment the two of them spoke almost at the same time.

"Who are you!?" "Who are you!



Lin Chen looked at the delicate person in front of him, his eyes flashed, and he looked at himself suspiciously.

I couldn't help but be stunned, could it really be a seductive goblin?

Before I could take a second look, I heard an angry reprimand:

"You! are so rude!" Li

Lizhi looked at Lin Chen holding himself like this, she was very displeased, and she still didn't move after earning it.

Lin Chen looked down at his hands and indeed hugged the girl, but this was obviously her initiative to give her arms, where did she have any reason to object?

But looking at the person in front of him like this, he had the intention of teasing.

When Li Lizhen scolded again, she suddenly let go of her hands.

Who knew that Li Lizhi couldn't react for a while, and fell directly on her back to the ground.

Fortunately, there was a thick straw mat behind him, so it wouldn't hurt, but this made Li Li grit her teeth angrily.

"Why are you like this!?"

Lin Chen smiled and spread his hands: "There is a stone under your feet, I originally wanted to protect you from falling, since you are so unwilling, I am not too strong

!" "You ......!" Li Lizhen has never seen such a person, but he can't find the words to refute it, obviously he let go of the family.

If he hadn't been chased here by the green snake and met such a person, this wouldn't have happened.

Thinking of this, I instantly felt a chill on the back of my neck.


snake won't still follow him!?

Slowly turning his head to look, he saw a cyan thing appear.


Chen only heard Li Lizhen exclaim, and then crashed into his arms again.

looked at the woman in his arms, and said helplessly:

"You girl, my innocence doesn't matter? It seems that you are rude!" Li

Lizhi blushed when she heard this, but there was only one way in front of her, and she was blocked by this man.

She was most afraid of snakes, so she ran straight up in a hurry.

Now that he is holding others in his hands, no matter how you look at it, he is taking advantage of himself!

No, why do you say that you are taking advantage? Obviously, she is her daughter's family.

Lin Chen looked at Li Li's face with amusement, sometimes frowning and sometimes angrily switching, very cute, it seemed that he was still an interesting goblin, and couldn't help but chuckle.

But he, Lin Chen, has always been afraid of anything, and besides, he is such a good-looking goblin!

"Since the girl is so active, I, Lin Mou, am not a twisted person, and now there is a lack of a lady in the family, I think the girl is just right!"


"Congratulations to the host for capturing the lady and getting a random reward!" "

Do you want to open

the reward?" Lin Chen shook suddenly, this actually triggered the system reward.

Haha, this deal is a good deal, pick up a lady halfway, and the system also gives a reward.

Now is not the time to turn it on, looking at the woman who is constantly struggling, I still plan to talk about it later.

Along the way, Lin Chen's mood was very comfortable, and he kept humming a little song.

Li Lizhen, who was being carried by Lin Chen, was about to cry, and kept scolding all the way:

"You are a disciple! "Let me down!"

"Quickly let me down!"

Only Lin Chen smiled heartily.

[This story is an alternate history, just for everyone to laugh at.] 】

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