Every day, there will be patrol guards in the village, in groups of five, and the mountain people in the village will take turns to patrol the village.

Today is the iron pillar leading the team, and as soon as he walked halfway up the mountain, he saw Lin Chen as if he was carrying a girl.

Immediately ran up to the front, grinning and said

, "The owner of the village, this is begging for a daughter-in-law

!" Lin Chen looked at the excited crowd and smiled loudly:

"There is wine to drink tonight!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately became excited.

"It seems that the owner of the village has really found a daughter-in-law!" "Great! Our owner of the village is going to get married

!" "Our owner of the village is finally going to marry a daughter-in-law......

!" "Lao Li! What are you crying about?!" This is a good thing!"


Zhu looked unhappy, what is going on with this Lao Li, at this time, he is disappointed.

Lao Li stretched out his hand to wipe the tears on his face, and sighed with a smile:

"I am so happy that the owner of the village has begged his daughter......-in-law! I can't help it!" Tie

Zhu said with disgust: "You are too useless, this is a big joy, you should drink wine and eat meat in a big bowl to celebrate!" Lin

Chen smiled heartily: "Haha! Don't worry!

Li Lizhi was carried on Lin Chen's shoulders, and she had already been turned upside down, and now she heard so many people discussing herself, and she wanted to marry this disciple, which was even more popular.

"You thief, take your father-in-law ...... Let this girl go!Otherwise, I won't be able to spare you!"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, this woman is quite fierce, but she is also just suitable to be the lady of the village!

With a smile on her face, she continued to carry it forward.

Li Li was even more anxious when she saw that Lin Chen ignored her.

This man doesn't really want to carry himself to the mountains to be a wife, does

......he?! What should I do?

Li Lizhi rolled her eyes, thought about it and thought about it, then slowed down her tone and said softly:

"This big brother! The little woman is not in good health, so she is not suitable to be a lady!"

Lin Chen lifted Li Lizhi on her shoulder when she heard this, carrying it was the same as carrying cotton, and it was indeed a few catties of meat.

In ancient times, looking for a daughter-in-law was mainly based on good fertility, not to mention in the Tang Dynasty, it was indeed rare to see someone as slender as Li Lizhi.

However, this Li Li's figure is more in line with modern aesthetic standards, there is no less flesh to grow, and there is not much to grow.

Lin Chen didn't care:

"It's okay! There is endless food at home, and you will definitely be able to raise you for nothing!"


Li Li was extremely angry for a while, and after thinking about it, she still couldn't be tough with this person.

Then he smiled again and said:

"This eldest brother, my family is very rich! Otherwise, if you let me go, I promise to let my family send you a large sum of money when I go back! You can't spend it in your life!"

Li Lizhi saw that Lin Chen didn't answer after speaking, thinking that Lin Chen was already moved.

Thinking about it, there are few people who can resist the temptation of money! With a bright light in his eyes, he continued:

"When you take this money, what kind of beauty can't you get?"

Seeing Lin Chen pause at this point, Li Li was overjoyed, this person must have listened to it!

After finishing speaking, he strode in the direction of the cottage, and no longer paid attention to Li Liqian's noisy voice along the way.

"You person

!" "Let me go quickly!"


Li Li was in a hurry, this person actually didn't eat hard and soft, how could this be good?

Seeing that the entrance of the cottage not far away was getting closer and closer, he was anxious and angry, and the bumps along the way turned out to be dark in front of him, and he fainted.

Huzi, who was guarding the gate of the cottage, saw Lin Chen walking over with a girl on his shoulder.

Immediately, he shouted excitedly:

"The owner of the village is marrying a daughter-in-law!" "The owner of the village is marrying a daughter-in-law!"


excited shouts immediately spread, causing the surrounding mountain people to abandon their work and run over.

Lin Chen had just walked to the door, and he saw everyone in the cottage standing at the door, and his face was full of joy and congratulations.


Congratulations to the owner of the village!" "Congratulations to the owner of the village

!" Lin Chen waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Please eat and drink tonight!"

As soon as Lin Chen said this, the big guy was even more excited.

They were just hungry bandits at first, but since Lin Chen came, this place has been different.

led them to farm and build together, and now they have no worries about food and clothing, and they have built this cottage like a paradise.

In their hearts, this Lin Chen has already become their most respected family member.

The problem of food and clothing has been solved, but the lifelong event of the owner of the village has not been decided for a long time.

Seeing that they are already eighteen years old, they have not yet married.

The twelfth or thirteenth of other people's families have already become families, and the fourteenth or fifteenth year children are running all over the ground, and this eighteen-year-old is already very big.

The mountain people are also in a hurry and can't do it, but there is no suitable candidate for Mrs. Zhai. It's either that Lin Chen doesn't like it, or they think it's not worthy of their village owner.

This matter has been dragged on like this, and now the owner of the village has brought a girl back, and the lifelong event has been settled, and the big guys are excited.

The crowd hurried to get up and prepare for the evening celebrations.

Lin Chen carried Li Lizhen all the way to his room and put the person on the bed, only to find that Li Lizhen had fainted.

No wonder I didn't hear a sound when I entered the stockade.

After a brief look at Li Li's condition, her breathing was even, and there was no other discomfort, so it seemed that there was no major problem.

Only then did he sit down reassuringly and began to close his eyes and open the system.

Look at the system panel where a reward hasn't been opened yet.

"Claim the reward!" "


!" "Congratulations to the host for the Courage of the Overlord!" "

Fusion takes half an hour and cannot be interrupted during this period.

"May I ask if the host is fused?"

Lin Chen glanced at Li Lizhi on the bed, and saw that he was still asleep, so he said lightly: "Fusion!" "Fusion


Suddenly, Lin Chen felt a hot air wandering around his body, flowing back and forth between his limbs.

The whole body is steaming, accompanied by the slightest swelling pain.

Gradually, the breath around his body became thicker and thicker, and he actually became one with his body, and suddenly felt that there was an infinite power around his body that wanted to burst out.

Lin Chen threw a punch and hit the table and chair in front of him directly.


In an instant, the tables and chairs in front of him shattered, and the house bounded by tables and chairs also collapsed in an instant. Heavy dust spreads out.

Lin Chen opened his eyes and saw that the houses in front of him had all collapsed, and he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, this overlord's courage was really a divine power!

Now he felt that his body was filled with a strong force.

This reward, it feels pretty good!

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